Jonas Ries

Super-resolution microscopy for structural cell biology

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The Question

Life is based on the action and interaction of biomolecules, and measuring their structure and dynamics during their function in the living cell can provide invaluable insights into their mechanism. A prime example for a complex and dynamic protein machinery is clathrin-mediated endocytosis, an essential cellular process for the uptake of molecules from the environment. During endocytosis, more than 50 different proteins in many copies self-assemble into a complex machinery that invaginates the membrane and forms a vesicle. But what are the precise locations of the proteins throughout the process of endocytosis? How can we measure the structural organization and dynamic functional changes of cellular protein assemblies? Current technologies are very limited in answering this question.

The Approach

Our research vision is to develop optical super-resolution microscopy technologies that will allow us to visualize the structure and the dynamics of molecular machines in living cells on the nanoscale. Our interdisciplinary team of physicists, biologists, computer scientists and engineers are developing new approaches for single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) to measure the precise 3D locations of proteins at high throughput and the new MINFLUX technology to probe conformational changes of protein machines in the living cell with nanometer spatial and millisecond temporal resolution. We use these methods to gain mechanistic insights into endocytosis and other cellular protein machines.

Jonas Ries

Jonas Ries studied physics in Bremen and Konstanz with a specialization in quantum optics. After completing a PhD in biophysics at the TU Dresden in 2008 and a postdoctoral fellowship at the ETH in Zurich in 2012, he joined the EMBL in Heidelberg as a group leader. Since 2023 he is a full professor for Advanced Microscopy and Cellular Dynamics at the Max Perutz labs at the University of Vienna.


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Room: 1.606

   +43 1 4277 74380


Direct observation of motor protein stepping in living cells using MINFLUX

We developed MINFLUX tracking in 2D and 3D to study the 16 nm steps of the motor protein kinesin while it walks on microtubules in living cells. This is a first step towards monitoring functional conformational changes of protein machines at high spatiotemporal resolution in living systems (Deguchi et al., Science, 2023 - free full PDF version).

Simple and robust 3D MINFLUX excitation with a variable phase plate

We develped a new approach to MINFLUX that we call PhaseFLUX, in which we do not physically move the MINFLUX beam, but instead move the zero position in the beam. This idea will be the basis for a robust, fast and simple open-source  MINFLUX microscope (Deguchi & Ries, LSA, 2024).

Universal modeling of point spread functions

We developed an approach to learn micorscope point-spread functions (PSFs) from data, either bead stacks or blinking fluorophores in single-molecule localization microscopy (Liu et al, Nature Methods, 2024).

Nanoscale architecture of clathrin-mediated endocytosis in yeast

We developed high-throughput super-resolution microscopy and measured the nanoscale distribution of 23 endocytic proteins from >100 000 snapshots of endocytic structures in budding yeast, providing new insights into structure, assembly process, and force generation of the endocytic machinery (Mund et al., Cell, 2018).

Quantitative analysis of super-resolution data

How can we analyze huge super-resolution data sets in a meaningful way? We developed LocMoFit, a tool that enables fitting of super-resolution microscopy data to an arbitrary geometric model. The fit extracts quantitative parameters of individual cellular structures, which can be used to investigate dynamic and heterogenous protein assemblies and to create average protein distribution maps (Wu et al., Nature Methods, 2023).

A dynamic 3D reconstruction of the clathrin coat during endocytosis

We used 3D single-molecule localization microscopy to measure the precise geometry of the clathrin coat at large numbers of endocytic sites. Through pseudo-temporal sorting, we determined the average trajectory of clathrin remodeling during endocytosis. We developed a new physical model that describes the measured shapes and dynamics and could represent a general mechanism for clathrin coat remodeling (Mund, Tschanz et al., Journal of Cell Biology, 2023).

Deep learning for single-molecule localization

We developed a software that uses simulator-based inference to localize fluorophores in 3D at high densities, increasing the speed of single-molecule localization microscopy by one order of magnitude. This software outperformed all other software in a public software benchmark on all modalities (Speiser, Müller et al., Nature Methods, 2021).


    Amr Abouelezz
       +43 1 4277 52224
    Room: 0.323

    Pallavi Deolal
       +43 1 4277 61668
    Room: 0.612

    Nestor Miguel Duque de Estrada
    Senior PostDoc
       +43 1 4277 52224
    Room: 0.612

    Pau Garcia
       +43 1 4277 52225
    Room: 0323

    Philipp Mairinger
    Lab Technician
    Room: 0321

    Zach Marin
       +43 1 4277 52225
    Room: 0612

    Maxime Mathieu
       +43 1 4277 52225
    Room: 0.612

    Ioannis Pitsios
       +43 1 4277 52225
    Room: 0612

    Francesco Reina
    Lab Manager
       +43 1 4277 52225
    Room: 0612

    Jonas Ries
    Group Leader
       +43 1 4277 74380
    Room: 1.606

    Nikolay Sergeev
    PhD Student
       +43 1 4277 52225
    Room: 0612

    Selected Publications

    Universal inverse modeling of point spread functions for SMLM localization and microscope characterization.

    2024 Nature methods;21(6):1082, 1093, 1082-1093.
    PMID:  38831208

    Liu Sheng, Chen Jianwei, Hellgoth Jonas, Müller Lucas-Raphael, Ferdman Boris, Karras Christian, Xiao Dafei, Lidke Keith A, Heintzmann Rainer, Shechtman Yoav, Li Yiming, Ries Jonas

    Simple and robust 3D MINFLUX excitation with a variable phase plate.

    2024 Light, science & applications;13(1):134.
    PMID:  38849346

    Deguchi Takahiro, Ries Jonas

    Direct observation of motor protein stepping in living cells using MINFLUX.

    2023 Science (New York, N.Y.)(6636)
    PMID:  36893247

    Deguchi Takahiro, Iwanski Malina K, Schentarra Eva-Maria, Heidebrecht Christopher, Schmidt Lisa, Heck Jennifer, Weihs Tobias, Schnorrenberg Sebastian, Hoess Philipp, Liu Sheng, Chevyreva Veronika, Noh Kyung-Min, Kapitein Lukas C, Ries Jonas

    Maximum-likelihood model fitting for quantitative analysis of SMLM data.

    2023 Nature methods(1)
    PMID:  36522500

    Wu Yu-Le, Hoess Philipp, Tschanz Aline, Matti Ulf, Mund Markus, Ries Jonas

    Nanoscale structural organization and stoichiometry of the budding yeast kinetochore.

    2023 The Journal of cell biology(4)
    PMID:  36705601

    Cieslinski Konstanty, Wu Yu-Le, Nechyporenko Lisa, Hörner Sarah Janice, Conti Duccio, Skruzny Michal, Ries Jonas

    Clathrin coats partially preassemble and subsequently bend during endocytosis.

    2023 The Journal of cell biology(3)
    PMID:  36734980

    Mund Markus, Tschanz Aline, Wu Yu-Le, Frey Felix, Mehl Johanna L, Kaksonen Marko, Avinoam Ori, Schwarz Ulrich S, Ries Jonas

    Global fitting for high-accuracy multi-channel single-molecule localization.

    2022 Nature communications(1)
    PMID:  35668089

    Li Yiming, Shi Wei, Liu Sheng, Cavka Ivana, Wu Yu-Le, Matti Ulf, Wu Decheng, Koehler Simone, Ries Jonas

    Deep learning enables fast and dense single-molecule localization with high accuracy.

    2021 Nature methods(9)
    PMID:  34480155

    Speiser Artur, Müller Lucas-Raphael, Hoess Philipp, Matti Ulf, Obara Christopher J, Legant Wesley R, Kreshuk Anna, Macke Jakob H, Ries Jonas, Turaga Srinivas C

    MINFLUX nanoscopy delivers 3D multicolor nanometer resolution in cells.

    2020 Nature methods(2)
    PMID:  31932776

    Gwosch Klaus C, Pape Jasmin K, Balzarotti Francisco, Hoess Philipp, Ellenberg Jan, Ries Jonas, Hell Stefan W

    Nuclear pores as versatile reference standards for quantitative superresolution microscopy.

    2019 Nature methods(10)
    PMID:  31562488

    Thevathasan Jervis Vermal, Kahnwald Maurice, Cieśliński Konstanty, Hoess Philipp, Peneti Sudheer Kumar, Reitberger Manuel, Heid Daniel, Kasuba Krishna Chaitanya, Hoerner Sarah Janice, Li Yiming, Wu Yu-Le, Mund Markus, Matti Ulf, Pereira Pedro Matos, Henriques Ricardo, Nijmeijer Bianca, Kueblbeck Moritz, Sabinina Vilma Jimenez, Ellenberg Jan, Ries Jonas

    Open Positions
