Search Results


Mononucleotide derivatives as ribosomal P-site substrates reveal an important contribution of the 2'-OH to activity.

2003 Nucleic acids research;31(22):6536, 6542, 6536-42.
PMID:  14602912

Dorner Silke, Panuschka Claudia, Schmid Walther, Barta Andrea

Kissing complex-mediated dimerisation of HIV-1 RNA: coupling extended duplex formation to ribozyme cleavage.

2003 Nucleic acids research;31(22):6419, 6427, 6419-27.
PMID:  14602899

Windbichler Nikolai, Werner Michael, Schroeder Renée

Structural correspondence between the alpha-helix and the random-flight chain resolves how unfolded proteins can have native-like properties.

2003 Nature structural biology(11)
PMID:  14555998

Zagrovic Bojan, Pande Vijay S

Reduced virulence of a hfq mutant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa O1.

2003 Microbial pathogenesis;35(5):217, 228, 217-28.
PMID:  14521880

Sonnleitner Elisabeth, Hagens Steven, Rosenau Frank, Wilhelm Susanne, Habel André, Jäger Karl-Erich, Bläsi Udo

Ectopic expression of atRSZ33 reveals its function in splicing and causes pleiotropic changes in development.

2003 Molecular biology of the cell;14(9):3565, 3577, 3565-77.
PMID:  12972547

Kalyna Maria, Lopato Sergiy, Barta Andrea

Genetically modified filamentous phage as bactericidal agents: a pilot study.

2003 Letters in applied microbiology;37(4):318, 323, 318-23.
PMID:  12969496

Hagens S, Bläsi U

Processing of N-linked glycans during endoplasmic-reticulum-associated degradation of a short-lived variant of ribophorin I.

2003 The Biochemical journal;376(Pt 3):687, 696, 687-96.
PMID:  12952521

Kitzmüller Claudia, Caprini Andrea, Moore Stuart E H, Frénoy Jean-Pierre, Schwaiger Eva, Kellermann Odile, Ivessa N Erwin, Ermonval Myriam

Characterization of apcC, the nuclear gene for the phycobilisome core linker polypeptide L(c)(7.8) from the glaucocystophyte alga Cyanophora paradoxa. Import of the precursor into isolated cyanelles and integration of the mature protein into intact phycob

2003 Current genetics;44(3):132, 137, 132-7.
PMID:  12928751

Steiner Jürgen M, Pompe Johannes A, Löffelhardt Wolfgang

Model of the equine rhinitis A virus capsid: identification of a major neutralizing immunogenic site.

2003 The Journal of general virology;84(Pt 9):2365, 2373, 2365-2373.
PMID:  12917457

Kriegshäuser Gernot, Wutz Gordana, Lea Susan, Stuart David, Skern Tim, Kuechler Ernst

MPB2C, a microtubule-associated plant protein binds to and interferes with cell-to-cell transport of tobacco mosaic virus movement protein.

2003 Plant physiology;132(4):1870, 1883, 1870-83.
PMID:  12913144

Kragler Friedrich, Curin Mirela, Trutnyeva Kateryna, Gansch Andreas, Waigmann Elisabeth

The minus end in sight.

2003 Current biology : CB(15)
PMID:  12906817

Dammermann Alexander, Desai Arshad, Oegema Karen

Solvent viscosity dependence of the folding rate of a small protein: distributed computing study.

2003 Journal of computational chemistry(12)
PMID:  12868108

Zagrovic Bojan, Pande Vijay

Human rhinovirus 2 2Apro recognition of eukaryotic initiation factor 4GI. Involvement of an exosite.

2003 The Journal of biological chemistry;278(35):33200, 33207, 33200-7.
PMID:  12791690

Foeger Nicole, Schmid Eva M, Skern Tim

Atomistic protein folding simulations on the submillisecond time scale using worldwide distributed computing.

2003 Biopolymers(1)
PMID:  12579582

Pande Vijay S, Baker Ian, Chapman Jarrod, Elmer Sidney P, Khaliq Siraj, Larson Stefan M, Rhee Young Min, Shirts Michael R, Snow Christopher D, Sorin Eric J, Zagrovic Bojan

The Trp cage: folding kinetics and unfolded state topology via molecular dynamics simulations.

2002 Journal of the American Chemical Society(49)
PMID:  12465960

Snow Christopher D, Zagrovic Bojan, Pande Vijay S

Simulation of folding of a small alpha-helical protein in atomistic detail using worldwide-distributed computing.

2002 Journal of molecular biology(5)
PMID:  12417204

Zagrovic Bojan, Snow Christopher D, Shirts Michael R, Pande Vijay S

Assembly of centrosomal proteins and microtubule organization depends on PCM-1.

2002 The Journal of cell biology(2)
PMID:  12403812

Dammermann Alexander, Merdes Andreas

Native-like mean structure in the unfolded ensemble of small proteins.

2002 Journal of molecular biology(1)
PMID:  12368107

Zagrovic Bojan, Snow Christopher D, Khaliq Siraj, Shirts Michael R, Pande Vijay S

Beta-hairpin folding simulations in atomistic detail using an implicit solvent model.

2001 Journal of molecular biology(1)
PMID:  11601853

Zagrovic B, Sorin E J, Pande V

For the latest information, tune to channel KcsA.

1999 Science (New York, N.Y.)(5424)
PMID:  10428704

Zagrovic B, Aldrich R

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