Search Results


The tetratricopeptide repeats of receptors involved in protein translocation across membranes.

2007 Molecular biology and evolution;24(12):2763, 2774, 2763-74.
PMID:  17905998

Schlegel Thomas, Mirus Oliver, von Haeseler Arndt, Schleiff Enrico

Investigating the substrate specificity and oligomerisation of the leader protease of foot and mouth disease virus using NMR.

2007 Journal of molecular biology;373(4):1071, 1087, 1071-87.
PMID:  17897674

Cencic Regina, Mayer Christina, Juliano Maria A, Juliano Luiz, Konrat Robert, Kontaxis Georg, Skern Tim

Acclimation to low [CO(2)] by an inorganic carbon-concentrating mechanism in Cyanophora paradoxa.

2007 Plant, cell & environment;30(11):1422, 1435, 1422-35.
PMID:  17897412

Burey S C, Poroyko V, Ergen Z N, Fathi-Nejad S, Schüller C, Ohnishi N, Fukuzawa H, Bohnert H J, Löffelhardt W

TreeSnatcher: coding trees from images.

2007 Bioinformatics (Oxford, England);23(24):3384, 3385, 3384-5.
PMID:  17893085

Laubach Thomas, von Haeseler Arndt

Membrane-active compounds activate the transcription factors Pdr1 and Pdr3 connecting pleiotropic drug resistance and membrane lipid homeostasis in saccharomyces cerevisiae.

2007 Molecular biology of the cell;18(12):4932, 4944, 4932-44.
PMID:  17881724

Schüller Christoph, Mamnun Yasmine M, Wolfger Hubert, Rockwell Nathan, Thorner Jeremy, Kuchler Karl

Using phosphoproteomics to reveal signalling dynamics in plants.

2007 Trends in plant science;12(9):404, 411, 404-11.
PMID:  17765599

de la Fuente van Bentem Sergio, Hirt Heribert

pIPHULA--parallel inference of population parameters using a likelihood approach.

2007 Bioinformatics (Oxford, England);23(19):2636, 2637, 2636-7.
PMID:  17698495

Schmidt Heiko A, von Haeseler Arndt, Buschbom Jutta

Low density lipoprotein receptor relatives in chicken ovarian follicle and oocyte development.

2007 Cytogenetic and genome research;117(1-4):248, 255, 248-55.
PMID:  17675866

Schneider W J

Mapping human genetic ancestry.

2007 Molecular biology and evolution;24(10):2266, 2276, 2266-76.
PMID:  17660505

Ebersberger Ingo, Galgoczy Petra, Taudien Stefan, Taenzer Simone, Platzer Matthias, von Haeseler Arndt

Molecular basis for target RNA recognition and cleavage by human RISC.

2007 Cell;130(1):101, 112, 101-12.
PMID:  17632058

Ameres Stefan Ludwig, Martinez Javier, Schroeder Renée

The PP2C-type phosphatase AP2C1, which negatively regulates MPK4 and MPK6, modulates innate immunity, jasmonic acid, and ethylene levels in Arabidopsis.

2007 The Plant cell;19(7):2213, 2224, 2213-24.
PMID:  17630279

Schweighofer Alois, Kazanaviciute Vaiva, Scheikl Elisabeth, Teige Markus, Doczi Robert, Hirt Heribert, Schwanninger Manfred, Kant Merijn, Schuurink Robert, Mauch Felix, Buchala Antony, Cardinale Francesca, Meskiene Irute

The kinetochore proteins Pcs1 and Mde4 and heterochromatin are required to prevent merotelic orientation.

2007 Current biology : CB;17(14):1190, 1200, 1190-200.
PMID:  17627824

Gregan Juraj, Riedel Christian G, Pidoux Alison L, Katou Yuki, Rumpf Cornelia, Schleiffer Alexander, Kearsey Stephen E, Shirahige Katsuhiko, Allshire Robin C, Nasmyth Kim

The high-osmolarity glycerol response pathway in the human fungal pathogen Candida glabrata strain ATCC 2001 lacks a signaling branch that operates in baker's yeast.

2007 Eukaryotic cell;6(9):1635, 1645, 1635-45.
PMID:  17616630

Gregori Christa, Schüller Christoph, Roetzer Andreas, Schwarzmüller Tobias, Ammerer Gustav, Kuchler Karl

A "gold cluster-linked immunosorbent assay": optical near-field biosensor chip for the detection of allergenic beta-lactoglobulin in processed milk matrices.

2007 Journal of biotechnology;130(4):385, 388, 385-8.
PMID:  17610978

Hohensinner Verena, Maier Irene, Pittner Fritz

Conditional targeting of plectin in prenatal and adult mouse stratified epithelia causes keratinocyte fragility and lesional epidermal barrier defects.

2007 Journal of cell science;120(Pt 14):2435, 2443, 2435-43.
PMID:  17606998

Ackerl Reinhard, Walko Gernot, Fuchs Peter, Fischer Irmgard, Schmuth Matthias, Wiche Gerhard

141st ENMC International Workshop inaugural meeting of the EURO-Laminopathies project "Nuclear Envelope-linked Rare Human Diseases: From Molecular Pathophysiology towards Clinical Applications", 10-12 March 2006, Naarden, The Netherlands.

2007 Neuromuscular disorders : NMD;17(8):655, 660, 655-60.
PMID:  17587579

Foisner Roland, Aebi Ueli, Bonne Gisèle, Gruenbaum Yosef, Novelli Giuseppe

RNA techniques for bacteria.

2007 Current opinion in microbiology;10(3):254, 256, 254-6.
PMID:  17574902

Charpentier Emmanuelle, Schroeder Renée

Generation of active protein phosphatase 2A is coupled to holoenzyme assembly.

2007 PLoS biology;5(6):e155.
PMID:  17550305

Hombauer Hans, Weismann David, Mudrak Ingrid, Stanzel Claudia, Fellner Thomas, Lackner Daniel H, Ogris Egon

Tandem affinity purification of functional TAP-tagged proteins from human cells.

2007 Nature protocols;2(5):1145, 1151, 1145-51.
PMID:  17546005

Gregan Juraj, Riedel Christian G, Petronczki Mark, Cipak Lubos, Rumpf Cornelia, Poser Ina, Buchholz Frank, Mechtler Karl, Nasmyth Kim

Mdm38 protein depletion causes loss of mitochondrial K+/H+ exchange activity, osmotic swelling and mitophagy.

2007 Cell death and differentiation;14(9):1647, 1656, 1647-56.
PMID:  17541427

Nowikovsky K, Reipert S, Devenish R J, Schweyen R J

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