Negative Control of RpoS Synthesis by the sRNA ReaL in .
Thi Bach Nguyen Hue, Romero A David, Amman Fabian, Sorger-Domenigg Theresa, Tata Muralidhar, Sonnleitner Elisabeth, Bläsi Udo
Activating mutations in MEK1 enhance homodimerization and promote tumorigenesis.
Yuan Jimin, Ng Wan Hwa, Tian Zizi, Yap Jiajun, Baccarini Manuela, Chen Zhongzhou, Hu Jiancheng
Parents in science.
Perry Emily, Tessmar-Raible Kristin, Raible Florian
The Reelin Receptors Apolipoprotein E receptor 2 (ApoER2) and VLDL Receptor.
Dlugosz Paula, Nimpf Johannes
Treatment of a metabolic liver disease by in vivo genome base editing in adult mice.
Villiger Lukas, Grisch-Chan Hiu Man, Lindsay Helen, Ringnalda Femke, Pogliano Chiara B, Allegri Gabriella, Fingerhut Ralph, Häberle Johannes, Matos Joao, Robinson Mark D, Thöny Beat, Schwank Gerald
p62-mediated phase separation at the intersection of the ubiquitin-proteasome system and autophagy.
Danieli Alberto, Martens Sascha
A constitutive active allele of the transcription factor Msn2 mimicking low PKA activity dictates metabolic remodeling in yeast.
Pfanzagl Vera, Görner Wolfram, Radolf Martin, Parich Alexandra, Schuhmacher Rainer, Strauss Joseph, Reiter Wolfgang, Schüller Christoph
Simultaneous dual-channel imaging to quantify interdependent protein recruitment to laser-induced DNA damage sites.
Garbrecht Joachim, Hornegger Harald, Herbert Sebastien, Kaufmann Tanja, Gotzmann Josef, Elsayad Kareem, Slade Dea
Structure of a Novel Dimeric SET Domain Methyltransferase that Regulates Cell Motility.
Pivovarova Yulia, Liu Jun, Lesigang Johannes, Koldyka Oliver, Rauschmeier Rene, Hu Ke, Dong Gang
Establishment of Transgenesis in the Demosponge .
Revilla-I-Domingo Roger, Schmidt Clara, Zifko Clara, Raible Florian
Revised nomenclature and functional overview of the ULP gene family of plant deSUMOylating proteases.
Castro Pedro Humberto, Bachmair Andreas, Bejarano Eduardo R, Coupland George, Lois L Maria, Sadanandom Ari, van den Burg Harrold A, Vierstra Richard D, Azevedo Herlander
Competition of Candida glabrata against Lactobacillus is Hog1 dependent.
Beyer Reinhard, Jandric Zeljkica, Zutz Christoph, Gregori Christa, Willinger Birgit, Jacobsen Ilse D, Kovarik Pavel, Strauss Joseph, Schüller Christoph
Reconstitution reveals Ykt6 as the autophagosomal SNARE in autophagosome-vacuole fusion.
Bas Levent, Papinski Daniel, Licheva Mariya, Torggler Raffaela, Rohringer Sabrina, Schuschnig Martina, Kraft Claudine
Cellular N-myristoyltransferases play a crucial picornavirus genus-specific role in viral assembly, virion maturation, and infectivity.
Corbic Ramljak Irena, Stanger Julia, Real-Hohn Antonio, Dreier Dominik, Wimmer Laurin, Redlberger-Fritz Monika, Fischl Wolfgang, Klingel Karin, Mihovilovic Marko D, Blaas Dieter, Kowalski Heinrich
Roles of distal aspartate and arginine of B-class dye-decolorizing peroxidase in heterolytic hydrogen peroxide cleavage.
Pfanzagl Vera, Nys Kevin, Bellei Marzia, Michlits Hanna, Mlynek Georg, Battistuzzi Gianantonio, Djinovic-Carugo Kristina, Van Doorslaer Sabine, Furtmüller Paul G, Hofbauer Stefan, Obinger Christian
Small RNAs Are Trafficked from the Epididymis to Developing Mammalian Sperm.
Sharma Upasna, Sun Fengyun, Conine Colin C, Reichholf Brian, Kukreja Shweta, Herzog Veronika A, Ameres Stefan L, Rando Oliver J
Systematic Nanoscale Analysis of Endocytosis Links Efficient Vesicle Formation to Patterned Actin Nucleation.
Mund Markus, van der Beek Johannes Albertus, Deschamps Joran, Dmitrieff Serge, Hoess Philipp, Monster Jooske Louise, Picco Andrea, Nédélec François, Kaksonen Marko, Ries Jonas
Lp8 is potentially associated with partial lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency in a patient with primary biliary cirrhosis.
Watanabe Toshiyuki, Nema Toshirou, Hiruta Nobuyuki, Murano Takeyoshi, Schneider Wolfgang J, Bujo Hideaki
Modification of translation factor aIF5A from Sulfolobus solfataricus.
Bassani F, Romagnoli A, Cacciamani T, Amici A, Benelli D, Londei P, Märtens B, Bläsi U, La Teana A