


Enzymes involved in hepatic acylglycerol metabolism in the chicken.

2011 Biochemical and biophysical research communications;406(2):257, 261, 257-61.
PMID:  21316342

Riegler Barbara, Besenboeck Carolin, Bauer Raimund, Nimpf Johannes, Schneider Wolfgang J

Merotelic kinetochore attachment: causes and effects.

2011 Trends in cell biology;21(6):374, 381, 374-81.
PMID:  21306900

Gregan Juraj, Polakova Silvia, Zhang Lijuan, Tolić-Nørrelykke Iva M, Cimini Daniela

The use of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) as an alternative biomarker detection technique: a preliminary study.

2011 Journal of cellular and molecular medicine;15(12):2706, 2711, 2706-11.
PMID:  21306559

Shahzad Aamir, Knapp Martin, Lang Irene, Köhler Gottfried

The RNA annealing mechanism of the HIV-1 Tat peptide: conversion of the RNA into an annealing-competent conformation.

2011 Nucleic acids research;39(10):4405, 4418, 4405-18.
PMID:  21297117

Doetsch Martina, Fürtig Boris, Gstrein Thomas, Stampfl Sabine, Schroeder Renée

Conventional dendritic cells mount a type I IFN response against Candida spp. requiring novel phagosomal TLR7-mediated IFN-β signaling.

2011 Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950);186(5):3104, 3112, 3104-12.
PMID:  21282509

Bourgeois Christelle, Majer Olivia, Frohner Ingrid E, Lesiak-Markowicz Iwona, Hildering Kwang-Soo, Glaser Walter, Stockinger Silvia, Decker Thomas, Akira Shizuo, Müller Mathias, Kuchler Karl

The Arabidopsis protein kinase Pto-interacting 1-4 is a common target of the oxidative signal-inducible 1 and mitogen-activated protein kinases.

2011 The FEBS journal;278(7):1126, 1136, 1126-36.
PMID:  21276203

Forzani Celine, Carreri Alessandro, de la Fuente van Bentem Sergio, Lecourieux David, Lecourieux Fatma, Hirt Heribert

Distinct and redundant functions of histone deacetylases HDAC1 and HDAC2 in proliferation and tumorigenesis.

2011 Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.);10(3):406, 412, 406-12.
PMID:  21270520

Jurkin Jennifer, Zupkovitz Gordin, Lagger Sabine, Grausenburger Reinhard, Hagelkruys Astrid, Kenner Lukas, Seiser Christian

Entry of a heparan sulphate-binding HRV8 variant strictly depends on dynamin but not on clathrin, caveolin, and flotillin.

2011 Virology;412(1):55, 67, 55-67.
PMID:  21262518

Khan Abdul Ghafoor, Pickl-Herk Angela, Gajdzik Leszek, Marlovits Thomas C, Fuchs Renate, Blaas Dieter

Deletion analysis of the 3' long terminal repeat sequence of plant retrotransposon Tto1 identifies 125 base pairs redundancy as sufficient for first strand transfer.

2011 Virology;412(1):75, 82, 75-82.
PMID:  21262516

Tramontano Andrea, Donath Alexander, Bernhart Stephan H, Reiche Kristin, Böhmdorfer Gudrun, Stadler Peter F, Bachmair Andreas

Another place, another timer: Marine species and the rhythms of life.

2011 BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology;33(3):165, 172, 165-72.
PMID:  21254149

Tessmar-Raible Kristin, Raible Florian, Arboleda Enrique

Cross-talk of calcium-dependent protein kinase and MAP kinase signaling.

2011 Plant signaling & behavior;6(1):8, 12, 8-12.
PMID:  21248475

Wurzinger Bernhard, Mair Andrea, Pfister Barbara, Teige Markus

Have a break: determinants of meiotic DNA double strand break (DSB) formation and processing in plants.

2011 Journal of experimental botany;62(5):1545, 1563, 1545-63.
PMID:  21220780

Edlinger Bernd, Schlögelhofer Peter

Protein N-acylation overrides differing targeting signals.

2011 FEBS letters;585(3):517, 522, 517-522.
PMID:  21219905

Stael Simon, Bayer Roman G, Mehlmer Norbert, Teige Markus

Structural basis for MOF and MSL3 recruitment into the dosage compensation complex by MSL1.

2011 Nature structural & molecular biology(2)
PMID:  21217699

Kadlec Jan, Hallacli Erinc, Lipp Michael, Holz Herbert, Sanchez-Weatherby Juan, Cusack Stephen, Akhtar Asifa

N-terminal domain of human Hsp90 triggers binding to the cochaperone p23.

2011 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(2)
PMID:  21183720

Karagöz G Elif, Duarte Afonso M S, Ippel Hans, Uetrecht Charlotte, Sinnige Tessa, van Rosmalen Martijn, Hausmann Jens, Heck Albert J R, Boelens Rolf, Rüdiger Stefan G D

MicroRNA-regulated, systemically delivered rAAV9: a step closer to CNS-restricted transgene expression.

2011 Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy(3)
PMID:  21179009

Xie Jun, Xie Qing, Zhang Hongwei, Ameres Stefan L, Hung Jui-Hung, Su Qin, He Ran, Mu Xin, Seher Ahmed Seemin, Park Soyeon, Kato Hiroki, Li Chengjian, Mueller Christian, Mello Craig C, Weng Zhiping, Flotte Terence R, Zamore Phillip D, Gao Guangping

Regulation of Candida glabrata oxidative stress resistance is adapted to host environment.

2011 FEBS letters;585(2):319, 327, 319-27.
PMID:  21156173

Roetzer Andreas, Klopf Eva, Gratz Nina, Marcet-Houben Marina, Hiller Ekkehard, Rupp Steffen, Gabaldón Toni, Kovarik Pavel, Schüller Christoph

Identification of an RNase J ortholog in Sulfolobus solfataricus: implications for 5'-to-3' directional decay and 5'-end protection of mRNA in Crenarchaeota.

2011 RNA (New York, N.Y.);17(1):99, 107, 99-107.
PMID:  21115637

Hasenöhrl David, Konrat Robert, Bläsi Udo

Target RNA-directed tailing and trimming purifies the sorting of endo-siRNAs between the two Drosophila Argonaute proteins.

2011 RNA (New York, N.Y.)(1)
PMID:  21106652

Ameres Stefan L, Hung Jui-Hung, Xu Jia, Weng Zhiping, Zamore Phillip D

Adjuvating the adjuvant: facilitated delivery of an immunomodulatory oligonucleotide to TLR9 by a cationic antimicrobial peptide in dendritic cells.

2011 Vaccine;29(3):426, 436, 426-36.
PMID:  21093498

Aichinger Michael C, Ginzler Michael, Weghuber Julian, Zimmermann Lars, Riedl Karin, Schütz Gerhard, Nagy Eszter, von Gabain Alexander, Schweyen Rudolf, Henics Tamás

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