


ALTERED MERISTEM PROGRAM1 suppresses ectopic stem cell niche formation in the shoot apical meristem in a largely cytokinin-independent manner.

2015 Plant physiology;167(4):1471, 1486, 1471-86.
PMID:  25673776

Huang Wenwen, Pitorre Delphine, Poretska Olena, Marizzi Christine, Winter Nikola, Poppenberger Brigitte, Sieberer Tobias

Lamins at the crossroads of mechanosignaling.

2015 Genes & development;29(3):225, 237, 225-37.
PMID:  25644599

Osmanagic-Myers Selma, Dechat Thomas, Foisner Roland

Epiplakin attenuates experimental mouse liver injury by chaperoning keratin reorganization.

2015 Journal of hepatology;62(6):1357, 1366, 1357-66.
PMID:  25617501

Szabo Sandra, Wögenstein Karl L, Österreicher Christoph H, Guldiken Nurdan, Chen Yu, Doler Carina, Wiche Gerhard, Boor Peter, Haybaeck Johannes, Strnad Pavel, Fuchs Peter

(1)H, (15)N, (13)C resonance assignment of human osteopontin.

2015 Biomolecular NMR assignments;9(2):289, 292, 289-92.
PMID:  25616494

Platzer Gerald, Żerko Szymon, Saxena Saurabh, Koźmiński Wiktor, Konrat Robert

An in vivo detection system for transient and low-abundant protein interactions and their kinetics in budding yeast.

2015 Yeast (Chichester, England);32(3):355, 365, 355-65.
PMID:  25582094

Brezovich Andrea, Schuschnig Martina, Ammerer Gustav, Kraft Claudine

Hsp90 interaction with clients.

2015 Trends in biochemical sciences(2)
PMID:  25579468

Karagöz G Elif, Rüdiger Stefan G D

Quantitative phosphoproteomics of the ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) and ataxia telangiectasia-mutated and rad3-related (ATR) dependent DNA damage response in Arabidopsis thaliana.

2015 Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP;14(3):556, 571, 556-71.
PMID:  25561503

Roitinger Elisabeth, Hofer Manuel, Köcher Thomas, Pichler Peter, Novatchkova Maria, Yang Jianhua, Schlögelhofer Peter, Mechtler Karl

SLC38A9 is a component of the lysosomal amino acid sensing machinery that controls mTORC1.

2015 Nature;519(7544):477, 481, 477-81.
PMID:  25561175

Rebsamen Manuele, Pochini Lorena, Stasyk Taras, de Araújo Mariana E G, Galluccio Michele, Kandasamy Richard K, Snijder Berend, Fauster Astrid, Rudashevskaya Elena L, Bruckner Manuela, Scorzoni Stefania, Filipek Przemyslaw A, Huber Kilian V M, Bigenzahn Johannes W, Heinz Leonhard X, Kraft Claudine, Bennett Keiryn L, Indiveri Cesare, Huber Lukas A, Superti-Furga Giulio

Tracking heavy water (D2O) incorporation for identifying and sorting active microbial cells.

2015 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;112(2):E194, E203, E194-203.
PMID:  25550518

Berry David, Mader Esther, Lee Tae Kwon, Woebken Dagmar, Wang Yun, Zhu Di, Palatinszky Marton, Schintlmeister Arno, Schmid Markus C, Hanson Buck T, Shterzer Naama, Mizrahi Itzhak, Rauch Isabella, Decker Thomas, Bocklitz Thomas, Popp Jürgen, Gibson Christopher M, Fowler Patrick W, Huang Wei E, Wagner Michael

Absolute binding-free energies between standard RNA/DNA nucleobases and amino-acid sidechain analogs in different environments.

2015 Nucleic acids research;43(2):708, 718, 708-18.
PMID:  25550435

de Ruiter Anita, Zagrovic Bojan

Monoubiquitination of histone H2B is intrinsic to the Bre1 RING domain-Rad6 interaction and augmented by a second Rad6-binding site on Bre1.

2015 The Journal of biological chemistry;290(9):5298, 5310, 5298-310.
PMID:  25548288

Turco Eleonora, Gallego Laura D, Schneider Maren, Köhler Alwin

A novel Cd8-cis-regulatory element preferentially directs expression in CD44hiCD62L+ CD8+ T cells and in CD8αα+ dendritic cells.

2015 Journal of leukocyte biology;97(4):635, 644, 635-44.
PMID:  25548254

Sakaguchi Shinya, Hombauer Matthias, Hassan Hammad, Tanaka Hirokazu, Yasmin Nighat, Naoe Yoshinori, Bilic Ivan, Moser Mirjam A, Hainberger Daniela, Mayer Herbert, Seiser Christian, Bergthaler Andreas, Taniuchi Ichiro, Ellmeier Wilfried

Heterogeneity of the translational machinery: Variations on a common theme.

2015 Biochimie;114:39, 47, 39-47.
PMID:  25542647

Sauert Martina, Temmel Hannes, Moll Isabella

Structural biology of the lanthanides-mining rare earths in the Protein Data Bank.

2015 Journal of inorganic biochemistry;143:69, 76, 69-76.
PMID:  25528480

Djinovic-Carugo Kristina, Carugo Oliviero

Autophagy competes for a common phosphatidylethanolamine pool with major cellular PE-consuming pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

2015 Genetics;199(2):475, 485, 475-85.
PMID:  25519895

Wilson-Zbinden Caroline, dos Santos Aline Xavier da Silveira, Stoffel-Studer Ingrid, van der Vaart Aniek, Hofmann Kay, Reggiori Fulvio, Riezman Howard, Kraft Claudine, Peter Matthias

Promoter occupancy of STAT1 in interferon responses is regulated by processive transcription.

2015 Molecular and cellular biology;35(4):716, 727, 716-27.
PMID:  25512607

Wiesauer Ivana, Gaumannmüller Clemens, Steinparzer Iris, Strobl Birgit, Kovarik Pavel

Structural basis for the interaction of protein S1 with the Escherichia coli ribosome.

2015 Nucleic acids research;43(1):661, 673, 661-73.
PMID:  25510494

Byrgazov Konstantin, Grishkovskaya Irina, Arenz Stefan, Coudevylle Nicolas, Temmel Hannes, Wilson Daniel N, Djinovic-Carugo Kristina, Moll Isabella

Atypical ubiquitylation in yeast targets lysine-less Asi2 for proteasomal degradation.

2015 The Journal of biological chemistry;290(4):2489, 2495, 2489-95.
PMID:  25492870

Boban Mirta, Ljungdahl Per O, Foisner Roland

In vitro systems for Atg8 lipidation.

2015 Methods (San Diego, Calif.);75:37, 43, 37-43.
PMID:  25461810

Zens Bettina, Sawa-Makarska Justyna, Martens Sascha

A general condition for adaptive genetic polymorphism in temporally and spatially heterogeneous environments.

2015 Theoretical population biology;99:76, 97, 76-97.
PMID:  25446960

Svardal Hannes, Rueffler Claus, Hermisson Joachim

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