


Liposomal leakage induced by virus-derived peptides, viral proteins, and entire virions: rapid analysis by chip electrophoresis.

2010 Analytical chemistry;82(19):8146, 8152, 8146-52.
PMID:  20806784

Weiss Victor U, Bilek Gerhard, Pickl-Herk Angela, Subirats Xavier, Niespodziana Katarzyna, Valenta Rudolf, Blaas Dieter, Kenndler Ernst

Weak organic acid stress triggers hyperphosphorylation of the yeast zinc-finger transcription factor War1 and dampens stress adaptation.

2010 Omics : a journal of integrative biology;14(5):575, 586, 575-86.
PMID:  20726777

Frohner Ingrid E, Gregori Christa, Anrather Dorothea, Roitinger Elisabeth, Schüller Christoph, Ammerer Gustav, Kuchler Karl

Conditional deletion of histone deacetylase 1 in T cells leads to enhanced airway inflammation and increased Th2 cytokine production.

2010 Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950);185(6):3489, 3497, 3489-97.
PMID:  20702731

Grausenburger Reinhard, Bilic Ivan, Boucheron Nicole, Zupkovitz Gordin, El-Housseiny Lamia, Tschismarov Roland, Zhang Yu, Rembold Martina, Gaisberger Martin, Hartl Arnulf, Epstein Michelle M, Matthias Patrick, Seiser Christian, Ellmeier Wilfried

FACT: functional annotation transfer between proteins with similar feature architectures.

2010 BMC bioinformatics;11:417.
PMID:  20696036

Koestler Tina, von Haeseler Arndt, Ebersberger Ingo

Functional genomics of drug-induced ion homeostasis identifies a novel regulatory crosstalk of iron and zinc regulons in yeast.

2010 Omics : a journal of integrative biology;14(6):651, 663, 651-63.
PMID:  20695822

Landstetter Nathalie, Glaser Walter, Gregori Christa, Seipelt Joachim, Kuchler Karl

100 years poliovirus: from discovery to eradication. A meeting report.

2010 Archives of virology;155(9):1371, 1381, 1371-81.
PMID:  20683737

Skern Tim

Intrinsically disordered regions may lower the hydration free energy in proteins: a case study of nudix hydrolase in the bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans.

2010 PLoS computational biology(7)
PMID:  20657662

Awile Omar, Krisko Anita, Sbalzarini Ivo F, Zagrovic Bojan

Lpe10p modulates the activity of the Mrs2p-based yeast mitochondrial Mg2+ channel.

2010 The FEBS journal;277(17):3514, 3525, 3514-25.
PMID:  20653776

Sponder Gerhard, Svidova Sona, Schindl Rainer, Wieser Stefan, Schweyen Rudolf J, Romanin Christoph, Froschauer Elisabeth M, Weghuber Julian

Nonconventional initiation complex assembly by STAT and NF-kappaB transcription factors regulates nitric oxide synthase expression.

2010 Immunity;33(1):25, 34, 25-34.
PMID:  20637660

Farlik Matthias, Reutterer Benjamin, Schindler Christian, Greten Florian, Vogl Claus, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas

Mechanism of Holliday junction resolution by the human GEN1 protein.

2010 Genes & development(14)
PMID:  20634321

Rass Ulrich, Compton Sarah A, Matos Joao, Singleton Martin R, Ip Stephen C Y, Blanco Miguel G, Griffith Jack D, West Stephen C

Partner exchange: protein-protein interactions in the Raf pathway.

2010 Trends in biochemical sciences;35(12):660, 668, 660-8.
PMID:  20621483

Wimmer Reiner, Baccarini Manuela

Casein kinase 1 is required for efficient removal of Rec8 during meiosis I.

2010 Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.);9(13):2657, 2662, 2657-62.
PMID:  20581463

Rumpf Cornelia, Cipak Lubos, Dudas Andrej, Benko Zsigmond, Pozgajova Miroslava, Riedel Christian G, Ammerer Gustav, Mechtler Karl, Gregan Juraj

A murine ESC-like state facilitates transgenesis and homologous recombination in human pluripotent stem cells.

2010 Cell stem cell(6)
PMID:  20569691

Buecker Christa, Chen Hsu-Hsin, Polo Jose Maria, Daheron Laurence, Bu Lei, Barakat Tahsin Stefan, Okwieka Patricia, Porter Andrew, Gribnau Joost, Hochedlinger Konrad, Geijsen Niels

Hydrophilicity matching - a potential prerequisite for the formation of protein-protein complexes in the cell.

2010 PloS one(6)
PMID:  20567518

Hlevnjak Mario, Zitkovic Gordan, Zagrovic Bojan

Target RNA-directed trimming and tailing of small silencing RNAs.

2010 Science (New York, N.Y.)(5985)
PMID:  20558712

Ameres Stefan L, Horwich Michael D, Hung Jui-Hung, Xu Jia, Ghildiyal Megha, Weng Zhiping, Zamore Phillip D

Genomic SELEX: a discovery tool for genomic aptamers.

2010 Methods (San Diego, Calif.);52(2):125, 132, 125-32.
PMID:  20541015

Zimmermann Bob, Bilusic Ivana, Lorenz Christina, Schroeder Renée

S. pombe genome deletion project: an update.

2010 Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.);9(12):2399, 2402, 2399-402.
PMID:  20519959

Spirek Mario, Benko Zsigmond, Carnecka Martina, Rumpf Cornelia, Cipak Lubos, Batova Monika, Marova Ivana, Nam Miyoung, Kim Dong-Uk, Park Han-Oh, Hayles Jacqueline, Hoe Kwang-Lae, Nurse Paul, Gregan Juraj

Monoclonal antibodies specific for disease-associated point-mutants: lamin A/C R453W and R482W.

2010 PloS one;5(5):e10604.
PMID:  20498701

Roblek Marko, Schüchner Stefan, Huber Veronika, Ollram Katrin, Vlcek-Vesely Sylvia, Foisner Roland, Wehnert Manfed, Ogris Egon

The Ca(2+) -dependent protein kinase CPK3 is required for MAPK-independent salt-stress acclimation in Arabidopsis.

2010 The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology;63(3):484, 498, 484-98.
PMID:  20497378

Mehlmer Norbert, Wurzinger Bernhard, Stael Simon, Hofmann-Rodrigues Daniela, Csaszar Edina, Pfister Barbara, Bayer Roman, Teige Markus

Epigenetic regulation of a murine retrotransposon by a dual histone modification mark.

2010 PLoS genetics;6(4):e1000927.
PMID:  20442873

Brunmeir Reinhard, Lagger Sabine, Simboeck Elisabeth, Sawicka Anna, Egger Gerda, Hagelkruys Astrid, Zhang Yu, Matthias Patrick, Miller Wolfgang J, Seiser Christian

publications per page. (1755 total)