Public Lecture by Emmanuelle Charpentier
We are delighted to invite you to a public lecture by former Perutz group leader Emmanuelle Charpentier, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2020).
Max Perutz PhD Fellowship Mini-Symposium
The Max Perutz PhD Fellowship was established in 2021 to reward outstanding PhD students. Four internationally accomplished researchers from the EMBO Young Investigator Program will form this year’s selection committee. On this occasion they will give talks on their exciting research.
Macromolecular structure determination, analysis and validation
"Max Perutz and the Secret of Life"
On the occasion of the newly published German translation of the biography "Max Perutz and the Secret of Life", the Austrian Academy of Sciences together with the Max Perutz Labs invite to the presentation of the book including a discussion.
Max Perutz: a not so quiet life
Max Perutz’ scientific journey from the Theresianum in Vienna to the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge arguably laid the foundations of modern molecular biology. Awarded the Nobel Prize in 1962 for his work on hemoglobin, Max’ legacy continues today at the research institute that bears his name in the city where he was born.
You will hear about Max’ natural curiosity, the scientific question that he dedicated most of his life to answering - how does hemoglobin transport oxygen? - and the tireless perseverance required to achieve his goal.
Breathing at High Altitude
“Breathing at High Altitude” is an exhibition dedicated to the personal life and science of Max F. Perutz, a pioneer of 20thcentury molecular biology. The exhibition sheds light on Max Perutz’s fascinating life, celebrates his love for mountains, and visualizes “breathing” in a unique way. It will be a rewarding experience for scientists and non-scientists alike.
May 19 – June 15 Mon – Fri 9:00 – 18:00 University of Vienna, Inner court (Arkadenhof), Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna
RNA Biology forever - Vienna RNA Meeting 2021
After 15 successful years, FWF funding of our Doctoral School in RNA Biology (DK RNA-Biologie, comes to an end. Therefore, we would like to invite all people involved to celebrate this long-lasting support of the Viennese RNA community with the "Vienna RNA Meeting 2021".
15th Microsymposium on Small RNAs
This year, the Microsymposium is a two-day international conference that brings together young scientists, junior and senior group leaders from all over the world to present and discuss their latest findings in the exciting field of small RNAs and other RNA biology related topics. The Microsymposium was founded in 2005 and has established itself as the major small RNA meeting in Europe. It is organized by the four research institutions GMI, IMBA, IMP, and Max Perutz Labs, as well as by the RNA community of the Vienna BioCenter.
The Microsymposium is a registration-free meeting for all its participants!
Inside: The Dark Side of the Cell
The "Inside: The dark side of the cell" online symposium will take place on 11-12 February 2021 on Zoom. An interesting lineup of keynote speakers will provide an overview of current research, challenges and advances in the field of proteostasis, autophagy, stem cells, gene expression and inflammation. The symposium is organised by students of the doctoral programme “Signaling mechanisms in cellular homeostasis” based at the Max Perutz Labs, University of Vienna and Medical University of Vienna.
Max Perutz Day 2019
On the occasion of Max Perutz's 105th birthday we celebrate an outstanding scientist and teacher. His ideals are shaping the future of the Max Perutz Labs as we seek to continue his legacy of inspiring and enabling young scientists.
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