
15th Microsymposium on Small RNAs

  Thu, 22 Apr - Fri, 23 Apr 2021
  Virtual symposium, hosted at the Vienna BioCenter

This year, the Microsymposium is a two-day international conference that brings together young scientists, junior and senior group leaders from all over the world to present and discuss their latest findings in the exciting field of small RNAs and other RNA biology related topics. The Microsymposium was founded in 2005 and has established itself as the major small RNA meeting in Europe. It is organized by the four research institutions GMI, IMBA, IMP, and Max Perutz Labs, as well as by the RNA community of the Vienna BioCenter.

The Microsymposium is a registration-free meeting for all its participants!

For more information and registration visit:

To stay updated, leave your Email address here, and make sure to follow the official event hashtag #microsymposium2021



Victor Ambros, UMass Worcester

Simon Bullock, LMB Cambridge

Luisa Cochella, Research Institute of Molecular Pathology

Thomas Duchaine, University of Montreal

Matthias Hentze, EMBL Heidelberg

Gunter Meister, University of Regensburg

Michal Rabani, Hebrew University Jerusalem

Olivia Rissland, University of Colorado Denver

Claire Rougeulle, Université Paris Diderot

Ignacio Rubio-Somoza, CRAG, Barcelona

Noam Stern-Ginossar, Weizmann Institute

Marvin Tanenbaum, Hubrecht Institute

Jernej Ule, Francis Crick Institute

Phillip Zamore, UMass Worcester


Scientific organizers

Stefan Ameres, Julius Brennecke, Luisa Cochella, Sebastian Falk, Michael Nodine, Andrea Pauli & Clemens Plaschka

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