Bax assembly into rings and arcs in apoptotic mitochondria is linked to membrane pores.
Salvador-Gallego Raquel, Mund Markus, Cosentino Katia, Schneider Jale, Unsay Joseph, Schraermeyer Ulrich, Engelhardt Johann, Ries Jonas, García-Sáez Ana J
Functional and Genetic Analysis of Epiplakin in Epithelial Cells.
Szabo Sandra, Wögenstein Karl L, Fuchs Peter
Degradation-mediated protein quality control at the inner nuclear membrane.
Boban Mirta, Foisner Roland
Structural characterization of a Vatairea macrocarpa lectin in complex with a tumor-associated antigen: A new tool for cancer research.
Sousa Bruno L, Silva-Filho José C, Kumar Prashant, Graewert Melissa A, Pereira Ronniery I, Cunha Rodrigo M S, Nascimento Kyria S, Bezerra Gustavo A, Delatorre Plínio, Djinovic-Carugo Kristina, Nagano Celso S, Gruber Karl, Cavada Benildo S
1H, 15N, 13C resonance assignment of human GAP-43.
Flamm Andrea Gabriele, Żerko Szymon, Zawadzka-Kazimierczuk Anna, Koźmiński Wiktor, Konrat Robert, Coudevylle Nicolas
The Late S-Phase Transcription Factor Hcm1 Is Regulated through Phosphorylation by the Cell Wall Integrity Checkpoint.
Negishi Takahiro, Veis Jiri, Hollenstein David, Sekiya Mizuho, Ammerer Gustav, Ohya Yoshikazu
Barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF) involvement in prelamin A-related chromatin organization changes.
Loi Manuela, Cenni Vittoria, Duchi Serena, Squarzoni Stefano, Lopez-Otin Carlos, Foisner Roland, Lattanzi Giovanna, Capanni Cristina
The spliceosome-associated protein Nrl1 suppresses homologous recombination-dependent R-loop formation in fission yeast.
Aronica Lucia, Kasparek Torben, Ruchman David, Marquez Yamile, Cipak Lubos, Cipakova Ingrid, Anrather Dorothea, Mikolaskova Barbora, Radtke Maximilian, Sarkar Sovan, Pai Chen-Chun, Blaikley Elizabeth, Walker Carol, Shen Kuo-Fang, Schroeder Renee, Barta Andrea, Forsburg Susan L, Humphrey Timothy C
Knock-in(g) RAF for a loop.
Varga Andrea, Baccarini Manuela
SUMOylation represses SnRK1 signaling in Arabidopsis.
Crozet Pierre, Margalha Leonor, Butowt Rafal, Fernandes Noémia, Elias Carlos A, Orosa Beatriz, Tomanov Konstantin, Teige Markus, Bachmair Andreas, Sadanandom Ari, Baena-González Elena
c-Raf promotes angiogenesis during normal growth plate maturation.
Liu Eva S, Raimann Adalbert, Chae Byongsoo Timothy, Martins Janaina S, Baccarini Manuela, Demay Marie B
Biochemical and Structural Characterization of the Interaction between the Siderocalin NGAL/LCN2 (Neutrophil Gelatinase-associated Lipocalin/Lipocalin 2) and the N-terminal Domain of Its Endocytic Receptor SLC22A17.
Cabedo Martinez Ana-Isabel, Weinhäupl Katharina, Lee Wing-Kee, Wolff Natascha A, Storch Barbara, Żerko Szymon, Konrat Robert, Koźmiński Wiktor, Breuker Kathrin, Thévenod Frank, Coudevylle Nicolas
The Role of Recombination in Evolutionary Rescue.
Uecker Hildegard, Hermisson Joachim
Subfraction analysis of circulating lipoproteins in a patient with Tangier disease due to a novel ABCA1 mutation.
Murano Takeyoshi, Yamaguchi Takashi, Tatsuno Ichiro, Suzuki Masayo, Noike Hirofumi, Takanami Tarou, Yoshida Tomoe, Suzuki Mitsuya, Hashimoto Ryuya, Maeno Takatoshi, Terai Kensuke, Tokuyama Wataru, Hiruta Nobuyuki, Schneider Wolfgang J, Bujo Hideaki
AREsite2: an enhanced database for the comprehensive investigation of AU/GU/U-rich elements.
Fallmann Jörg, Sedlyarov Vitaly, Tanzer Andrea, Kovarik Pavel, Hofacker Ivo L
Essential Nonredundant Function of the Catalytic Activity of Histone Deacetylase 2 in Mouse Development.
Hagelkruys Astrid, Mattes Katharina, Moos Verena, Rennmayr Magdalena, Ringbauer Manuela, Sawicka Anna, Seiser Christian
Lipid transport to avian oocytes and to the developing embryo.
Schneider Wolfgang J
Novel Features of DAG-Activated PKC Isozymes Reveal a Conserved 3-D Architecture.
Lučić Iva, Truebestein Linda, Leonard Thomas A
TORC1 and TORC2 work together to regulate ribosomal protein S6 phosphorylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Yerlikaya Seda, Meusburger Madeleine, Kumari Romika, Huber Alexandre, Anrather Dorothea, Costanzo Michael, Boone Charles, Ammerer Gustav, Baranov Pavel V, Loewith Robbie
RNA sequencing uncovers antisense RNAs and novel small RNAs in Streptococcus pyogenes.
Le Rhun Anaïs, Beer Yan Yan, Reimegård Johan, Chylinski Krzysztof, Charpentier Emmanuelle