PARP7 as a new target for activating anti-tumor immunity in cancer.
Popova Katerina, Benedum Johannes, Engl Magdalena, Lütgendorf-Caucig Carola, Fossati Piero, Widder Joachim, Podar Klaus, Slade Dea
Can we develop effective direct or indirect inhibitors of transcription factors? On the clinical evolution of protein degraders for multiple myeloma therapy.
Meli Rajeshwari, Aksoy Osman, Vallet Sonia, Slade Dea, Podar Klaus
A complete set of cross-correlated relaxation experiments for determining the protein backbone dihedral angles.
Bartosińska-Marzec Paulina, Banaś Bartłomiej, Kauffmann Clemens, Beier Andreas, Braun Daniel, Ceccolini Irene, Koźmiński Wiktor, Konrat Robert, Zawadzka-Kazimierczuk Anna
HaloPROTAC3 treatment activates the unfolded protein response of the endoplasmic reticulum in non-engineered mammalian cell lines.
Anisimova Aleksandra S, Karagöz G Elif
MyoD1 localization at the nuclear periphery is mediated by association of WFS1 with active enhancers.
Georgiou Konstantina, Sarigol Fatih, Nimpf Tobias, Knapp Christian, Filipczak Daria, Foisner Roland, Naetar Nana
Integrative spatiotemporal modeling of biomolecular processes: Application to the assembly of the nuclear pore complex.
Latham Andrew P, Zhang Wanlu, Tempkin Jeremy O B, Otsuka Shotaro, Ellenberg Jan, Sali Andrej
Convergent Assembly of Homo- and Heterotypic Ubiquitin Chains from Functionalized, Expressed Monomers via Thiol-Ene Chemistry.
Becker Christian F W, Urschbach Moritz, Huhmann Susanne, Appel Dominik, Ferrari Luca, Vogl Dominik, Martens Sascha
Mechanistic basis for PYROXD1-mediated protection of the human tRNA ligase complex against oxidative inactivation.
Loeff Luuk, Kroupova Alena, Asanović Igor, Boneberg Franziska M, Pfleiderer Moritz M, Riermeier Luca, Leitner Alexander, Ferdigg Andrè, Ackle Fabian, Martinez Javier, Jinek Martin
SUMO style defense: How post-translational modification via SUMO conjugation promotes plant defense.
Stael Simon, Lois L Maria, Bachmair Andreas
Cell-type-specific requirement for TYK2 in murine immune cells under steady state and challenged conditions.
Karjalainen Anzhelika, Witalisz-Siepracka Agnieszka, Prchal-Murphy Michaela, Martin David, Sternberg Felix, Krunic Milica, Dolezal Marlies, Fortelny Nikolaus, Farlik Matthias, Macho-Maschler Sabine, Lassnig Caroline, Meissl Katrin, Amenitsch Lena, Lederer Therese, Pohl Elena, Gotthardt Dagmar, Bock Christoph, Decker Thomas, Strobl Birgit, Müller Mathias
The polyamine-regulating enzyme SSAT1 impairs tissue regulatory T cell function in chronic cutaneous inflammation.
Neuwirth Teresa, Malzl Daniel, Knapp Katja, Tsokkou Panagiota, Kleissl Lisa, Gabriel Anna, Reininger Baerbel, Freystätter Christian, Marella Nara, Kutschat Ana P, Ponweiser Elisabeth, Haschemi Arvand, Seruggia Davide, Menche Jörg, Wagner Erwin F, Stary Georg
A functional map of phosphoprotein phosphatase regulation identifies an evolutionary conserved reductase for the catalytic metal ions.
Meeusen Bob, Ambjørn Sara M, Veis Jiri, Riley Rachel C, Vit Gianmatteo, Brauer Brooke L, Møller Mads H, Greiner Elora C, Chan Camilla B, Weisser Melanie B, Garvanska Dimitriya H, Zhu Hao, Davey Norman E, Kettenbach Arminja N, Ogris Egon, Nilsson Jakob
Guiding Light: Mechanisms and Adjustments of Environmental Light Interpretation with Insights from and Other Selected Examples.
Wulf Paul O, Häfker N Sören, Hofmann Kaelin, Tessmar-Raible Kristin
ATG8ylation of vacuolar membrane protects plants against cell wall damage.
Julian Jose, Gao Peng, Del Chiaro Alessia, Carlos De La Concepcion Juan, Armengot Laia, Somssich Marc, Duverge Heloise, Clavel Marion, Grujic Nenad, Kobylinska Roksolana, Polivka Ingo, Besten Maarten, Andersen Tonni Grube, Dank Christian, Korbei Barbara, Bachmair Andreas, Coll Nuria S, Minina Elena A, Sprakel Joris, Dagdas Yasin
Rapid iPSC inclusionopathy models shed light on formation, consequence, and molecular subtype of α-synuclein inclusions.
Lam Isabel, Ndayisaba Alain, Lewis Amanda J, Fu YuHong, Sagredo Giselle T, Kuzkina Anastasia, Zaccagnini Ludovica, Celikag Meral, Sandoe Jackson, Sanz Ricardo L, Vahdatshoar Aazam, Martin Timothy D, Morshed Nader, Ichihashi Toru, Tripathi Arati, Ramalingam Nagendran, Oettgen-Suazo Charlotte, Bartels Theresa, Boussouf Manel, Schäbinger Max, Hallacli Erinc, Jiang Xin, Verma Amrita, Tea Challana, Wang Zichen, Hakozaki Hiroyuki, Yu Xiao, Hyles Kelly, Park Chansaem, Wang Xinyuan, Theunissen Thorold W, Wang Haoyi, Jaenisch Rudolf, Lindquist Susan, Stevens Beth, Stefanova Nadia, Wenning Gregor, van de Berg Wilma D J, Luk Kelvin C, Sanchez-Pernaute Rosario, Gómez-Esteban Juan Carlos, Felsky Daniel, Kiyota Yasujiro, Sahni Nidhi, Yi S Stephen, Chung Chee Yeun, Stahlberg Henning, Ferrer Isidro, Schöneberg Johannes, Elledge Stephen J, Dettmer Ulf, Halliday Glenda M, Bartels Tim, Khurana Vikram
Deletion of smooth muscle ZFP36 promotes neointimal hyperplasia in mice.
Wang Lei, He Li-Fan, Xiong Xiao, Wu Zhi-Nan, Tian Mi, Cao Guang-Qing, Lu Hui-Xia, Ji Xiao-Ping, Zhang Yan-Ling, Kovarik Pavel, Zhang Wencheng, Liu Yan
Improving outcomes with early and intensive metabolic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: a long-term modeling analysis of clinical and cost outcomes in Italy.
Arietti Pierluca, Boye Kristina Secnik, Guidi Maurizio, Rachman Jonathan, Federici Marco Orsini, Raiola Rosanna, Avitabile Arianna, Valentine William J
Correction to "Uncovering Diversity Within the Glomeromycota: Novel Clades, Family Distributions, and Land Use Sensitivity".
The leader proteinase of foot-and-mouth disease virus: Efficiency through exosites.
Skern Tim
Pulsed laser deposition assisted epitaxial growth of cesium telluride photocathodes for high brightness electron sources.
Mondal Kali Prasanna, Gaowei Mengjia, Echeverria Elena, Evans-Lutterodt Kenneth, Jordan-Sweet Jean, Juffmann Thomas, Karkare Siddharth, Maxson Jared, van der Molen S J, Pennington Chad, Saha Pallavi, Smedley John, Stam W G, Tromp Rudolf M