RNA Biology forever - Vienna RNA Meeting 2021

  Tue, 28 Sep - Wed, 29 Sep 2021
  IMP lecture hall, Vienna BioCenter

After 15 successful years, FWF funding of our Doctoral School in RNA Biology (DK RNA-Biologie, www.phd-rna-biology.at) comes to an end. Therefore, we would like to invite all people involved to celebrate this long-lasting support of the Viennese RNA community with the "Vienna RNA Meeting 2021".

In these past years our scientists and students have created a thriving network of RNA research including full member groups and associated groups from different Viennese scientific institutions making Vienna an international hot-spot in RNA research.

The Viennese RNA Meeting 2021 will celebrate our students and their discoveries during their PhD studies and will follow their successful careers in academics and industry.

The conference is scheduled for two full days and includes a conference dinner and party on the first day and a closing dinner on the second day. Find more info at the website of the conference RNA biology forever.


Confirmed Speakers

Anton Wutz (ETH Zurich)

Christian Eckmann (MLU Halle-Wittenberg)

Carrie Bernecky (IST Austria)

Svetlana Durica-Mitic (Helmholtz-Institute for RNA-based Infection Research, Würzburg)

Sebastian Falk (Max Perutz Labs, Vienna)

Michael Jantsch (Medical University of Vienna)

Markus Schosserer (BOKU Vienna)

Cornelia Vesely (Medical university of Vienna)

Elisa Vilardo (Medical University of Vienna)

and post docs (doctoral school alumnis)

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