Liposomal leakage induced by virus-derived peptides, viral proteins, and entire virions: rapid analysis by chip electrophoresis.
Weiss Victor U, Bilek Gerhard, Pickl-Herk Angela, Subirats Xavier, Niespodziana Katarzyna, Valenta Rudolf, Blaas Dieter, Kenndler Ernst
Weak organic acid stress triggers hyperphosphorylation of the yeast zinc-finger transcription factor War1 and dampens stress adaptation.
Frohner Ingrid E, Gregori Christa, Anrather Dorothea, Roitinger Elisabeth, Schüller Christoph, Ammerer Gustav, Kuchler Karl
Conditional deletion of histone deacetylase 1 in T cells leads to enhanced airway inflammation and increased Th2 cytokine production.
Grausenburger Reinhard, Bilic Ivan, Boucheron Nicole, Zupkovitz Gordin, El-Housseiny Lamia, Tschismarov Roland, Zhang Yu, Rembold Martina, Gaisberger Martin, Hartl Arnulf, Epstein Michelle M, Matthias Patrick, Seiser Christian, Ellmeier Wilfried
FACT: functional annotation transfer between proteins with similar feature architectures.
Koestler Tina, von Haeseler Arndt, Ebersberger Ingo
Functional genomics of drug-induced ion homeostasis identifies a novel regulatory crosstalk of iron and zinc regulons in yeast.
Landstetter Nathalie, Glaser Walter, Gregori Christa, Seipelt Joachim, Kuchler Karl
100 years poliovirus: from discovery to eradication. A meeting report.
Skern Tim
Intrinsically disordered regions may lower the hydration free energy in proteins: a case study of nudix hydrolase in the bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans.
Awile Omar, Krisko Anita, Sbalzarini Ivo F, Zagrovic Bojan
Lpe10p modulates the activity of the Mrs2p-based yeast mitochondrial Mg2+ channel.
Sponder Gerhard, Svidova Sona, Schindl Rainer, Wieser Stefan, Schweyen Rudolf J, Romanin Christoph, Froschauer Elisabeth M, Weghuber Julian
Nonconventional initiation complex assembly by STAT and NF-kappaB transcription factors regulates nitric oxide synthase expression.
Farlik Matthias, Reutterer Benjamin, Schindler Christian, Greten Florian, Vogl Claus, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas
Mechanism of Holliday junction resolution by the human GEN1 protein.
Rass Ulrich, Compton Sarah A, Matos Joao, Singleton Martin R, Ip Stephen C Y, Blanco Miguel G, Griffith Jack D, West Stephen C
Partner exchange: protein-protein interactions in the Raf pathway.
Wimmer Reiner, Baccarini Manuela
Casein kinase 1 is required for efficient removal of Rec8 during meiosis I.
Rumpf Cornelia, Cipak Lubos, Dudas Andrej, Benko Zsigmond, Pozgajova Miroslava, Riedel Christian G, Ammerer Gustav, Mechtler Karl, Gregan Juraj
A murine ESC-like state facilitates transgenesis and homologous recombination in human pluripotent stem cells.
Buecker Christa, Chen Hsu-Hsin, Polo Jose Maria, Daheron Laurence, Bu Lei, Barakat Tahsin Stefan, Okwieka Patricia, Porter Andrew, Gribnau Joost, Hochedlinger Konrad, Geijsen Niels
Hydrophilicity matching - a potential prerequisite for the formation of protein-protein complexes in the cell.
Hlevnjak Mario, Zitkovic Gordan, Zagrovic Bojan
Target RNA-directed trimming and tailing of small silencing RNAs.
Ameres Stefan L, Horwich Michael D, Hung Jui-Hung, Xu Jia, Ghildiyal Megha, Weng Zhiping, Zamore Phillip D
Genomic SELEX: a discovery tool for genomic aptamers.
Zimmermann Bob, Bilusic Ivana, Lorenz Christina, Schroeder Renée
S. pombe genome deletion project: an update.
Spirek Mario, Benko Zsigmond, Carnecka Martina, Rumpf Cornelia, Cipak Lubos, Batova Monika, Marova Ivana, Nam Miyoung, Kim Dong-Uk, Park Han-Oh, Hayles Jacqueline, Hoe Kwang-Lae, Nurse Paul, Gregan Juraj
Monoclonal antibodies specific for disease-associated point-mutants: lamin A/C R453W and R482W.
Roblek Marko, Schüchner Stefan, Huber Veronika, Ollram Katrin, Vlcek-Vesely Sylvia, Foisner Roland, Wehnert Manfed, Ogris Egon
The Ca(2+) -dependent protein kinase CPK3 is required for MAPK-independent salt-stress acclimation in Arabidopsis.
Mehlmer Norbert, Wurzinger Bernhard, Stael Simon, Hofmann-Rodrigues Daniela, Csaszar Edina, Pfister Barbara, Bayer Roman, Teige Markus
Epigenetic regulation of a murine retrotransposon by a dual histone modification mark.
Brunmeir Reinhard, Lagger Sabine, Simboeck Elisabeth, Sawicka Anna, Egger Gerda, Hagelkruys Astrid, Zhang Yu, Matthias Patrick, Miller Wolfgang J, Seiser Christian