Trojan horse strategy in Agrobacterium transformation: abusing MAPK defense signaling.
Djamei Armin, Pitzschke Andrea, Nakagami Hirofumi, Rajh Iva, Hirt Heribert
The Arabidopsis mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase MKK3 is upstream of group C mitogen-activated protein kinases and participates in pathogen signaling.
Dóczi Róbert, Brader Günter, Pettkó-Szandtner Aladár, Rajh Iva, Djamei Armin, Pitzschke Andrea, Teige Markus, Hirt Heribert
The tetratricopeptide repeats of receptors involved in protein translocation across membranes.
Schlegel Thomas, Mirus Oliver, von Haeseler Arndt, Schleiff Enrico
Investigating the substrate specificity and oligomerisation of the leader protease of foot and mouth disease virus using NMR.
Cencic Regina, Mayer Christina, Juliano Maria A, Juliano Luiz, Konrat Robert, Kontaxis Georg, Skern Tim
TreeSnatcher: coding trees from images.
Laubach Thomas, von Haeseler Arndt
Using phosphoproteomics to reveal signalling dynamics in plants.
de la Fuente van Bentem Sergio, Hirt Heribert
pIPHULA--parallel inference of population parameters using a likelihood approach.
Schmidt Heiko A, von Haeseler Arndt, Buschbom Jutta
Mapping human genetic ancestry.
Ebersberger Ingo, Galgoczy Petra, Taudien Stefan, Taenzer Simone, Platzer Matthias, von Haeseler Arndt
Molecular basis for target RNA recognition and cleavage by human RISC.
Ameres Stefan Ludwig, Martinez Javier, Schroeder Renée
Conditional targeting of plectin in prenatal and adult mouse stratified epithelia causes keratinocyte fragility and lesional epidermal barrier defects.
Ackerl Reinhard, Walko Gernot, Fuchs Peter, Fischer Irmgard, Schmuth Matthias, Wiche Gerhard
141st ENMC International Workshop inaugural meeting of the EURO-Laminopathies project "Nuclear Envelope-linked Rare Human Diseases: From Molecular Pathophysiology towards Clinical Applications", 10-12 March 2006, Naarden, The Netherlands.
Foisner Roland, Aebi Ueli, Bonne Gisèle, Gruenbaum Yosef, Novelli Giuseppe
Generation of active protein phosphatase 2A is coupled to holoenzyme assembly.
Hombauer Hans, Weismann David, Mudrak Ingrid, Stanzel Claudia, Fellner Thomas, Lackner Daniel H, Ogris Egon
Mdm38 protein depletion causes loss of mitochondrial K+/H+ exchange activity, osmotic swelling and mitophagy.
Nowikovsky K, Reipert S, Devenish R J, Schweyen R J
RNA chaperone activity of L1 ribosomal proteins: phylogenetic conservation and splicing inhibition.
Ameres Stefan L, Shcherbakov Dmitry, Nikonova Ekaterina, Piendl Wolfgang, Schroeder Renée, Semrad Katharina
Mechanism and thermodynamics of binding of the polypyrimidine tract binding protein to RNA.
Schmid Nathan, Zagrovic Bojan, van Gunsteren Wilfred F
Nucleoplasmic lamins and their interaction partners, LAP2alpha, Rb, and BAF, in transcriptional regulation.
Dorner Daniela, Gotzmann Josef, Foisner Roland
Generation and relaxation of high rank coherences in AX3 systems in a selectively methionine labelled SH2 domain.
Kloiber Karin, Fischer Michael, Ledolter Karin, Nagl Michael, Schmid Walther, Konrat Robert
The transcription factor ZEB1 (deltaEF1) promotes tumour cell dedifferentiation by repressing master regulators of epithelial polarity.
Aigner K, Dampier B, Descovich L, Mikula M, Sultan A, Schreiber M, Mikulits W, Brabletz T, Strand D, Obrist P, Sommergruber W, Schweifer N, Wernitznig A, Beug H, Foisner R, Eger A
Attachment of VLDL receptors to an icosahedral virus along the 5-fold symmetry axis: multiple binding modes evidenced by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.
Wruss Juergen, Rünzler Dominik, Steiger Christina, Chiba Peter, Köhler Gottfried, Blaas Dieter
Combination of reversible male sterility and doubled haploid production by targeted inactivation of cytoplasmic glutamine synthetase in developing anthers and pollen.
Ribarits Alexandra, Mamun A N K, Li Shipeng, Resch Tatiana, Fiers Martijn, Heberle-Bors Erwin, Liu Chun-Ming, Touraev Alisher