Separating signal from noise during stress in the HOG network
Cellular integrity relies not only on intracellular, but also on extracellular parameters which are often prone to fluctuation. If physico-chemical parameters in a cell’s environment reach extremes, adaptation is crucial for survival.
RAF1, the unexpected moonlighter
Cells have to be able to interpret environmental signals in order to detect what's going on in their surroundings and respond appropriately to cues from both their neighbors and their environment. Within cells, signals are transmitted by specific proteins arranged in hierarchical structures, called signalling cascades. Many of these cascades are extremely well conserved, showing their relevance for a wide range of species.
Seeding Success in Science
Symposium on the occasion of the retirement of Graham Warren, Scientific Director of the Max F. Perutz Laboratories and Dean of the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna
DP RNA Biology – Funding secured for three more years
Based at the MFPL and headed by Andrea Barta, the FWF-funded DP RNA Biology is a cross-institutional PhD program bringing together Vienna’s RNA researchers from the MFPL, the Medical University of Vienna, the University of Vienna, the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA), the Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) and the Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology (GMI).
Unravelling the first step of vesicle fusion
Vesicles are small, fluid filled structures that are surrounded by a lipid double layer. They are vital for many cellular and physiological processes, as they carry or secrete cellular cargo such as waste, hormones or neurotransmitters.
Shedding light on the brakes of Akt activity
Changes leading to the hyperactivation of the protein kinase Akt are observed in almost 50% of all human tumors. Understanding Akt’s regulatory mechanisms is therefore essential for developing and improving cancer therapies. Researchers from the Max F. Perutz Laboratories, a joint venture of the University of Vienna and Medical University of Vienna, propose a completely new model of Akt regulation, limiting its activity to discrete locations within the cell – cellular membranes. The results are published in the journal Molecular Cell.
Official kick-off of the NaturTalente program
This January, the University of Vienna’s NaturTalente program has started for the third time. The initiative is carried out in cooperation with UNIPORT, the career service of the University of Vienna. An exciting half-year program awaits 32 excellent students, with the aim of establishing a network between students of STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and industry.
Iva Lucic awarded Dissertation Completion Fellowship
We congratulate Iva Lucic on her Dissertation Completion Fellowship from the University of Vienna! The scholarship offers financial support to PhD students during the completion of their theses, for up to a period of six months.
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