Search Results


Mdm38 protein depletion causes loss of mitochondrial K+/H+ exchange activity, osmotic swelling and mitophagy.

2007 Cell death and differentiation;14(9):1647, 1656, 1647-56.
PMID:  17541427

Nowikovsky K, Reipert S, Devenish R J, Schweyen R J

RNA chaperone activity of L1 ribosomal proteins: phylogenetic conservation and splicing inhibition.

2007 Nucleic acids research;35(11):3752, 3763, 3752-63.
PMID:  17517772

Ameres Stefan L, Shcherbakov Dmitry, Nikonova Ekaterina, Piendl Wolfgang, Schroeder Renée, Semrad Katharina

A genetic screen identifies mutations in the yeast WAR1 gene, linking transcription factor phosphorylation to weak-acid stress adaptation.

2007 The FEBS journal;274(12):3094, 3107, 3094-107.
PMID:  17509074

Gregori Christa, Bauer Bettina, Schwartz Chantal, Kren Angelika, Schüller Christoph, Kuchler Karl

Mechanism and thermodynamics of binding of the polypyrimidine tract binding protein to RNA.

2007 Biochemistry(22)
PMID:  17497933

Schmid Nathan, Zagrovic Bojan, van Gunsteren Wilfred F

ApoER2/VLDL receptor and Dab1 in the rostral migratory stream function in postnatal neuronal migration independently of Reelin.

2007 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;104(20):8508, 8513, 8508-13.
PMID:  17494763

Andrade Nuno, Komnenovic Vukoslav, Blake Sophia M, Jossin Yves, Howell Brian, Goffinet Andre, Schneider Wolfgang J, Nimpf Johannes

Nucleoplasmic lamins and their interaction partners, LAP2alpha, Rb, and BAF, in transcriptional regulation.

2007 The FEBS journal;274(6):1362, 1373, 1362-73.
PMID:  17489094

Dorner Daniela, Gotzmann Josef, Foisner Roland

Generation and relaxation of high rank coherences in AX3 systems in a selectively methionine labelled SH2 domain.

2007 Journal of biomolecular NMR;38(2):125, 131, 125-31.
PMID:  17487551

Kloiber Karin, Fischer Michael, Ledolter Karin, Nagl Michael, Schmid Walther, Konrat Robert

The transcription factor ZEB1 (deltaEF1) promotes tumour cell dedifferentiation by repressing master regulators of epithelial polarity.

2007 Oncogene;26(49):6979, 6988, 6979-88.
PMID:  17486063

Aigner K, Dampier B, Descovich L, Mikula M, Sultan A, Schreiber M, Mikulits W, Brabletz T, Strand D, Obrist P, Sommergruber W, Schweifer N, Wernitznig A, Beug H, Foisner R, Eger A

Attachment of VLDL receptors to an icosahedral virus along the 5-fold symmetry axis: multiple binding modes evidenced by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.

2007 Biochemistry;46(21):6331, 6339, 6331-9.
PMID:  17472347

Wruss Juergen, Rünzler Dominik, Steiger Christina, Chiba Peter, Köhler Gottfried, Blaas Dieter

Combination of reversible male sterility and doubled haploid production by targeted inactivation of cytoplasmic glutamine synthetase in developing anthers and pollen.

2007 Plant biotechnology journal;5(4):483, 494, 483-94.
PMID:  17470055

Ribarits Alexandra, Mamun A N K, Li Shipeng, Resch Tatiana, Fiers Martijn, Heberle-Bors Erwin, Liu Chun-Ming, Touraev Alisher

Nine-amino-acid transactivation domain: establishment and prediction utilities.

2007 Genomics;89(6):756, 768, 756-68.
PMID:  17467953

Piskacek Simona, Gregor Martin, Nemethova Maria, Grabner Martin, Kovarik Pavel, Piskacek Martin

Lamins and lamin-associated proteins in aging and disease.

2007 Current opinion in cell biology;19(3):298, 304, 298-304.
PMID:  17466505

Vlcek Sylvia, Foisner Roland

Protein-protein interaction site mapping using NMR-detected mutational scanning.

2007 Journal of biomolecular NMR;38(2):133, 137, 133-7.
PMID:  17447011

Baminger Bettina, Ludwiczek Martin L, Kontaxis Georg, Knapp Stefan, Konrat Robert

A microtubule-independent role for centrosomes and aurora a in nuclear envelope breakdown.

2007 Developmental cell(4)
PMID:  17419991

Portier Nathan, Audhya Anjon, Maddox Paul S, Green Rebecca A, Dammermann Alexander, Desai Arshad, Oegema Karen

Avian apolipoprotein A-V binds to LDL receptor gene family members.

2007 Journal of lipid research;48(7):1451, 1456, 1451-6.
PMID:  17401111

Dichlberger Andrea, Cogburn Larry A, Nimpf Johannes, Schneider Wolfgang J

The transcription factor ZEB1 (deltaEF1) represses Plakophilin 3 during human cancer progression.

2007 FEBS letters;581(8):1617, 1624, 1617-24.
PMID:  17391671

Aigner Kirsten, Descovich Luise, Mikula Mario, Sultan Aneesa, Dampier Brigitta, Bonné Stefan, van Roy Frans, Mikulits Wolfgang, Schreiber Martin, Brabletz Thomas, Sommergruber Wolfgang, Schweifer Norbert, Wernitznig Andreas, Beug Hartmut, Foisner Roland, Eger Andreas

Desmin stimulates differentiation of cardiomyocytes and up-regulation of brachyury and nkx2.5.

2007 Differentiation; research in biological diversity;75(7):605, 615, 605-15.
PMID:  17381547

Hofner Manuela, Höllrigl Alexandra, Puz Sonja, Stary Martina, Weitzer Georg

Differentiation of cardiomyocytes requires functional serine residues within the amino-terminal domain of desmin.

2007 Differentiation; research in biological diversity;75(7):616, 626, 616-26.
PMID:  17381546

Höllrigl Alexandra, Hofner Manuela, Stary Martina, Weitzer Georg

PDTC inhibits picornavirus polyprotein processing and RNA replication by transporting zinc ions into cells.

2007 The Journal of general virology;88(Pt 4):1206, 1217, 1206-1217.
PMID:  17374764

Lanke K, Krenn B M, Melchers W J G, Seipelt J, van Kuppeveld F J M

Rct1, a nuclear RNA recognition motif-containing cyclophilin, regulates phosphorylation of the RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain.

2007 Molecular and cellular biology;27(10):3601, 3611, 3601-11.
PMID:  17339332

Gullerova Monika, Barta Andrea, Lorkovic Zdravko J

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