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Fluorescence measurements of free [Mg2+] by use of mag-fura 2 in Salmonella enterica.

2004 FEMS microbiology letters;237(1):49, 55, 49-55.
PMID:  15268937

Froschauer Elisabeth M, Kolisek Martin, Dieterich Frank, Schweigel Monika, Schweyen Rudolf J

Folding probabilities: a novel approach to folding transitions and the two-dimensional Ising-model.

2004 The Journal of chemical physics(14)
PMID:  15267572

Lenz Peter, Zagrovic Bojan, Shapiro Jessica, Pande Vijay S

Lco1 is a novel widely expressed lamin-binding protein in the nuclear interior.

2004 Experimental cell research;298(2):499, 511, 499-511.
PMID:  15265697

Vlcek Sylvia, Foisner Roland, Wilson Katherine L

The MKK2 pathway mediates cold and salt stress signaling in Arabidopsis.

2004 Molecular cell;15(1):141, 152, 141-52.
PMID:  15225555

Teige Markus, Scheikl Elisabeth, Eulgem Thomas, Dóczi Róbert, Ichimura Kazuya, Shinozaki Kazuo, Dangl Jeffery L, Hirt Heribert

Translation initiation with 70S ribosomes: an alternative pathway for leaderless mRNAs.

2004 Nucleic acids research;32(11):3354, 3363, 3354-63.
PMID:  15215335

Moll Isabella, Hirokawa Go, Kiel Michael C, Kaji Akira, Bläsi Udo

Identification of the human rhinovirus serotype 1A binding site on the murine low-density lipoprotein receptor by using human-mouse receptor chimeras.

2004 Journal of virology;78(13):6766, 6774, 6766-74.
PMID:  15194751

Herdy Barbara, Snyers Luc, Reithmayer Manuela, Hinterdorfer Peter, Blaas Dieter

Sepsis: avoiding its deadly toll.

2004 The Journal of clinical investigation;113(10):1387, 1389, 1387-9.
PMID:  15146235

Decker Thomas

Transcriptional regulation by the repressor of estrogen receptor activity via recruitment of histone deacetylases.

2004 The Journal of biological chemistry;279(23):24834, 24843, 24834-43.
PMID:  15140878

Kurtev Vladislav, Margueron Raphael, Kroboth Karin, Ogris Egon, Cavailles Vincent, Seiser Christian

The LETM1/YOL027 gene family encodes a factor of the mitochondrial K+ homeostasis with a potential role in the Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome.

2004 The Journal of biological chemistry;279(29):30307, 30315, 30307-15.
PMID:  15138253

Nowikovsky Karin, Froschauer Elisabeth M, Zsurka Gabor, Samaj Jozef, Reipert Siegfried, Kolisek Martin, Wiesenberger Gerlinde, Schweyen Rudolf J

Use of fluorescent protein tags to study nuclear organization of the spliceosomal machinery in transiently transformed living plant cells.

2004 Molecular biology of the cell;15(7):3233, 3243, 3233-43.
PMID:  15133128

Lorković Zdravko J, Hilscher Julia, Barta Andrea

Mnd1 is required for meiotic interhomolog repair.

2004 Current biology : CB;14(9):752, 762, 752-62.
PMID:  15120066

Zierhut Christian, Berlinger Marc, Rupp Christian, Shinohara Akira, Klein Franz

Human rhinovirus type 2-antibody complexes enter and infect cells via Fc-gamma receptor IIB1.

2004 Journal of virology;78(6):2729, 2737, 2729-37.
PMID:  14990693

Baravalle Günther, Brabec Marianne, Snyers Luc, Blaas Dieter, Fuchs Renate

Regulation of developmental pathways in cultured microspores of tobacco and snapdragon by medium pH.

2004 Planta;219(1):141, 146, 141-6.
PMID:  14963707

Barinova Ioulia, Clément Christophe, Martiny Laurent, Baillieul Fabienne, Soukupova Hana, Heberle-Bors Erwin, Touraev Alisher

beta-Catenin and TGFbeta signalling cooperate to maintain a mesenchymal phenotype after FosER-induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition.

2004 Oncogene;23(15):2672, 2680, 2672-2680.
PMID:  14755243

Eger Andreas, Stockinger Andreas, Park John, Langkopf Elke, Mikula Mario, Gotzmann Josef, Mikulits Wolfgang, Beug Hartmut, Foisner Roland

Phosphorylation of the Stat1 transactivation domain is required for full-fledged IFN-gamma-dependent innate immunity.

2003 Immunity;19(6):793, 802, 793-802.
PMID:  14670297

Varinou Louisa, Ramsauer Katrin, Karaghiosoff Marina, Kolbe Thomas, Pfeffer Klaus, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas

Interaction of the RNA chaperone Hfq with mRNAs: direct and indirect roles of Hfq in iron metabolism of Escherichia coli.

2003 Molecular microbiology;50(3):897, 909, 897-909.
PMID:  14617150

Vecerek Branislav, Moll Isabella, Afonyushkin Taras, Kaberdin Vladimir, Bläsi Udo

Structural correspondence between the alpha-helix and the random-flight chain resolves how unfolded proteins can have native-like properties.

2003 Nature structural biology(11)
PMID:  14555998

Zagrovic Bojan, Pande Vijay S

Reduced virulence of a hfq mutant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa O1.

2003 Microbial pathogenesis;35(5):217, 228, 217-28.
PMID:  14521880

Sonnleitner Elisabeth, Hagens Steven, Rosenau Frank, Wilhelm Susanne, Habel André, Jäger Karl-Erich, Bläsi Udo

Ectopic expression of atRSZ33 reveals its function in splicing and causes pleiotropic changes in development.

2003 Molecular biology of the cell;14(9):3565, 3577, 3565-77.
PMID:  12972547

Kalyna Maria, Lopato Sergiy, Barta Andrea

Genetically modified filamentous phage as bactericidal agents: a pilot study.

2003 Letters in applied microbiology;37(4):318, 323, 318-23.
PMID:  12969496

Hagens S, Bläsi U

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