Group Gijs Versteeg

Cellular control mechanisms of protein degradation

On this page

The Question

Strict control over degradation of individual proteins at the correct time and space in cells is key for dynamic transitions in cell signaling. Protein modification by the modifier ubiquitin is recognized as a fundamental mechanism to target proteins to the main protease complex in the cell: the proteasome. Cell-free and structural studies have provided mechanistic insight into how ubiquitinated proteins are recognized and degraded by the proteasome. However, many principles and regulators of how ubiquitination, proteasome targeting, target extraction from sub-cellular sites, and fate-determinations at the proteasome in the crowded intracellular space are achieved, remain unknown.

Main questions addressed are: 1) How are immune- and cancer-associated proteins targeted to the proteasome, 2) which other cellular factors control their degradation, 3) are these processes deregulated in cancer and immune disease, and 4) how do they mechanistically determine cellular protein fate decisions?

The Approach

To identify novel cellular regulators of proteasome-dependent degradation, the Versteeg lab utilizes genome-wide genetic screening approaches. There is a strong focus on the discovery of factors controlling the degradation of disease-associated proteins with different conceptual properties, such as ubiquitin-independent, and activation-coupled proteasomal degradation. Following identification of key players in protein stability, we aim to determine the molecular mechanisms by which these regulators control degradation of their targets using cell-biology approaches, and biochemical in vitro reconstitution.

Gijs Versteeg

Gijs Versteeg studied Biomedical Sciences, and obtained his PhD in Molecular Virology at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands. He further continued his research on cellular immune signaling responses as a post-doctoral fellow in the Influenza Center of Excellence at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. Gijs started his independent research group at the Max Perutz Labs in 2013.

Main Building
Room: 4.009

   +43 1 4277 54637


CaRING about stress

Most cellular proteins are present in the majority of mammals, and are essential for life. Yet, few of them are only found in humans, and often have non-essential functions. We recently discovered that a human-specific –non-conserved– RING protein is essential for cancer cells. Its genetic deletion de-represses a cellular stress response, thereby bringing a stop to cell division.

Unexpected proteasomal fast food

Unstructured regions with a diverse amino acid composition in proteins are key for initiating proteasomal degradation. Consequently, repetitive sequences are poor degradation-initiation sites. We recently discovered one of the most unstable proteins in human cells with a three-minute half-life. Unexpectedly, its extreme instability is dependent on a large, repetitive protein loop.


    Matteo Bordi
    Lab Technician
       +43 1 4277 54614
    Room: 4.108

    Magdalini Nigritinou
    Lab Technician
       +43 1 4277 54614
    Room: 4.108

    Irene Schwartz
    PhD Student
       +43 1 4277 54614
    Room: 4.108

    Adrian Söderholm
    PhD Student
       +43 1 4277 54614
    Room: 4.108

    Steffi Varghese
    Lab Technician
       +43 1 4277 54614
    Room: 4.009

    Gijs Versteeg
    Group Leader
       +43 1 4277 54637
    Room: 4.009

    Selected Publications

    Unanchored K48-linked polyubiquitin synthesized by the E3-ubiquitin ligase TRIM6 stimulates the interferon-IKKε kinase-mediated antiviral response.

    2014 Immunity;40(6):880, 895, 880-95.
    PMID:  24882218

    Rajsbaum Ricardo, Versteeg Gijs A, Schmid Sonja, Maestre Ana M, Belicha-Villanueva Alan, Martínez-Romero Carles, Patel Jenish R, Morrison Juliet, Pisanelli Giuseppe, Miorin Lisa, Laurent-Rolle Maudry, Moulton Hong M, Stein David A, Fernandez-Sesma Ana, tenOever Benjamin R, García-Sastre Adolfo

    The E3-ligase TRIM family of proteins regulates signaling pathways triggered by innate immune pattern-recognition receptors.

    2013 Immunity(2)
    PMID:  23438823

    Versteeg Gijs A, Rajsbaum Ricardo, Sánchez-Aparicio Maria Teresa, Maestre Ana M, Valdiviezo Julio, Shi Mude, Inn Kyung-Soo, Fernandez-Sesma Ana, Jung Jae, García-Sastre Adolfo

    Chemical inhibition of RNA viruses reveals REDD1 as a host defense factor.

    2011 Nature chemical biology(10)
    PMID:  21909097

    Mata Miguel A, Satterly Neal, Versteeg Gijs A, Frantz Doug, Wei Shuguang, Williams Noelle, Schmolke Mirco, Peña-Llopis Samuel, Brugarolas James, Forst Christian V, White Michael A, García-Sastre Adolfo, Roth Michael G, Fontoura Beatriz M A

    Collaborations & Funding

    Doctoral Program "Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis"

    The Group Versteeg is a member of the special Doctoral Program "Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis" reviewed and funded by the Austrian Research Fund FWF.

    National Scientific Research Fund (FWF) Project

    Project title: "Inhibition of macrophage activation by TRIM47"

    Vienna Doctoral School - Molecules of Life

    The Versteeg group is associated with the Vienna Doctoral School: PhD track Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeastasis.

    National Scientific Research Fund (FWF) Project

    Project title: "Inhibition of the antiviral immune response by TRIM52"

    Vienna Biocenter Ubiquitin Research
