Targeted ablation of plectin isoform 1 uncovers role of cytolinker proteins in leukocyte recruitment.
Abrahamsberg Christina, Fuchs Peter, Osmanagic-Myers Selma, Fischer Irmgard, Propst Friedrich, Elbe-Bürger Adelheid, Wiche Gerhard
LEM2 is a novel MAN1-related inner nuclear membrane protein associated with A-type lamins.
Brachner Andreas, Reipert Siegfried, Foisner Roland, Gotzmann Josef
A mutation in the first ligand-binding repeat of the human very-low-density lipoprotein receptor results in high-affinity binding of the single V1 module to human rhinovirus 2.
Nizet Stephane, Wruss Juergen, Landstetter Nathalie, Snyers Luc, Blaas Dieter
How large is an alpha-helix? Studies of the radii of gyration of helical peptides by small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular dynamics.
Zagrovic Bojan, Jayachandran Guha, Millett Ian S, Doniach Sebastian, Pande Vijay S
Parietal endoderm secreted SPARC promotes early cardiomyogenesis in vitro.
Stary Martina, Pasteiner Waltraud, Summer Alexandra, Hrdina Astrid, Eger Andreas, Weitzer Georg
The yin and yang of type I interferon activity in bacterial infection.
Decker Thomas, Müller Mathias, Stockinger Silvia
Unusual compactness of a polyproline type II structure.
Zagrovic Bojan, Lipfert Jan, Sorin Eric J, Millett Ian S, van Gunsteren Wilfred F, Doniach Sebastian, Pande Vijay S
Functional analysis of the lysis genes of Staphylococcus aureus phage P68 in Escherichia coli.
Takáč Marian, Witte Angela, Bläsi Udo
Phage P68 virion-associated protein 17 displays activity against clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus.
Takác Marian, Bläsi Udo
Emerging MAP kinase pathways in plant stress signalling.
Nakagami Hirofumi, Pitzschke Andrea, Hirt Heribert
Neutralization of a common cold virus by concatemers of the third ligand binding module of the VLDL-receptor strongly depends on the number of modules.
Moser Rosita, Snyers Luc, Wruss Juergen, Angulo Jesus, Peters Hanne, Peters Thomas, Blaas Dieter
Second nature: biological functions of the Raf-1 "kinase".
Baccarini Manuela
The minor receptor group of human rhinovirus (HRV) includes HRV23 and HRV25, but the presence of a lysine in the VP1 HI loop is not sufficient for receptor binding.
Vlasak Marketa, Roivainen Merja, Reithmayer Manuela, Goesler Irene, Laine Pia, Snyers Luc, Hovi Tapani, Blaas Dieter
Electroneutral K+/H+ exchange in mitochondrial membrane vesicles involves Yol027/Letm1 proteins.
Froschauer Elisabeth, Nowikovsky Karin, Schweyen Rudolf J
The binding of foot-and-mouth disease virus leader proteinase to eIF4GI involves conserved ionic interactions.
Foeger Nicole, Kuehnel Elisabeth, Cencic Regina, Skern Tim
Single inner cell masses yield embryonic stem cell lines differing in lifr expression and their developmental potential.
Lauss Martin, Stary Martina, Tischler Julia, Egger Gerda, Puz Sonja, Bader-Allmer Alice, Seiser Christian, Weitzer Georg
Translational autocontrol of the Escherichia coli hfq RNA chaperone gene.
Vecerek Branislav, Moll Isabella, Bläsi Udo
Human rhinovirus type 89 variants use heparan sulfate proteoglycan for cell attachment.
Vlasak Markete, Goesler Irene, Blaas Dieter
Mnd2, an essential antagonist of the anaphase-promoting complex during meiotic prophase.
Penkner Alexandra M, Prinz Susanne, Ferscha Stefan, Klein Franz
The yeast APC/C subunit Mnd2 prevents premature sister chromatid separation triggered by the meiosis-specific APC/C-Ama1.
Oelschlaegel Tobias, Schwickart Martin, Matos Joao, Bogdanova Aliona, Camasses Alain, Havlis Jan, Shevchenko Andrej, Zachariae Wolfgang