


Domain swapping between homologous bacterial small RNAs dissects processing and Hfq binding determinants and uncovers an aptamer for conditional RNase E cleavage.

2016 Nucleic acids research;44(2):824, 837, 824-37.
PMID:  26531825

Göpel Yvonne, Khan Muna Ayesha, Görke Boris

N-Lauroylation during the Expression of Recombinant N-Myristoylated Proteins: Implications and Solutions.

2016 Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology;17(1):82, 89, 82-9.
PMID:  26522884

Flamm Andrea Gabriele, Le Roux Anabel-Lise, Mateos Borja, Díaz-Lobo Mireia, Storch Barbara, Breuker Kathrin, Konrat Robert, Pons Miquel, Coudevylle Nicolas

Analysis of Three-Dimensional Structures of Exocyst Components.

2016 Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.);1369:191, 204, 191-204.
PMID:  26519314

Lesigang Johannes, Dong Gang

Human telomerase reverse transcriptase binds to a pre-organized hTR in vivo exposing its template.

2016 Nucleic acids research;44(1):413, 425, 413-25.
PMID:  26481359

Zemora Georgeta, Handl Stefan, Waldsich Christina

A monoclonal antibody specific for prophase phosphorylation of histone deacetylase 1: a readout for early mitotic cells.

2016 mAbs;8(1):37, 42, 37-42.
PMID:  26467746

Segré Chiara V, Senese Silvia, Loponte Sara, Santaguida Stefano, Soffientini Paolo, Grigorean Gabriela, Cinquanta Mario, Ossolengo Giuseppe, Seiser Christian, Chiocca Susanna

Plant resistance against the parasitic nematode Heterodera schachtii is mediated by MPK3 and MPK6 kinases, which are controlled by the MAPK phosphatase AP2C1 in Arabidopsis.

2016 Journal of experimental botany;67(1):107, 118, 107-18.
PMID:  26438412

Sidonskaya Ekaterina, Schweighofer Alois, Shubchynskyy Volodymyr, Kammerhofer Nina, Hofmann Julia, Wieczorek Krzysztof, Meskiene Irute

Detection of correlated conformational fluctuations in intrinsically disordered proteins through paramagnetic relaxation interference.

2016 Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP;18(8):5753, 5758, 5753-8.
PMID:  26411860

Kurzbach D, Vanas A, Flamm A G, Tarnoczi N, Kontaxis G, Maltar-Strmečki N, Widder K, Hinderberger D, Konrat R

Lipid droplets in activated mast cells - a significant source of triglyceride-derived arachidonic acid for eicosanoid production.

2016 European journal of pharmacology;785:59, 69, 59-69.
PMID:  26164793

Dichlberger Andrea, Schlager Stefanie, Kovanen Petri T, Schneider Wolfgang J

Expression and Purification of the E4 SUMO Ligases PIAL1 and PIAL2.

2015 Bio-protocol;5(15)
PMID:  29085855

Tomanov Konstantin, Bachmair Andreas

Missing strings of residues in protein crystal structures.

2015 Intrinsically disordered proteins;3(1):e1095697.
PMID:  28232893

Djinovic-Carugo Kristina, Carugo Oliviero

Assembly mechanism of Trypanosoma brucei BILBO1 at the flagellar pocket collar.

2015 Communicative & integrative biology;8(1):e992739.
PMID:  26844754

Vidilaseris Keni, Lesigang Johannes, Morriswood Brooke, Dong Gang

Ultrafast Time-Resolved Photoelectric Emission.

2015 Physical review letters(26)
PMID:  26764997

Juffmann Thomas, Klopfer Brannon B, Skulason Gunnar E, Kealhofer Catherine, Xiao Fan, Foreman Seth M, Kasevich Mark A

Intestinal Microbiota Signatures Associated with Inflammation History in Mice Experiencing Recurring Colitis.

2015 Frontiers in microbiology;6:1408.
PMID:  26697002

Berry David, Kuzyk Orest, Rauch Isabella, Heider Susanne, Schwab Clarissa, Hainzl Eva, Decker Thomas, Müller Mathias, Strobl Birgit, Schleper Christa, Urich Tim, Wagner Michael, Kenner Lukas, Loy Alexander

Protein Phosphatase Methyl-Esterase PME-1 Protects Protein Phosphatase 2A from Ubiquitin/Proteasome Degradation.

2015 PloS one;10(12):e0145226.
PMID:  26678046

Yabe Ryotaro, Miura Akane, Usui Tatsuya, Mudrak Ingrid, Ogris Egon, Ohama Takashi, Sato Koichi

Expression and regulation of Schlafen (SLFN) family members in primary human monocytes, monocyte-derived dendritic cells and T cells.

2015 Results in immunology;5:23, 32, 23-32.
PMID:  26623250

Puck Alexander, Aigner Regina, Modak Madhura, Cejka Petra, Blaas Dieter, Stöckl Johannes

A molecular ruler regulates cytoskeletal remodelling by the Rho kinases.

2015 Nature communications;6:10029.
PMID:  26620183

Truebestein Linda, Elsner Daniel J, Fuchs Elisabeth, Leonard Thomas A

Soluble LR11/SorLA represses thermogenesis in adipose tissue and correlates with BMI in humans.

2015 Nature communications;6:8951.
PMID:  26584636

Whittle Andrew J, Jiang Meizi, Peirce Vivian, Relat Joana, Virtue Sam, Ebinuma Hiroyuki, Fukamachi Isamu, Yamaguchi Takashi, Takahashi Mao, Murano Takeyoshi, Tatsuno Ichiro, Takeuchi Masahiro, Nakaseko Chiaki, Jin Wenlong, Jin Zhehu, Campbell Mark, Schneider Wolfgang J, Vidal-Puig Antonio, Bujo Hideaki

LR11/SorLA links triglyceride-rich lipoproteins to risk of developing cardiovascular disease in FH patients.

2015 Atherosclerosis;243(2):429, 437, 429-37.
PMID:  26520897

Vongpromek Ranitha, Bujo Hideaki, Hoekstra Menno, Schneider Wolfgang J, van der Zee Leonie, Schinkel Arend F L, Korporaal Suzanne J A, Dik Willem A, Ebinuma Hiroyuki, Jiang Meizi, Verhoeven Adrie J M, Sijbrands Eric J G, Mulder Monique T

Teaser: Individualized benchmarking and optimization of read mapping results for NGS data.

2015 Genome biology;16:235.
PMID:  26494581

Smolka Moritz, Rescheneder Philipp, Schatz Michael C, von Haeseler Arndt, Sedlazeck Fritz J

The Candida albicans Histone Acetyltransferase Hat1 Regulates Stress Resistance and Virulence via Distinct Chromatin Assembly Pathways.

2015 PLoS pathogens;11(10):e1005218.
PMID:  26473952

Tscherner Michael, Zwolanek Florian, Jenull Sabrina, Sedlazeck Fritz J, Petryshyn Andriy, Frohner Ingrid E, Mavrianos John, Chauhan Neeraj, von Haeseler Arndt, Kuchler Karl

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