Max Ferdinand Perutz was born in Vienna on May 19th, 1914. Both his parents, Hugo Perutz and Dely Goldschmidt, came from families of textile manufacturers who had made their fortune in the 19th century by the introduction of mechanical spinning and weaving into the Austrian monarchy.
Max Perutz was first educated at the Theresianum, a grammar school derived from an officers’ academy from the days of the Empress Maria Theresia. Many years later he said:“I owe my first step to popularity to scarlet fever which I caught when I was fourteen. To disinfect the classroom, my schoolmates got three days off, for which they thanked me solemnly in a letter signed by the entire class”.
At sixteen, Max won the cup for his school in the skiing competition of the Vienna High Schools, and as a result of that victory his standing at school was transformed.
“For the first time in my life I was treated with a certain degree of respect. From then on our gym teacher always gave me top marks, but they happened to be the only ones in my otherwise mediocre school reports”.
Max aged seven, with his older siblings Franz and Lotte, in Reichenau
Pupil at the Theresianum, aged fifteen
Max aged about two, with his Bavarian nanny Cilly Jetzfellner
Max was supposed to study law in preparation for entering the family business. However, a good schoolmaster at the Theresianum kindled his interest in chemistry, and he made this the subject of his studies at university.
Although largely disappointed with the way in which the subject was taught, he acquired a special interest in organic biochemistry, having heard about the work of the Nobel Prize winner (and discoverer of vitamins) Sir Gowland Hopkins at Cambridge.
His teacher, Herman Mark, visited Cambridge with plans to pave the way for Perutz to join Hopkins’ group. But Mark met J. D. Bernal, who said that he would take Perutz as his student.
Max F. Perutz
One of Max’s many stunning mountain photographs, taken on a trip to the Swiss Alps, 1938
Max Perutz with his three year-old daughter Vivien during the 1948 Jungfraujoch expedition.
Mountains played an important part in Max Perutz’s life. He had a great passion for mountaineering and skiing. Barely a year passed without a visit to Austria or Switzerland. He also led courses in alpine skiing for his friends.
Max Perutz with a polarizing microscope examining thin sections of glacier ice in a cave in the Alps, 1938
From his early twenties Perutz had a deep interest in glaciers. How do glaciers flow? Does this occur like honey flowing out of a tilted container, or is there some other mechanism? More or less as a hobby, Perutz, examined this problem and proposed that they behave like a ductile metal (such as aluminium when it is rolled into a sheet), a story to be published in Nature in 1953. In honour of his contributions to glaciology, a glacier in the Antarctic was named after him (Perutz Glacier (67°36′S 66°33′W) on the west coast of Graham Land)
In 1946 Max Perutz was joined in Cambridge by John Kendrew, who set out to work on myoglobin, the much smaller one-chain cousin of haemoglobin. Both spent several years collecting huge amounts of data and using the intensities of the reflections to calculate contour maps (Patterson maps), hoping that these would allow them to determine the haemoglobin structure.
The approach failed. Provoked and inspired by a graduate student (Francis Crick), Perutz decided to attack the so-called phase problem from a different angle.
The Patterson Map
Diffraction photograph of oxyhaemoglobin and the famous haemoglobin model.
The breakthrough came in 1953, when Perutz and Kendrew managed to soak a heavy atom (mercury) into their haemoglobin crystal. From the difference produced in the diffraction pattern Perutz was able to deduce the phase of the reflections. To this day, the isomorphous replacement method is still widely used to determine the crystal structure of proteins.
Max Perutz and John C. Kendrew receive the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for their studies of globular proteins.
Max F. Perutz with his first high-resolution
model of haemoglobin.
For Max Perutz the challenge continued. To understand the oxygen-binding function of haemoglobin, he needed atomic models of both the oxygenated and deoxygenated forms of haemoglobin. This required measuring several hundred thousand reflections.
Perutz and his collaborators completed it in 1970, about thirty-three years after he had taken the first X-ray picture of the molecule. He proposed a cooperative mechanism with the different parts of the model swinging back and forth between the two forms. It beautifully illustrated, and refined, the mechanism of conformational change (or allostery) postulated by the French biochemist Jacques Monod.
Cartoon drawn by Max Perutz’s colleague Kyoshi Nagai, illustrating the shift between tense (T) and relaxed (R) states of haemoglobin.
After he retired as Chairman, Max Perutz kept an office at the LMB in Cambridge, the wall hung with portraits of his scientific heroes.
Approaching his eightieth birthday, Max Perutz took an interest in Huntington disease, a neurodegenerative disorder caused by abnormal expansions of glutamine repeats in the mutant protein (later called huntingtin). He proposed that proteins with long runs of glutamine residues would form aggregates harmful to the cell. Max Perutz led by example and carried out his own experiments at the bench well into his eighties.
When asked in a BBC radio interview what luxury he would
take on a remote island, 87-year old Max Perutz answered:
I am indebted to Georgina Ferry (Oxford) for valuable advice on Max Perutz and permission to use excerpts from her biography. Many thanks to Vivien Perutz (Cambridge) for allowing us to reprint pictures that are owned by the Perutz family. Kyoshi Nagai (Cambridge) has kindly contributed the cartoon.
Alwin Köhler
Architecture of Protein Complexes In Situ by Structural Proteomics
Francis is a rising star in protein crosslinking mass spectrometry and currently a junior group leader at NIH (since 3 years). He has made major contributions to developing this method, aiming to study protein-protein interactions within purified protein complexes or directly within cells (see Francis has also established himself as a sought-after collaborator - he has contributed CX-MS in 12+ (published) collaboration projects since 2018. Given the Vienna BioCenter’s continued interest in high-end mass spectrometry this seminar will provide valuable insights into his/the field’s current state and future directions.
In this economy? Even transcription factors need a side gig
Date: 2025-03-26, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Sy Redding, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Host: Daniel Gerlich
How human immunodeficiency virus enters the nucleus
Date: 2025-03-27, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Martin Beck, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Max Planck Institute for Biophysics, Host: Alwin Köhler
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-03-31, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: HOLZER Elisabeth (Martens)THEMANN Jan (Knoblich)SCARAMUZZA Federico (Tessmar), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Conserved gene networks of the visual system
Date: 2025-04-01, Time: 13:15:00, Speaker: Elke Buschbeck, Location: UBB - Lecture Hall 1, Type: Interaction and Evolution of Organisms Seminar Series, Institute: University of Cincinnati, Ohio, Host: Mihaela Pavlicev
How to bounce back from rejection
Date: 2025-04-01, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Natascha Bushati, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: Life Science Editors, Host: Andrea Pauli
The immune system of bacteria: Beyond CRISPR
Date: 2025-04-03, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Rotem Sorek, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Weizmann Institute, Host: Sebastian Falk
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-04-03, Time: 14:00:00, Speaker: Paul Schanda, Location: Lecture Hall B, VBC5 & Zoom, Type: Seminar Series on Modern Concepts in Structural Biology, Institute: ISTA, Host: Elif Karagöz
Plasmids at the Crossroads: Microbial Interactions and Adaptations in the Gut
Date: 2025-04-03, Time: 12:00:00, Speaker: Itzhak Mizrahi, Location: UBB - Lecture Hall 2 & Zoom, Type: DOME Lecture Series, Institute: Ben Gurion University, Host: David Berry
Evolution of bacterial symbionts — Characterization of a ssDNA endonuclease that modulates horizontal gene transfers
Date: 2025-04-04, Time: 15:00:00, Speaker: Frederic Veyrier, Location: UBB - Lecture Hall 3, Type: Interaction and Evolution of Organisms Seminar Series, Institute: INRS, Host: Silvia Bulgheresi
Defense and counter-defense in small RNA-mediated plant immunity
Date: 2025-04-04, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: Wenbo Ma, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: GMI Seminar, Institute: The Sainsbury Laboratory, Host: Yasin Dagdas
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-04-07, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: CHAO Victor (Huis)KHANDEKAR Ameya (Ellis)KROGULL Daniel (Burga), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Quest for Inhibition of Cell entry of SARS-CoV-2 and Other Virus
Date: 2025-04-08, Time: 14:00:00, Speaker: Dusan Turk, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: Jozef Stefan Institute, Host: Tim Clausen
Tiles of Life - Student Symposium
The symposium will explore the intricate "tiles" that form the vast and diverse fields of molecular biology and aims to foster discussions and inspire collaborations by bringing the “tiles of life” together. The program includes several talks by esteemed and international speakers sharing their latest findings to link the molecular mosaic of the cell - from structures to organisms. Additionally, we will highlight the research of the SMICH community on campus by complementing the program with student talks.
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-04-10, Time: 14:00:00, Speaker: Georg Krainer, Location: Lecture Hall B, VBC5 & Zoom, Type: Seminar Series on Modern Concepts in Structural Biology, Institute: University of Graz, Host: Thomas Juffmann
Plasmids at the Crossroads: Microbial Interactions and Adaptations in the Gut
Date: 2025-04-10, Time: 12:00:00, Speaker: Matthew B. Sullivan, Location: UBB - Lecture Hall 2 & Zoom, Type: CeMESS Lecture Series, Institute: The Ohio State University, Host: Anouk Willemsen
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-04-14, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: OKUN Anastasia (Karagöz)COLLISON Robert (Ramundo)WELZL Paul (Balzarotti/Plaschka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Why do some individuals live longer? Unraveling multi-scale heterogeneity in aging
Date: 2025-04-22, Time: 10:00:00, Speaker: Nicholas Stroustrup, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Host: Elly Tanaka
Wiring genes to regulatory elements
Date: 2025-04-24, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Maria Cristina Gambetta, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: University of Lausanne, Host: Anton Goloborodko
Optimality for developmental robustness
Date: 2025-04-25, Time: 10:30:00, Speaker: Takshi Hiragi, Location: IMP Seminar Room 1.014/16, Type: IMP Impromptu Seminar, Institute: Hubrecht Institute, Host: Diana Pinheiro
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-04-28, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: SUWITA Johannes (Pauli)PANDA Aswini (Falk), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Trogocytosis: A New Paradigm for Immune Cell Interactions and Receptor Sharing
Date: 2025-04-28, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Manuel Albanese, Location: IMP Seminar Room 1.014/16, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: Fondazione Istituto Nazionale Genetica Molecolare, Milan, Host: Moritz Gaidt
Hydractinia i-cell: development, growth, and regeneration
Date: 2025-04-29, Time: 13:15:00, Speaker: Uri Frank, Location: UBB - Lecture Hall 1, Type: Interaction and Evolution of Organisms Seminar Series, Institute: University of Galway, Host: Ulrich Technau
Telomere transcription, TERRA and telomere stability
Date: 2025-04-29, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: Claus M. Azzalin, Location: Max Perutz Labs SR 1 (6.501), Type: New Developments in Chromosome Biology, Institute: Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine, Lisbon, Host: Joao Matos
Coordinating chromosome condensation and decatenation
Date: 2025-05-02, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Rene Medema, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: Princess Maxima Center, Utrecht, Host: Pim Huis in 't Veld
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-05-05, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KIM Olena (Knoblich)JOB Nikhil (Dolan)ADELMANN Leonie (Raible), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Understanding transcription: one molecule at a time
Date: 2025-05-06, Time: 15:00:00, Speaker: Tineke Lenstra, Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: NKI, Host: Clemens Plaschka
Microsymposium on RNA Biology'
Date: 2025-05-07, Time: 09:00:00, Speaker: , Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Symposium, Institute: None, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-05-08, Time: 15:30:00, Speaker: Florian Schueder, Location: Lecture Hall B, VBC5 & Zoom, Type: Seminar Series on Modern Concepts in Structural Biology, Institute: ETH Zürich, Host: Jonas Ries / Zach Marin
Ubiquitin & Friends Symposium 2025
The Ubiquitin & Friends Symposium is an annual international meeting, organized by the Special Research Program (SFB) Targeted Protein Degradation, that brings together researchers from various fields studying ubiquitin (Ub) biology and targeted protein degradation.
EMBO meeting on RNA meets Protein decay
Date: 2025-05-11, Time: 14:00:00, Speaker: , Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Symposium, Institute: None, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-05-12, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: SCIBISZ Grzegorz (Karagöz)VAN GENDEREN Emiel (Rivron)BOZKURT Miray (Tanaka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Regulating transcription by modulating bursting kinetics
Date: 2025-05-13, Time: 13:15:00, Speaker: Franziska Lorbeer, Location: UBB - Lecture Hall 1, Type: Interaction and Evolution of Organisms Seminar Series, Institute: IMP, Host: Silvia Bulgheresi
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-05-15, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Chuna Ram Choudhary, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: University of Copenhagen, Host: Alex Stark
Using ancient proteins to understand the biochemical past and present
Date: 2025-05-16, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: Georg Hochberg, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: GMI Seminar, Institute: Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg, Host: Yasin Dagdas
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-05-19, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: STRAVS Ana (Knoblich)WALLNER Eva-Sophie (Dolan)BECKER Moritz (Leeb), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Conservation and innovation in sex chromosomes across Porifera
Date: 2025-05-20, Time: 13:15:00, Speaker: Ana Riesgo, Location: UBB - Lecture Hall 1, Type: Interaction and Evolution of Organisms Seminar Series, Institute: National Museum of Natural Sciences (CSIC), Host: Roger Revilla-i-Domingo
Spatial Proteomics: subcellular maps to decode cellular states
Date: 2025-05-22, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Manuel Leonetti, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: CZ Biohub San Francisco, Host: Elif Karagöz
Winding roads to make mRNA - insights into RNA processing of trypanosomatids
Date: 2025-05-22, Time: 14:00:00, Speaker: Eva Kowalinski, Location: Lecture Hall B, VBC5 & Zoom, Type: Seminar Series on Modern Concepts in Structural Biology, Institute: EMBL Grenoble, Host: Sebastian Falk
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-05-26, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: DIMITROVA Polina (Van der Veeken)POTTENDORFER Elisabeth (Obenauf)SCHÖNLEIN Martin (Obenauf), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-05-27, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: Julia Arand, Location: Max Perutz Labs SR 1 (6.501), Type: New Developments in Chromosome Biology, Institute: Medical University Vienna, Host: Verena Jantsch
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-06-02, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: SABATH Kevin (Plaschka/Stark)MANCHENO JUNCOSA Estela (Mendjan)HORENKAMP Simone (Tanaka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Aquatic Fungi: Biology, Ecology and Evolution
Date: 2025-06-03, Time: 13:15:00, Speaker: Michael Cunliffe, Location: UBB - Lecture Hall 1, Type: Interaction and Evolution of Organisms Seminar Series, Institute: University of Plymouth & Marine Biological Association (MBA), Host: Varsha Mathur
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-06-05, Time: 14:00:00, Speaker: Sebastian Glatt, Location: Lecture Hall B, VBC5 & Zoom, Type: Seminar Series on Modern Concepts in Structural Biology, Institute: Veterinary University Vienna, Host: Sebastian Falk
Deconstructing the coral holobiont
Date: 2025-06-10, Time: 13:15:00, Speaker: Javier del Campo, Location: UBB - Lecture Hall 1, Type: Interaction and Evolution of Organisms Seminar Series, Institute: Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (CSIC-UPF), Host: Varsha Mathur
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-06-12, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Stefan Mundlos, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Host: Julius Brennecke
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-06-12, Time: 14:00:00, Speaker: Ezgi Karaca, Location: Lecture Hall B, VBC5 & Zoom, Type: Seminar Series on Modern Concepts in Structural Biology, Institute: Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center, Host: Irma Querques
Cohesin and condensin differently regulate homology search
Date: 2025-06-13, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Aurele Piazza, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, Host: Daniel Gerlich
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-06-16, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BERGER Sonja (Goloborodko)KOWALD Saskia (Gaidt)KAPRAL Thomas (Zagrovic), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-06-18, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Nikhil Joshi, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Yale University, Host: Joris Van der Veeken
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-06-23, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BUCHERON Chloe (Menche)KRUMWIEDE Luisa (Gaidt)PACHANO Tomas (Stark), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Max Perutz Labs 20th Anniversary
We are excited to invite you to the Max Perutz Labs 20th Anniversary Celebration & Perutz Lectures. Join us for an inspiring afternoon of scientific talks, a panel discussion, and an evening celebration honoring the evolution of the Max Perutz Labs throughout two decades of research and collaboration.
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-06-26, Time: 14:00:00, Speaker: Tina Perica, Location: Lecture Hall B, VBC5 & Zoom, Type: Seminar Series on Modern Concepts in Structural Biology, Institute: University of Zurich, Host: Irma Querques
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-06-30, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: SCHINDLER Lukas (Schlögelhofer)MANDLBURGER Nikolaus (Stark)OTTO Magdalena (Leonard), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-07-03, Time: 13:30:00, Speaker: Jakub Sedinski, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: reNEW Institute, Host: Diana Pinheiro
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-07-03, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Matthias Mann, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Host: Marco Hein
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-07-04, Time: 13:00:00, Speaker: Daniel Capek, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: University of Konstanz, Host: Diana Pinheiro
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-07-07, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: TRUS Palina (Peters)KOBAKHIDZE George (Dong)KONGSTED Thea (Dolan), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-07-10, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Simon Alberti, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: TU Dresden, Host: Erinc Hallacli
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-07-14, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: RUSCH Emma (Golobordko)VELIKOV Daniel (Matos)VOGEL Alexander (Clausen/Yudushkin), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-07-21, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: ANGELOPOULOU Eleni (Ellis)SCHAFFER Petra (Grade)RAMIREZ America (Köhler), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-07-28, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: DIMITRIADI Anna (Mendjan)LEITNER Moritz (Martinez)BRADAMANTE Gabriele (Biooptics), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-08-04, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: LI Wenxin (Zimmer)FISCHER Felix (Zagrovic)ABESAMIS Kim Ivan (Dong), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-08-11, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KLEIFELD Justus (Urban)JAHNEL Stefan (Mendjan)BHATTACHARYA Mrinnanda (Zimmer), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-08-18, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BELL Lillie (Clausen)MIHAILOVIC Milica (Karagöz)GRIGOREVA Elizabeta (Nordborg), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-08-25, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BOHL VIALLEFONT Gregoire (Nordborg)MARCHIORI Elisa (Van der Veeken)MCATEER Tara (Pinheiro), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-09-01, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KIRCHGATTERER Paul (Gaidt)ACHLEITNER Sonja (Martens)KAYA Oguzhan (Knoblich), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-09-08, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: HUTH Michelle (Leeb)RADHAKRISHNA PILLAI Balashankar (Brennecke)REN Kaike (Otsuka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-09-11, Time: 13:30:00, Speaker: Berta Verd, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: University of Oxford, Host: Diana Pinheiro
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-09-15, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: JENTOFT Ida (Pauli)KASHKO Nataliia (Matos)OBERHUEMER Michael (Leeb), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-09-18, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Katja Wassmann, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Institute Jacques Monod, Host: Joao Matos, Peter Schlögelhofer
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-09-22, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KONSTANTINOU Andri (Obenauf)HARTMANN Felix (Matos)VILLAR-PAZOS Sabrina (Grade), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Encoding geometric memory during zebrafish regeneration
Date: 2025-09-22, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Stefano Di Talia, Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: Duke University, Host: Victoria Deneke
Self-organization of spermatogenic wave coordinates sustained sperm production in the mouse testis
Date: 2025-09-23, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Shosei Yoshida, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: National Institute for Basic Biology, Host: Andrea Pauli
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-09-25, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Fabian Theis, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Computational Health Center, Helmholtz Munich, Host: Alex Stark
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-09-29, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: PAVLOVA Anzhela (Matos)SHARMA Sanskriti (Ellis)VETRANO Pamela (Ramundo), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-10-06, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: WIGHARD Sara Sylvia (Burga)PRLESI Ines (Gerlich)BECHT Nanette (Gaidt), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-10-09, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Alexander van Oudenaarden, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Hubrecht Institute, Host: Elly Tanaka
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-10-13, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: PIECH Lucas (Leonard)NABIH MOSTAFA Amena (Pauli)GREMMELMAIER Constanze (Plaschka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-10-16, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Anne Brunet, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Stanford University, Host: Andrea Pauli
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-10-17, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: Edward Marcotte, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: GMI Seminar, Institute: University of Texas at Austin, Host: Silvia Ramundo
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-10-20, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KYPRIANOU Christos (Rivron)MOYSIADOU Sofia (Obenauf)GALLAGE CHANUKA POSHITHA Fernando (Zimmer), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-10-23, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Aydan Bulut-Karslioglu, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: MPI Berlin, Host: Joanna Jachowicz, Martin Leeb
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-10-27, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: HIDAKA Takuya (Gerlich), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-10-30, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Kresten Lindorff-Larssen, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: University of Copenhagen, Host: David Haselbach
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-11-03, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: DIAS Ana Beatriz (Slade)VALERI Erika (Gaidt)CHATZIANGELOU Myrto (Stark), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-11-10, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: FRASZ Lisa-Maria (Obenauf)MYLARSHCHIKOV Dmitry (Gerlich)SAHA Sayantan (Huis), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-11-13, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Jamie Hackett, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: EMBL Rome, Host: Joanna Jachowicz, Martin Leeb
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-11-17, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: PITASI Mattia (Leeb)FORBES Rebecca (Görke)MATURI Samuele (Grade), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
To be annouced
Date: 2025-11-20, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Noam Stern-Ginossar, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Weizmann Institute of Science, Host: Marco Hein
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-11-24, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: MARTZIOS Panagiotis (Huis)BASTOS VENTURA Guilherme (Pinheiro), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-12-01, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: JONASSON Mattias (Bücker)KNAUDT Hannah (Haselbach)HEINZL Monika (Stark), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-12-15, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BERKUN Kathleen (Hallacli)KHAURATOVICH Uladzislava (Goloborodko/Matos)GRAF Max (Plaschka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-01-12, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BOHAUMILITZKY Lena (Pinheiro)SPEICHERT Katarzyna (Dammermann)NG Hing Pan (Ma), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-01-19, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: FARAWAY Rupert (Plaschka)ETHIER Elizabeth (Hallacli)RAINA Shiviya (Dammermann), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-01-26, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: WULF Paul Oliver (Tessmar)MISHRA Sachin (Stark)OGZUC Olivia (Querques), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-02-02, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: COSTANTINI Elena (Tanaka)VIOHL Niklas (Köhler)LEON-RUIZ Jesus (Dolan), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-02-09, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: MIOCIC-STOSIC Fran (Zagrovic)BELL Caelan (Gerlich)KLEINWAECHTER Ava (Slade), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-02-16, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: HOFMANN Maura (Van der Veeken)SEN Zeynep Begüm (Ma)ZEN PETISCO FIORE Ana Paula (Urban), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-02-23, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: JANKOWSKA Julia (Ameres)DOCAVO GARCIA Antonio (Jachowicz)HAONAN Bao (Dolan), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-03-02, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: RUSSETT Colleen (Berger)ZEILER Christine (Kovarik)HOLLAUS David (Gaidt), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-03-09, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: GUZMAN PEREZ Sebastian (Martinez)ROFFAY Chloe (Pinheiro)BHARDWAJ Vishakha (Schlögelhofer), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-03-16, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: ZELGER Patrick (Obenauf)SHETTY Kavya (Hein)JANSEN Ralf (Brennecke), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-03-23, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: ALAABO Mahammed (Gerlich)CA COSTA Berbara (Berger)EMTENANI Shamsi (Knoblich), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: None, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-03-30, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: SCHMID Maximilian (Martens)ALARCON DEL CARMEN Alejandro (Urban)WUN Cheuk Ling (Ramundo), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-04-13, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: RAUSCHMEIER Rene (Van der Veeken)KLOSS Linda (Technau)WAGNER Clara-Anna (Otsuka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-04-20, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: GRATZL Sascha (Karagöz)ROVERA Emanuele (Zuber)SCHAAR Benjamin (Zimmer), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-04-27, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KLEINFERCHER Sebastian (Stark)MÜLLER Marlene (Rivron)GENIDY Rodina (Campbell), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-05-04, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: STUCHLIK Valentina (Hallacli/Falk)RAIDERS Stephan (Tanaka)MAERSCHALK Romana (Zuber), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-05-11, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: NENADOVIC Milena (Moll)MUJADZIC Amra (Mendjan)WOLKENSTEIN Felix (Leonard), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-05-18, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BOBROVNIKOVA Lidia (Irwin)HASLHOFER Felix (Bücker)HANDLER Dominik (Brennecke), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-06-01, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: SCHIMMER Clara (Ellis)WALLNÖFER Moritz (Clausen)LIANG Siwen (Martens), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-06-08, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: NEUHOFER Olivia (Zuber)SPENCER Victoria (Dolan)SIMON Carla (Slade), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-06-15, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: SCHEPERS Sandra (Knoblich)TEUSCHL Matthias (Balzarotti/Peters)GARCIA GALLARDO Maria (Bücker), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-06-22, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KRAVVARITI Konstantina (Clausen)BOREIKAITE Vytaute (Plaschka)SAKALLI Enes (Von Haeseler/Menche), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-06-29, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BISHT Sneha (Schlögelhofer)MAYER Hannah (Dammermann)SRINIVASAN Navaneeth (Peters), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-07-06, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: HAMMERSCHMID Iana (Querques)DODAMANI Ananya (Campbell)DE MARZO Niccolo (Grade), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-07-13, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: JAVONOVIC Jovana (Ameres)MEIR Zohar (Dolan)VON WIREN Julius (Kovarik), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-07-20, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: DAWUD Roba (Brennecke)RAUH Felix (Berger)PLATZER Sebastian (Hein), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-07-27, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BODO Robert (Matos)BREHM Martin (Falk)DAHAN Tal (Nordborg), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-08-03, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: PROTSENKO Liudmila (Brennecke)KRACHT Laura (Knoblich)ST JOHN Xavier (Ramundo), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-08-10, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: MOHAMMAD Umar (Pinheiro)SINGH Agastya (Jachowicz), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None