The Trp cage: folding kinetics and unfolded state topology via molecular dynamics simulations.
Snow Christopher D, Zagrovic Bojan, Pande Vijay S
Simulation of folding of a small alpha-helical protein in atomistic detail using worldwide-distributed computing.
Zagrovic Bojan, Snow Christopher D, Shirts Michael R, Pande Vijay S
Assembly of centrosomal proteins and microtubule organization depends on PCM-1.
Dammermann Alexander, Merdes Andreas
Native-like mean structure in the unfolded ensemble of small proteins.
Zagrovic Bojan, Snow Christopher D, Khaliq Siraj, Shirts Michael R, Pande Vijay S
Beta-hairpin folding simulations in atomistic detail using an implicit solvent model.
Zagrovic B, Sorin E J, Pande V
For the latest information, tune to channel KcsA.
Zagrovic B, Aldrich R
Effect of deletion of the major brain G-protein alpha subunit (alpha(o)) on coordination of G-protein subunits and on adenylyl cyclase activity.
Mende U, Zagrovic B, Cohen A, Li Y, Valenzuela D, Fishman M C, Neer E J