Casein Kinase 1 and Phosphorylation of Cohesin Subunit Rec11 (SA3) Promote Meiotic Recombination through Linear Element Formation.
Phadnis Naina, Cipak Lubos, Polakova Silvia, Hyppa Randy W, Cipakova Ingrid, Anrather Dorothea, Karvaiova Lucia, Mechtler Karl, Smith Gerald R, Gregan Juraj
Laser-induced acoustic desorption of natural and functionalized biochromophores.
Sezer Uğur, Wörner Lisa, Horak Johannes, Felix Lukas, Tüxen Jens, Götz Christoph, Vaziri Alipasha, Mayor Marcel, Arndt Markus
Nuclear pore basket proteins are tethered to the nuclear envelope and can regulate membrane curvature.
Mészáros Noémi, Cibulka Jakub, Mendiburo Maria Jose, Romanauska Anete, Schneider Maren, Köhler Alwin
Unmasking alternative splicing inside protein-coding exons defines exitrons and their role in proteome plasticity.
Marquez Yamile, Höpfler Markus, Ayatollahi Zahra, Barta Andrea, Kalyna Maria
Noncanonical Effects of IRF9 in Intestinal Inflammation: More than Type I and Type III Interferons.
Rauch Isabella, Rosebrock Felix, Hainzl Eva, Heider Susanne, Majoros Andrea, Wienerroither Sebastian, Strobl Birgit, Stockinger Silvia, Kenner Lukas, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas
General and MicroRNA-Mediated mRNA Degradation Occurs on Ribosome Complexes in Drosophila Cells.
Antic Sanja, Wolfinger Michael T, Skucha Anna, Hosiner Stefanie, Dorner Silke
Acanthocytosis and the c.680 A>G Mutation in the PANK2 Gene: A Study Enrolling a Cohort of PKAN Patients from the Dominican Republic.
Schiessl-Weyer Jasmin, Roa Pedro, Laccone Franco, Kluge Britta, Tichy Alexander, De Almeida Ribeiro Euripedes, Prohaska Rainer, Stoeter Peter, Siegl Claudia, Salzer Ulrich
The Heptameric SmAP1 and SmAP2 Proteins of the Crenarchaeon Sulfolobus Solfataricus Bind to Common and Distinct RNA Targets.
Märtens Birgit, Bezerra Gustavo Arruda, Kreuter Mathias Josef, Grishkovskaya Irina, Manica Andrea, Arkhipova Valentina, Djinovic-Carugo Kristina, Bläsi Udo
The coordinated action of the MVB pathway and autophagy ensures cell survival during starvation.
Müller Martin, Schmidt Oliver, Angelova Mihaela, Faserl Klaus, Weys Sabine, Kremser Leopold, Pfaffenwimmer Thaddäus, Dalik Thomas, Kraft Claudine, Trajanoski Zlatko, Lindner Herbert, Teis David
Split diversity in constrained conservation prioritization using integer linear programming.
Chernomor Olga, Minh Bui Quang, Forest Félix, Klaere Steffen, Ingram Travis, Henzinger Monika, von Haeseler Arndt
Decreased expression of endogenous feline leukemia virus in cat lymphomas: a case control study.
Krunic Milica, Ertl Reinhard, Hagen Benedikt, Sedlazeck Fritz J, Hofmann-Lehmann Regina, von Haeseler Arndt, Klein Dieter
BILBO1 is a scaffold protein of the flagellar pocket collar in the pathogen Trypanosoma brucei.
Florimond Célia, Sahin Annelise, Vidilaseris Keni, Dong Gang, Landrein Nicolas, Dacheux Denis, Albisetti Anna, Byard Edward H, Bonhivers Mélanie, Robinson Derrick R
H3K4 monomethylation dictates nucleosome dynamics and chromatin remodeling at stress-responsive genes.
Nadal-Ribelles Mariona, Mas Glòria, Millán-Zambrano Gonzalo, Solé Carme, Ammerer Gustav, Chávez Sebastián, Posas Francesc, de Nadal Eulàlia
Optimizing and extending light-sculpting microscopy for fast functional imaging in neuroscience.
Rupprecht Peter, Prevedel Robert, Groessl Florian, Haubensak Wulf E, Vaziri Alipasha
Soups & SELEX for the origin of life.
Schroeder Renée
Estrogen enhances secretion of apolipoprotein B-100 containing lipoproteins by BeWo cells.
Kamper Miriam, Manns Clara C, Plieschnig Julia A, Schneider Wolfgang J, Ivessa N Erwin, Hermann Marcela
Innate immune response to Streptococcus pyogenes depends on the combined activation of TLR13 and TLR2.
Fieber Christina, Janos Marton, Koestler Tina, Gratz Nina, Li Xiao-Dong, Castiglia Virginia, Aberle Marion, Sauert Martina, Wegner Mareike, Alexopoulou Lena, Kirschning Carsten J, Chen Zhijian J, von Haeseler Arndt, Kovarik Pavel
Malleable nature of mRNA-protein compositional complementarity and its functional significance.
Hlevnjak Mario, Zagrovic Bojan
Dimeric chlorite dismutase from the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. PCC7425.
Schaffner Irene, Hofbauer Stefan, Krutzler Michael, Pirker Katharina F, Bellei Marzia, Stadlmayr Gerhard, Mlynek Georg, Djinovic-Carugo Kristina, Battistuzzi Gianantonio, Furtmüller Paul G, Daims Holger, Obinger Christian
In praise of other model organisms.
Warren Graham