


The hydrolethalus syndrome protein HYLS-1 links core centriole structure to cilia formation.

2009 Genes & development(17)
PMID:  19656802

Dammermann Alexander, Pemble Hayley, Mitchell Brian J, McLeod Ian, Yates John R, Kintner Chris, Desai Arshad B, Oegema Karen

Raf-1 addiction in Ras-induced skin carcinogenesis.

2009 Cancer cell;16(2):149, 160, 149-60.
PMID:  19647225

Ehrenreiter Karin, Kern Florian, Velamoor Vanishree, Meissl Katrin, Galabova-Kovacs Gergana, Sibilia Maria, Baccarini Manuela

Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV): a strong candidate vaccine for achieving global polio eradication program.

2009 Vaccine;27(39):5293, 5294, 5293-4.
PMID:  19638271

Shahzad Aamir, Köhler Gottfried

Targeted inactivation of a developmentally regulated neural plectin isoform (plectin 1c) in mice leads to reduced motor nerve conduction velocity.

2009 The Journal of biological chemistry;284(39):26502, 26509, 26502-9.
PMID:  19625254

Fuchs Peter, Zörer Michael, Reipert Siegfried, Rezniczek Günther A, Propst Friedrich, Walko Gernot, Fischer Irmgard, Bauer Jan, Leschnik Michael W, Lüscher Bernhard, Thalhammer Johann G, Lassmann Hans, Wiche Gerhard

Dendritic cells require STAT-1 phosphorylated at its transactivating domain for the induction of peptide-specific CTL.

2009 Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950);183(4):2286, 2293, 2286-93.
PMID:  19620292

Pilz Andreas, Kratky Wolfgang, Stockinger Silvia, Simma Olivia, Kalinke Ulrich, Lingnau Karen, von Gabain Alexander, Stoiber Dagmar, Sexl Veronika, Kolbe Thomas, Rülicke Thomas, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas

Cooperation between the INO80 complex and histone chaperones determines adaptation of stress gene transcription in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

2009 Molecular and cellular biology;29(18):4994, 5007, 4994-5007.
PMID:  19620280

Klopf Eva, Paskova Ludmila, Solé Carme, Mas Gloria, Petryshyn Andriy, Posas Francesc, Wintersberger Ulrike, Ammerer Gustav, Schüller Christoph

MAPK cascade signalling networks in plant defence.

2009 Current opinion in plant biology;12(4):421, 426, 421-6.
PMID:  19608449

Pitzschke Andrea, Schikora Adam, Hirt Heribert

Measuring the signs of 1H(alpha) chemical shift differences between ground and excited protein states by off-resonance spin-lock R(1rho) NMR spectroscopy.

2009 Journal of the American Chemical Society;131(31):10832, 10833, 10832-3.
PMID:  19606858

Auer Renate, Neudecker Philipp, Muhandiram D Ranjith, Lundström Patrik, Hansen D Flemming, Konrat Robert, Kay Lewis E

Mimicking virus attachment to host cells employing liposomes: analysis by chip electrophoresis.

2009 Electrophoresis;30(12):2123, 2128, 2123-8.
PMID:  19582713

Weiss Victor U, Bilek Gerhard, Pickl-Herk Angela, Blaas Dieter, Kenndler Ernst

Tristetraprolin is required for full anti-inflammatory response of murine macrophages to IL-10.

2009 Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950);183(2):1197, 1206, 1197-206.
PMID:  19542371

Schaljo Barbara, Kratochvill Franz, Gratz Nina, Sadzak Iwona, Sauer Ines, Hammer Michael, Vogl Claus, Strobl Birgit, Müller Mathias, Blackshear Perry J, Poli Valeria, Lang Roland, Murray Peter J, Kovarik Pavel

A major role of the MEKK1-MKK1/2-MPK4 pathway in ROS signalling.

2009 Molecular plant;2(1):120, 137, 120-37.
PMID:  19529823

Pitzschke Andrea, Djamei Armin, Bitton Frédérique, Hirt Heribert

Receptor-mediated mechanisms in ovarian follicle and oocyte development.

2009 General and comparative endocrinology;163(1-2):18, 23, 18-23.
PMID:  19523388

Schneider Wolfgang J

Structural study of X-ray induced activation of carbonic anhydrase.

2009 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;106(26):10609, 10613, 10609-13.
PMID:  19520834

Sjöblom Björn, Polentarutti Maurizio, Djinovic-Carugo Kristina

In the eye of the beholder: Inhomogeneous distribution of high-resolution shapes within the random-walk ensemble.

2009 The Journal of chemical physics(21)
PMID:  19508095

Müller Christian L, Sbalzarini Ivo F, van Gunsteren Wilfred F, Zagrović Bojan, Hünenberger Philippe H

The impact of non-coding RNAs: workshop on new functions of regulatory RNAs in pro- & eukaryotes.

2009 EMBO reports;10(6):563, 567, 563-7.
PMID:  19465893

Boots Jennifer L, Moll Isabella

Aggregation-associated loss of antigenicity observed for denatured virion protein 1 of Equine rhinitis A virus in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.

2009 Virus research;143(1):130, 133, 130-3.
PMID:  19463730

Kriegshäuser Gernot, Kuechler Ernst, Skern Tim

The bilobe structure of Trypanosoma brucei contains a MORN-repeat protein.

2009 Molecular and biochemical parasitology;167(2):95, 103, 95-103.
PMID:  19445968

Morriswood Brooke, He Cynthia Y, Sealey-Cardona Marco, Yelinek Jordan, Pypaert Marc, Warren Graham

Determination of yeast mitochondrial KHE activity, osmotic swelling and mitophagy.

2009 Methods in enzymology;457:305, 317, 305-17.
PMID:  19426875

Nowikovsky Karin, Devenish Rodney J, Froschauer Elisabeth, Schweyen Rudolf J

Histone deacetylase HDAC1/HDAC2-controlled embryonic development and cell differentiation.

2009 The International journal of developmental biology;53(2-3):275, 289, 275-89.
PMID:  19412887

Brunmeir Reinhard, Lagger Sabine, Seiser Christian

Lamin complexes in the nuclear interior control progenitor cell proliferation and tissue homeostasis.

2009 Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.);8(10):1488, 1493, 1488-93.
PMID:  19377295

Naetar Nana, Foisner Roland

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