Search Results


Nine-amino-acid transactivation domain: establishment and prediction utilities.

2007 Genomics;89(6):756, 768, 756-68.
PMID:  17467953

Piskacek Simona, Gregor Martin, Nemethova Maria, Grabner Martin, Kovarik Pavel, Piskacek Martin

Lamins and lamin-associated proteins in aging and disease.

2007 Current opinion in cell biology;19(3):298, 304, 298-304.
PMID:  17466505

Vlcek Sylvia, Foisner Roland

Protein-protein interaction site mapping using NMR-detected mutational scanning.

2007 Journal of biomolecular NMR;38(2):133, 137, 133-7.
PMID:  17447011

Baminger Bettina, Ludwiczek Martin L, Kontaxis Georg, Knapp Stefan, Konrat Robert

A microtubule-independent role for centrosomes and aurora a in nuclear envelope breakdown.

2007 Developmental cell(4)
PMID:  17419991

Portier Nathan, Audhya Anjon, Maddox Paul S, Green Rebecca A, Dammermann Alexander, Desai Arshad, Oegema Karen

The transcription factor ZEB1 (deltaEF1) represses Plakophilin 3 during human cancer progression.

2007 FEBS letters;581(8):1617, 1624, 1617-24.
PMID:  17391671

Aigner Kirsten, Descovich Luise, Mikula Mario, Sultan Aneesa, Dampier Brigitta, Bonné Stefan, van Roy Frans, Mikulits Wolfgang, Schreiber Martin, Brabletz Thomas, Sommergruber Wolfgang, Schweifer Norbert, Wernitznig Andreas, Beug Hartmut, Foisner Roland, Eger Andreas

Desmin stimulates differentiation of cardiomyocytes and up-regulation of brachyury and nkx2.5.

2007 Differentiation; research in biological diversity;75(7):605, 615, 605-15.
PMID:  17381547

Hofner Manuela, Höllrigl Alexandra, Puz Sonja, Stary Martina, Weitzer Georg

Differentiation of cardiomyocytes requires functional serine residues within the amino-terminal domain of desmin.

2007 Differentiation; research in biological diversity;75(7):616, 626, 616-26.
PMID:  17381546

Höllrigl Alexandra, Hofner Manuela, Stary Martina, Weitzer Georg

Mg2+ deprivation elicits rapid Ca2+ uptake and activates Ca2+/calcineurin signaling in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

2007 Eukaryotic cell;6(4):592, 599, 592-9.
PMID:  17337637

Wiesenberger Gerlinde, Steinleitner Katarina, Malli Roland, Graier Wolfgang F, Vormann Jürgen, Schweyen Rudolf J, Stadler Jochen A

Human rhinovirus type 54 infection via heparan sulfate is less efficient and strictly dependent on low endosomal pH.

2007 Journal of virology;81(9):4625, 4632, 4625-32.
PMID:  17301156

Khan Abdul Ghafoor, Pichler Johannes, Rosemann Anke, Blaas Dieter

Distinct modes of action applied by transcription factors STAT1 and IRF1 to initiate transcription of the IFN-gamma-inducible gbp2 gene.

2007 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;104(8):2849, 2854, 2849-54.
PMID:  17293456

Ramsauer Katrin, Farlik Matthias, Zupkovitz Gordin, Seiser Christian, Kröger Andrea, Hauser Hansjörg, Decker Thomas

LAP2alpha-binding protein LINT-25 is a novel chromatin-associated protein involved in cell cycle exit.

2007 Journal of cell science;120(Pt 5):737, 747, 737-47.
PMID:  17284516

Naetar Nana, Hutter Sabine, Dorner Daniela, Dechat Thomas, Korbei Barbara, Gotzmann Josef, Beug Hartmut, Foisner Roland

Control of Fur synthesis by the non-coding RNA RyhB and iron-responsive decoding.

2007 The EMBO journal;26(4):965, 975, 965-75.
PMID:  17268550

Vecerek Branislav, Moll Isabella, Bläsi Udo

RNA chaperone activity and RNA-binding properties of the E. coli protein StpA.

2007 Nucleic acids research;35(4):1257, 1269, 1257-69.
PMID:  17267410

Mayer Oliver, Rajkowitsch Lukas, Lorenz Christina, Konrat Robert, Schroeder Renée

The C. elegans RSA complex localizes protein phosphatase 2A to centrosomes and regulates mitotic spindle assembly.

2007 Cell(1)
PMID:  17218259

Schlaitz Anne-Lore, Srayko Martin, Dammermann Alexander, Quintin Sophie, Wielsch Natalie, MacLeod Ian, de Robillard Quentin, Zinke Andrea, Yates John R, Müller-Reichert Thomas, Shevchenko Andrei, Oegema Karen, Hyman Anthony A

Distinct and overlapping binding sites of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Hfq and RsmA proteins on the non-coding RNA RsmY.

2007 Biochemical and biophysical research communications;352(3):769, 773, 769-73.
PMID:  17141182

Sorger-Domenigg Theresa, Sonnleitner Elisabeth, Kaberdin Vladimir R, Bläsi Udo

Two tobacco proline dehydrogenases are differentially regulated and play a role in early plant development.

2007 Planta;225(5):1313, 1324, 1313-24.
PMID:  17106685

Ribarits Alexandra, Abdullaev Alisher, Tashpulatov Alisher, Richter Andreas, Heberle-Bors Erwin, Touraev Alisher

Transcriptional and metabolic profiles of stress-induced, embryogenic tobacco microspores.

2007 Plant molecular biology;63(1):137, 149, 137-49.
PMID:  17016740

Hosp Julia, Tashpulatov Alisher, Roessner Ute, Barsova Ekaterina, Katholnigg Heidrun, Steinborn Ralf, Melikant Balázs, Lukyanov Sergey, Heberle-Bors Erwin, Touraev Alisher

A-type lamin networks in light of laminopathic diseases.

2007 Biochimica et biophysica acta;1773(5):661, 674, 661-74.
PMID:  16934891

Vlcek Sylvia, Foisner Roland

Phylogenetic diversity within seconds.

2006 Systematic biology;55(5):769, 773, 769-73.
PMID:  17060198

Minh Bui Quang, Klaere Steffen, von Haeseler Arndt

A Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase mediates reactive oxygen species homeostasis in Arabidopsis.

2006 The Journal of biological chemistry;281(50):38697, 38704, 38697-704.
PMID:  17043356

Nakagami Hirofumi, Soukupová Hanka, Schikora Adam, Zárský Viktor, Hirt Heribert

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