Group Manuela Baccarini

Deciphering the MAPK pathway in vivo

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The Question

Cells survive, proliferate, and differentiate by interpreting the signals from the environment and translating them into the right output. If signaling goes awry, even in a few cells, the whole organism is at risk. We focus on signaling by the RAF/MEK/ERK pathway, an evolutionarily conserved kinase module which relays signals through consecutive phosphorylation of proteins arranged in three tiers. Constitutive activation of the pathway is a key event in several human malignancies and developmental disorders. Thus, proteins in this pathway are attractive therapeutic targets.
Strikingly, the pathway increases in complexity with evolution - from one paralog in simple organisms to three RAF, two MEK and two ERK paralogs in vertebrates. We investigate the essential roles of RAF and MEK paralogs and have discovered that they are indispensable for pathway cross‐talk, with functional consequences for homeostasis at the molecular, cellular, and organismal level.

The Approach

The lab continues to focus on deciphering signaling pathways in the context of the whole organism, using a blend of genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry and cell biology. Since the essential functions of RAF and MEK paralogs are based primarily on their ability to undergo protein‐protein interactions with components of other signaling pathways, we are currently using an array of proximity labeling techniques coupled with mass spectrometry to understand the spatiotemporal context in which these complexes operate. To investigate the functional consequences of pathway perturbation, we rely mainly on primary cells and deploy single cell analysis of signaling pathways combined with single cell RNA‐seq to understand how RAF and MEK paralogs control cell fate decision.

Manuela Baccarini

Manuela is passionate about educating the next generation of scientists. She is the Director of the Vienna BioCenter PhD Program, a graduate school of the University of Vienna and Medical University of Vienna (link to the program website) and coordinates the FWF-funded PhD track “Signaling Mechanisms In Cellular Homeostasis”.

Download CV

Main Building
Room: 4.628

   +43 1 4277 54607


A system of checks and balances: an ERK-dependent feedback mechanism prevents HSC exhaustion

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) generate all cells in the blood, and are thus essential for our survival. HSC are rapidly activated when new blood is needed, but must go back to a dormant state lest the HSC compartment is exhausted. The fine balance between activation and dormancy is maintained by a negative feedback mechanism emanating from activated ERK and terminating ERK and AKT signaling.

Tipping the balance of signaling pathways

The MEK paralog MEK1 dims signaling through the prosurvival PI3K/AKT pathway. Once modified by its substrate activated ERK, MEK1 binds to the lipid phosphatase PTEN and promotes its translocation to the plasma membrane. Here, PTEN breaks down the lipid second messenger PIP3, stopping AKT signaling. Thus, MEK1 balances signaling through two cascades that regulate cell proliferation and survival.

The many jobs of RAF1

Activation of the RAF paralog RAF1 by growth factors and oncogenes generates distinct phosphorylated species which interact with the paralog BRAF, or with the cytoskeleton-based ROKα kinase. The BRAF complex is formed first and regulates ERK activation and proliferation, the ROKα complex regulates migration. RAF1 can be viewed as a moonlighting protein evolved to integrate distinct cell functions.

RAS-driven tumors need RAF1

RAF1 ablation prevents the development and causes the regression of RAS-driven epidermal and lung tumors. In this system, RAS promotes complex formation between RAF1 and ROKα. RAF1 operates as an endogenous inhibitor of ROKα, which when unchecked induces exit from cell cycle and promotes keratinocyte differentiation.

Opposite role of RAF1 in liver cancer

RAF1 is required for RAS-driven lung and skin tumorigenesis. However in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) RAF1 puts the breaks on the proliferation of malignant hepatocytes, the actual tumor cells; therefore, and unexpectedly, RAF1 is a negative regulator of HCC. On the other hand, RAF1 is required in inflammatory cells of the tumor stroma to create an environment which stimulates HCC growth


    Manuela Baccarini
    Group Leader
       +43 1 4277 54607
    Room: 4.628

    Leandro Cannizzaro
    Lab Technician
       +43 1 4277 54629
    Room: 4.525

    Sebastian Didusch
    PhD Student
       +43 1 4277 54629
    Room: 4.525

    Ana Maria Sandru
    PhD Student
       +43 1 4277 54630
    Room: 4.529

    Ana Santiago
    Lab Technician
       +43 1 4277 54629
    Room: 4.525

    Stefanie Toifl
    PhD Student
       +43 1 4277 54630
    Room: 4.529

    Georg Vucak
    PhD Student
       +43 1 4277 54629
    Room: 4.525


    29 March 2022

    FEBS Journal Editor profile Manuela Baccarini

    In this special interview series, the FEBS Journal profiles members of its editorial board: Read about Manuela's research, perspectives on the journal and future directions in her field.


    17 February 2022

    Interview: The social network of our cells

    The group of Manuela Baccarini is investigating the way our cells communicate with each other. In this interview with "Rudolphina" by the University of Vienna, she talks about the 'signaling highway' in our bodies and about the way high throughput technologies revolutionised modern molecular cell biology research.


    Selected Publications

    An ERK-Dependent Feedback Mechanism Prevents Hematopoietic Stem Cell Exhaustion.

    2018 Cell stem cell;22(6):879, 892.e6, 879-892.e6.
    PMID:  29804890

    Baumgartner Christian, Toifl Stefanie, Farlik Matthias, Halbritter Florian, Scheicher Ruth, Fischer Irmgard, Sexl Veronika, Bock Christoph, Baccarini Manuela

    MEK1 is required for PTEN membrane recruitment, AKT regulation, and the maintenance of peripheral tolerance.

    2013 Molecular cell;50(1):43, 55, 43-55.
    PMID:  23453810

    Zmajkovicova Katarina, Jesenberger Veronika, Catalanotti Federica, Baumgartner Christian, Reyes Gloria, Baccarini Manuela

    A cell-autonomous tumour suppressor role of RAF1 in hepatocarcinogenesis.

    2016 Nature communications;7:13781.
    PMID:  28000790

    Jeric Ines, Maurer Gabriele, Cavallo Anna Lina, Raguz Josipa, Desideri Enrico, Tarkowski Bartosz, Parrini Matthias, Fischer Irmgard, Zatloukal Kurt, Baccarini Manuela

    Collaborations & Funding

    National Scientific Research Fund (FWF) Project

    Project title: “MEK1 complexes regulating the timing and strength of ERK and AKT signals" (P 26874)

    National Scientific Research Fund (FWF) Project

    Project title: “Role of MEK1 signaling in the regulation of hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis" (P 26303)

    Obermann-Stiftung zur Förderung der Krebsforschung an der Universität Wien

    Project title: “Rolle der Raf Kinasen in Angiogenesis"

    Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)

    Project title: “The multi-scale dynamics of signal transduction: dissecting the MAPK pathway”

    Doctoral Program "Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis"

    Manuela Baccarini co-ordinates the special Doctoral Program "Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis" reviewed and funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF.
