
Curiosity and imagination — the roots of discovery

Mission Statement

The Max Perutz Labs are dedicated to a mechanistic understanding of fundamental biomedical processes. By analyzing and reconstituting complex biological systems across different scales, our scientists aim to link breakthroughs in basic research to advances in human health.

A joint venture of

Part of

Joint Venture

The Max Perutz Labs are a joint venture between the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna that builds on the unique opportunities that arise from being embedded in the Vienna BioCenter Campus while having one of the largest hospitals in Europe, the Vienna General Hospital, on our doorstep. In visualizing haemoglobin, Max Perutz paved the way towards the era of precision medicine. To realize its full potential, precision medicine necessitates a molecular mechanistic approach. 


An idea comes to life

In 2002 researchers from the University of Vienna and the Medical University, together with the support of policy makers, agreed to establish a new research institute to foster competitive basic research in molecular biology. Since then the Max Perutz Labs has evolved to become an internationally respected research institution making an important contribution to mechanistic biomedicine.

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Max F. Perutz Biography

"In science, truth always wins."

To honour an extraordinary teacher and scientist, the Max Perutz Labs were named after Max Ferdinand Perutz, who, together with John C. Kendrew, was awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his studies on the structure of globular proteins ...

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Facts & Figures

Max Perutz Labs at a glance



The Max Perutz Labs were founded in 2005 as a joint venture of the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna.


Scientists & Staff
Part of the Vienna BioCenter

The Max Perutz Labs are part of the Vienna BioCenter, one of Europe's hotspots for life sciences.




Female and Male staff


European Research Council (ERC) Grants

Research Groups and Research Areas


Research Areas


Research Groups

Mechanistic Cell and Developmental Biology

Chromatin, RNA and Chromosome Biology

Structural and Computational Biology