Fluorescence measurements of free [Mg2+] by use of mag-fura 2 in Salmonella enterica.
Froschauer Elisabeth M, Kolisek Martin, Dieterich Frank, Schweigel Monika, Schweyen Rudolf J
Folding probabilities: a novel approach to folding transitions and the two-dimensional Ising-model.
Lenz Peter, Zagrovic Bojan, Shapiro Jessica, Pande Vijay S
Lco1 is a novel widely expressed lamin-binding protein in the nuclear interior.
Vlcek Sylvia, Foisner Roland, Wilson Katherine L
The MKK2 pathway mediates cold and salt stress signaling in Arabidopsis.
Teige Markus, Scheikl Elisabeth, Eulgem Thomas, Dóczi Róbert, Ichimura Kazuya, Shinozaki Kazuo, Dangl Jeffery L, Hirt Heribert
Translation initiation with 70S ribosomes: an alternative pathway for leaderless mRNAs.
Moll Isabella, Hirokawa Go, Kiel Michael C, Kaji Akira, Bläsi Udo
Identification of the human rhinovirus serotype 1A binding site on the murine low-density lipoprotein receptor by using human-mouse receptor chimeras.
Herdy Barbara, Snyers Luc, Reithmayer Manuela, Hinterdorfer Peter, Blaas Dieter
Sepsis: avoiding its deadly toll.
Decker Thomas
Transcriptional regulation by the repressor of estrogen receptor activity via recruitment of histone deacetylases.
Kurtev Vladislav, Margueron Raphael, Kroboth Karin, Ogris Egon, Cavailles Vincent, Seiser Christian
The LETM1/YOL027 gene family encodes a factor of the mitochondrial K+ homeostasis with a potential role in the Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome.
Nowikovsky Karin, Froschauer Elisabeth M, Zsurka Gabor, Samaj Jozef, Reipert Siegfried, Kolisek Martin, Wiesenberger Gerlinde, Schweyen Rudolf J
Use of fluorescent protein tags to study nuclear organization of the spliceosomal machinery in transiently transformed living plant cells.
Lorković Zdravko J, Hilscher Julia, Barta Andrea
Mnd1 is required for meiotic interhomolog repair.
Zierhut Christian, Berlinger Marc, Rupp Christian, Shinohara Akira, Klein Franz
Human rhinovirus type 2-antibody complexes enter and infect cells via Fc-gamma receptor IIB1.
Baravalle Günther, Brabec Marianne, Snyers Luc, Blaas Dieter, Fuchs Renate
Regulation of developmental pathways in cultured microspores of tobacco and snapdragon by medium pH.
Barinova Ioulia, Clément Christophe, Martiny Laurent, Baillieul Fabienne, Soukupova Hana, Heberle-Bors Erwin, Touraev Alisher
beta-Catenin and TGFbeta signalling cooperate to maintain a mesenchymal phenotype after FosER-induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition.
Eger Andreas, Stockinger Andreas, Park John, Langkopf Elke, Mikula Mario, Gotzmann Josef, Mikulits Wolfgang, Beug Hartmut, Foisner Roland
Phosphorylation of the Stat1 transactivation domain is required for full-fledged IFN-gamma-dependent innate immunity.
Varinou Louisa, Ramsauer Katrin, Karaghiosoff Marina, Kolbe Thomas, Pfeffer Klaus, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas
Interaction of the RNA chaperone Hfq with mRNAs: direct and indirect roles of Hfq in iron metabolism of Escherichia coli.
Vecerek Branislav, Moll Isabella, Afonyushkin Taras, Kaberdin Vladimir, Bläsi Udo
Structural correspondence between the alpha-helix and the random-flight chain resolves how unfolded proteins can have native-like properties.
Zagrovic Bojan, Pande Vijay S
Reduced virulence of a hfq mutant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa O1.
Sonnleitner Elisabeth, Hagens Steven, Rosenau Frank, Wilhelm Susanne, Habel André, Jäger Karl-Erich, Bläsi Udo
Ectopic expression of atRSZ33 reveals its function in splicing and causes pleiotropic changes in development.
Kalyna Maria, Lopato Sergiy, Barta Andrea
Genetically modified filamentous phage as bactericidal agents: a pilot study.
Hagens S, Bläsi U