Search Results


Both RNase E and RNase III control the stability of sodB mRNA upon translational inhibition by the small regulatory RNA RyhB.

2005 Nucleic acids research;33(5):1678, 1689, 1678-89.
PMID:  15781494

Afonyushkin Taras, Vecerek Branislav, Moll Isabella, Bläsi Udo, Kaberdin Vladimir R

Prevalence of neutralizing antibodies to Equine rhinitis A and B virus in horses and man.

2005 Veterinary microbiology;106(3-4):293, 296, 293-6.
PMID:  15778036

Kriegshäuser G, Deutz A, Kuechler E, Skern T, Lussy H, Nowotny N

Raf-1 regulates Rho signaling and cell migration.

2005 The Journal of cell biology;168(6):955, 964, 955-64.
PMID:  15753127

Ehrenreiter Karin, Piazzolla Daniela, Velamoor Vanishree, Sobczak Izabela, Small J Victor, Takeda Junji, Leung Thomas, Baccarini Manuela

DeltaEF1 is a transcriptional repressor of E-cadherin and regulates epithelial plasticity in breast cancer cells.

2005 Oncogene;24(14):2375, 2385, 2375-85.
PMID:  15674322

Eger Andreas, Aigner Kirsten, Sonderegger Stefan, Dampier Brigitta, Oehler Susanne, Schreiber Martin, Berx Geert, Cano Amparo, Beug Hartmut, Foisner Roland

The control of Spo11's interaction with meiotic recombination hotspots.

2005 Genes & development;19(2):255, 269, 255-69.
PMID:  15655113

Prieler Silvia, Penkner Alexandra, Borde Valérie, Klein Franz

Inducible DNA-loop formation blocks transcriptional activation by an SV40 enhancer.

2005 The EMBO journal(2)
PMID:  15650749

Ameres Stefan Ludwig, Drueppel Lars, Pfleiderer Klaus, Schmidt Andreas, Hillen Wolfgang, Berens Christian

Spo13 facilitates monopolin recruitment to kinetochores and regulates maintenance of centromeric cohesion during yeast meiosis.

2004 Current biology : CB(24)
PMID:  15620645

Katis Vittorio L, Matos Joao, Mori Saori, Shirahige Katsuhiko, Zachariae Wolfgang, Nasmyth Kim

IFN regulatory factor 3-dependent induction of type I IFNs by intracellular bacteria is mediated by a TLR- and Nod2-independent mechanism.

2004 Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950);173(12):7416, 7425, 7416-25.
PMID:  15585867

Stockinger Silvia, Reutterer Benjamin, Schaljo Barbara, Schellack Carola, Brunner Sylvia, Materna Tilo, Yamamoto Masahiro, Akira Shizuo, Taniguchi Tadatsugu, Murray Peter J, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas

Centriole assembly requires both centriolar and pericentriolar material proteins.

2004 Developmental cell(6)
PMID:  15572125

Dammermann Alexander, Müller-Reichert Thomas, Pelletier Laurence, Habermann Bianca, Desai Arshad, Oegema Karen

Compartmentalization of the splicing machinery in plant cell nuclei.

2004 Trends in plant science;9(12):565, 568, 565-8.
PMID:  15564119

Lorković Zdravko J, Barta Andrea

LAP2alpha and BAF transiently localize to telomeres and specific regions on chromatin during nuclear assembly.

2004 Journal of cell science;117(Pt 25):6117, 6128, 6117-28.
PMID:  15546916

Dechat Thomas, Gajewski Andreas, Korbei Barbara, Gerlich Daniel, Daigle Nathalie, Haraguchi Tokuko, Furukawa Kazuhiro, Ellenberg Jan, Foisner Roland

Glucocorticoid down-regulation of rat glucocorticoid receptor does not involve differential promoter regulation.

2004 The Journal of endocrinology(2)
PMID:  15531724

Freeman Alistair I, Munn Helen L, Lyons Val, Dammermann Alexander, Seckl Jonathan R, Chapman Karen E

The Arabidopsis thaliana MEK AtMKK6 activates the MAP kinase AtMPK13.

2004 FEBS letters;576(1-2):5, 8, 5-8.
PMID:  15474000

Melikant Balázs, Giuliani Concetta, Halbmayer-Watzina Susanne, Limmongkon Apinun, Heberle-Bors Erwin, Wilson Cathal

MAP kinase phosphorylation of plant profilin.

2004 Biochemical and biophysical research communications;324(1):382, 386, 382-6.
PMID:  15465030

Limmongkon Apinun, Giuliani Concetta, Valenta Rudolf, Mittermann Irene, Heberle-Bors Erwin, Wilson Cathal

How does averaging affect protein structure comparison on the ensemble level?

2004 Biophysical journal(4)
PMID:  15454426

Zagrovic Bojan, Pande Vijay S

Therapy of experimental pseudomonas infections with a nonreplicating genetically modified phage.

2004 Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy;48(10):3817, 3822, 3817-22.
PMID:  15388440

Hagens Steven, Habel André, von Ahsen Uwe, von Gabain Alexander, Bläsi Udo

Functional effects of variants of the RNA chaperone Hfq.

2004 Biochemical and biophysical research communications;323(3):1017, 1023, 1017-23.
PMID:  15381101

Sonnleitner Elisabeth, Napetschnig Johanna, Afonyushkin Taras, Ecker Karin, Vecerek Branislav, Moll Isabella, Kaberdin Vladimir R, Bläsi Udo

Foot-and-mouth disease virus leader proteinase: specificity at the P2 and P3 positions and comparison with other papain-like enzymes.

2004 Biochemistry;43(36):11482, 11490, 11482-90.
PMID:  15350134

Kuehnel Elisabeth, Cencic Regina, Foeger Nicole, Skern Tim

Random-coil behavior and the dimensions of chemically unfolded proteins.

2004 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(34)
PMID:  15314214

Kohn Jonathan E, Millett Ian S, Jacob Jaby, Zagrovic Bojan, Dillon Thomas M, Cingel Nikolina, Dothager Robin S, Seifert Soenke, Thiyagarajan P, Sosnick Tobin R, Hasan M Zahid, Pande Vijay S, Ruczinski Ingo, Doniach Sebastian, Plaxco Kevin W

A plethora of plant serine/arginine-rich proteins: redundancy or evolution of novel gene functions?

2004 Biochemical Society transactions;32(Pt 4):561, 564, 561-4.
PMID:  15270675

Kalyna M, Barta A

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