Search Results


A theory of oligogenic adaptation of a quantitative trait.

2023 Genetics;225(2)
PMID:  37550847

Höllinger Ilse, Wölfl Benjamin, Hermisson Joachim

Analysis of higher plant N-degron pathway components and substrates via expression in S. cerevisiae.

2023 Methods in enzymology;686:221, 233, 221-233.
PMID:  37532401

Böhm Jessica, Winter Nikola, Kozlic Aida, Telser Theresia, Nehlin Lilian, Bachmair Andreas

Protein compactness and interaction valency define the architecture of a biomolecular condensate across scales.

2023 eLife;12
PMID:  37470705

Polyansky Anton A, Gallego Laura D, Efremov Roman G, Köhler Alwin, Zagrovic Bojan

A critical evaluation of protein kinase regulation by activation loop autophosphorylation.

2023 eLife;12
PMID:  37470698

Reinhardt Ronja, Leonard Thomas A

mRNA stability and mA are major determinants of subcellular mRNA localization in neurons.

2023 Molecular cell;83(15):2709, 2725.e10, 2709-2725.e10.
PMID:  37451262

Loedige Inga, Baranovskii Artem, Mendonsa Samantha, Dantsuji Sayaka, Popitsch Niko, Breimann Laura, Zerna Nadja, Cherepanov Vsevolod, Milek Miha, Ameres Stefan, Chekulaeva Marina

The membrane surface as a platform that organizes cellular and biochemical processes.

2023 Developmental cell;58(15):1315, 1332, 1315-1332.
PMID:  37419118

Leonard Thomas A, Loose Martin, Martens Sascha

Maternal hyperglycemia induces alterations in hepatic amino acid, glucose and lipid metabolism of neonatal offspring: Multi-omics insights from a diabetic pig model.

2023 Molecular metabolism;75:101768.
PMID:  37414142

Shashikadze Bachuki, Valla Libera, Lombardo Salvo Danilo, Prehn Cornelia, Haid Mark, Riols Fabien, Stöckl Jan Bernd, Elkhateib Radwa, Renner Simone, Rathkolb Birgit, Menche Jörg, Hrabĕ de Angelis Martin, Wolf Eckhard, Kemter Elisabeth, Fröhlich Thomas

TECPR1 conjugates LC3 to damaged endomembranes upon detection of sphingomyelin exposure.

2023 The EMBO journal;42(17):e113012.
PMID:  37409490

Boyle Keith B, Ellison Cara J, Elliott Paul R, Schuschnig Martina, Grimes Krista, Dionne Marc S, Sasakawa Chihiro, Munro Sean, Martens Sascha, Randow Felix

Genome-wide screening in pluripotent cells identifies Mtf1 as a suppressor of mutant huntingtin toxicity.

2023 Nature communications;14(1):3962.
PMID:  37407555

Ferlazzo Giorgia Maria, Gambetta Anna Maria, Amato Sonia, Cannizzaro Noemi, Angiolillo Silvia, Arboit Mattia, Diamante Linda, Carbognin Elena, Romani Patrizia, La Torre Federico, Galimberti Elena, Pflug Florian, Luoni Mirko, Giannelli Serena, Pepe Giuseppe, Capocci Luca, Di Pardo Alba, Vanzani Paola, Zennaro Lucio, Broccoli Vania, Leeb Martin, Moro Enrico, Maglione Vittorio, Martello Graziano

Hepatocyte-specific loss of LAP2α protects against diet-induced hepatic steatosis, steatohepatitis, and fibrosis in male mice.

2023 American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology;325(2):G184, G195, G184-G195.
PMID:  37366543

Upadhyay Kapil K, Choi Eun-Young K, Foisner Roland, Omary M Bishr, Brady Graham F

FIRRM/C1orf112 is synthetic lethal with PICH and mediates RAD51 dynamics.

2023 Cell reports(7)
PMID:  37347663

Stok Colin, Tsaridou Stavroula, van den Tempel Nathalie, Everts Marieke, Wierenga Elles, Bakker Femke J, Kok Yannick, Alves Inês Teles, Jae Lucas T, Raas Maximilian W D, Huis In 't Veld Pim J, de Boer H Rudolf, Bhattacharya Arkajyoti, Karanika Eleftheria, Warner Harry, Chen Mengting, van de Kooij Bert, Dessapt Julien, Ter Morsche Lars, Perepelkina Polina, Fradet-Turcotte Amelie, Guryev Victor, Tromer Eelco C, Chan Kok-Lung, Fehrmann Rudolf S N, van Vugt Marcel A T M

Systemic Inflammation and Normocytic Anemia in DOCK11 Deficiency.

2023 The New England journal of medicine;389(6):527, 539, 527-539.
PMID:  37342957

Block Jana, Rashkova Christina, Castanon Irinka, Zoghi Samaneh, Platon Jessica, Ardy Rico C, Fujiwara Mitsuhiro, Chaves Beatriz, Schoppmeyer Rouven, van der Made Caspar I, Jimenez Heredia Raul, Harms Frederike L, Alavi Samin, Alsina Laia, Sanchez Moreno Paula, Ávila Polo Rainiero, Cabrera-Pérez Rocío, Kostel Bal Sevgi, Pfajfer Laurène, Ransmayr Bernhard, Mautner Anna-Katharina, Kondo Ryohei, Tinnacher Anna, Caldera Michael, Schuster Michael, Domínguez Conde Cecilia, Platzer René, Salzer Elisabeth, Boyer Thomas, Brunner Han G, Nooitgedagt-Frons Judith E, Iglesias Estíbaliz, Deyà-Martinez Angela, Camacho-Lovillo Marisol, Menche Jörg, Bock Christoph, Huppa Johannes B, Pickl Winfried F, Distel Martin, Yoder Jeffrey A, Traver David, Engelhardt Karin R, Linden Tobias, Kager Leo, Hannich J Thomas, Hoischen Alexander, Hambleton Sophie, Illsinger Sabine, Da Costa Lydie, Kutsche Kerstin, Chavoshzadeh Zahra, van Buul Jaap D, Antón Jordi, Calzada-Hernández Joan, Neth Olaf, Viaud Julien, Nishikimi Akihiko, Dupré Loïc, Boztug Kaan

Enhancers of the PAIR4 regulatory module promote distal V gene recombination at the Igh locus.

2023 The EMBO journal;42(15):e112741.
PMID:  37337907

Hill Louisa, Jaritz Markus, Tagoh Hiromi, Schindler Karina, Kostanova-Poliakova Daniela, Sun Qiong, Schwickert Tanja A, Leeb Martin, Busslinger Meinrad

A phylogenetic profiling approach identifies novel ciliogenesis genes in Drosophila and C. elegans.

2023 The EMBO journal;42(16):e113616.
PMID:  37317646

Dobbelaere Jeroen, Su Tiffany Y, Erdi Balazs, Schleiffer Alexander, Dammermann Alexander

Microbe-induced drought tolerance by ABA-mediated root architecture and epigenetic reprogramming.

2023 EMBO reports;24(8):e56754.
PMID:  37278352

Alwutayd Khairiah M, Rawat Anamika A, Sheikh Arsheed H, Almeida-Trapp Marilia, Veluchamy Alaguraj, Jalal Rewaa, Karampelias Michael, Froehlich Katja, Alzaed Waad, Tabassum Naheed, Schley Thayssa Rabelo, Schäffner Anton R, Daur Ihsanullah, Saad Maged M, Hirt Heribert

Two cold shock domain containing proteins trigger the development of infectious Trypanosoma brucei.

2023 PLoS pathogens;19(6):e1011438.
PMID:  37276216

Toh Justin Y, Nkouawa Agathe, Dong Gang, Kolev Nikolay G, Tschudi Christian

What is an enhancer?

2023 BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology;45(10):e2300044.
PMID:  37256273

Thomas Henry Fabian, Buecker Christa

Aggrephagy at a glance.

2023 Journal of cell science;136(10)
PMID:  37254869

Bauer Bernd, Martens Sascha, Ferrari Luca

Catabolite repression control protein antagonist, a novel player in carbon catabolite repression control.

2023 Frontiers in microbiology;14:1195558.
PMID:  37250041

Sonnleitner Elisabeth, Bassani Flavia, Cianciulli Sesso Anastasia, Brear Paul, Lilic Branislav, Davidovski Lovro, Resch Armin, Luisi Ben F, Moll Isabella, Bläsi Udo

Essential role of the CD docking motif of MPK4 in plant immunity, growth, and development.

2023 The New phytologist;239(3):1112, 1126, 1112-1126.
PMID:  37243525

Siodmak Anna, Shahul Hameed Umar F, Rayapuram Naganand, Völz Ronny, Boudsocq Marie, Alharbi Siba, Alhoraibi Hannah, Lee Yong-Hwan, Blilou Ikram, Arold Stefan T, Hirt Heribert

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