Search Results


Cell-cycle kinases coordinate the resolution of recombination intermediates with chromosome segregation.

2013 Cell reports(1)
PMID:  23810555

Matos Joao, Blanco Miguel G, West Stephen C

Diversifying microRNA sequence and function.

2013 Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology(8)
PMID:  23800994

Ameres Stefan L, Zamore Phillip D

The mitochondrial carrier Rim2 co-imports pyrimidine nucleotides and iron.

2013 The Biochemical journal;455(1):57, 65, 57-65.
PMID:  23800229

Froschauer Elisabeth M, Rietzschel Nicole, Hassler Melanie R, Binder Markus, Schweyen Rudolf J, Lill Roland, Mühlenhoff Ulrich, Wiesenberger Gerlinde

Co-expression of VAL- and TMT-opsins uncovers ancient photosensory interneurons and motorneurons in the vertebrate brain.

2013 PLoS biology;11(6):e1001585.
PMID:  23776409

Fischer Ruth M, Fontinha Bruno M, Kirchmaier Stephan, Steger Julia, Bloch Susanne, Inoue Daigo, Panda Satchidananda, Rumpel Simon, Tessmar-Raible Kristin

Transport through the Golgi in Trypanosoma brucei.

2013 Histochemistry and cell biology;140(3):235, 238, 235-8.
PMID:  23765165

Warren Graham

Comparison of self-processing of foot-and-mouth disease virus leader proteinase and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus leader proteinase nsp1α.

2013 Virology;443(2):271, 277, 271-7.
PMID:  23756127

Steinberger Jutta, Kontaxis Georg, Rancan Chiara, Skern Tim

The Pseudomonas aeruginosa catabolite repression control protein Crc is devoid of RNA binding activity.

2013 PloS one;8(5):e64609.
PMID:  23717639

Milojevic Tetyana, Grishkovskaya Irina, Sonnleitner Elisabeth, Djinovic-Carugo Kristina, Bläsi Udo

Vienna-PTM web server: a toolkit for MD simulations of protein post-translational modifications.

2013 Nucleic acids research(Web Server issue)
PMID:  23703210

Margreitter Christian, Petrov Drazen, Zagrovic Bojan

A combined approach of quantitative interaction proteomics and live-cell imaging reveals a regulatory role for endoplasmic reticulum (ER) reticulon homology proteins in peroxisome biogenesis.

2013 Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP;12(9):2408, 2425, 2408-25.
PMID:  23689284

David Christine, Koch Johannes, Oeljeklaus Silke, Laernsack Alexandra, Melchior Sophie, Wiese Sebastian, Schummer Andreas, Erdmann Ralf, Warscheid Bettina, Brocard Cécile

Regulation of the heat stress response in Arabidopsis by MPK6-targeted phosphorylation of the heat stress factor HsfA2.

2013 PeerJ;1:e59.
PMID:  23638397

Evrard Alexandre, Kumar Mukesh, Lecourieux David, Lucks Jessica, von Koskull-Döring Pascal, Hirt Heribert

Exploring the sampling universe of RNA-seq.

2013 Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology;12(2):175, 188, 175-88.
PMID:  23629158

Tauber Stefanie, von Haeseler Arndt

Role of tissue protection in lethal respiratory viral-bacterial coinfection.

2013 Science (New York, N.Y.)(6137)
PMID:  23618765

Jamieson Amanda M, Pasman Lesley, Yu Shuang, Gamradt Pia, Homer Robert J, Decker Thomas, Medzhitov Ruslan

Polo-like kinase phosphorylation of bilobe-resident TbCentrin2 facilitates flagellar inheritance in Trypanosoma brucei.

2013 Molecular biology of the cell;24(12):1947, 1963, 1947-63.
PMID:  23615446

de Graffenried Christopher L, Anrather Dorothea, Von Raußendorf Freia, Warren Graham

Protein kinase CK2 regulates the dimerization of histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) and HDAC2 during mitosis.

2013 The Journal of biological chemistry;288(23):16518, 16528, 16518-16528.
PMID:  23612983

Khan Dilshad H, He Shihua, Yu Jenny, Winter Stefan, Cao Wenguang, Seiser Christian, Davie James R

Viral uncoating is directional: exit of the genomic RNA in a common cold virus starts with the poly-(A) tail at the 3'-end.

2013 PLoS pathogens;9(4):e1003270.
PMID:  23592991

Harutyunyan Shushan, Kumar Mohit, Sedivy Arthur, Subirats Xavier, Kowalski Heinrich, Köhler Gottfried, Blaas Dieter

Specificity of human rhinovirus 2A(pro) is determined by combined spatial properties of four cleavage site residues.

2013 The Journal of general virology;94(Pt 7):1535, 1546, 1535-1546.
PMID:  23580429

Neubauer David, Aumayr Martina, Gösler Irene, Skern Tim

Antisense regulation by transposon-derived RNAs in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus.

2013 EMBO reports;14(6):527, 533, 527-33.
PMID:  23579342

Märtens Birgit, Manoharadas Salim, Hasenöhrl David, Manica Andrea, Bläsi Udo

Molecular cloning, expression, and hormonal regulation of the chicken microsomal triglyceride transfer protein.

2013 Gene;523(1):1, 9, 1-9.
PMID:  23542778

Ivessa N Erwin, Rehberg Edward, Kienzle Bernadette, Seif Fridolin, Hermann Robert, Hermann Marcela, Schneider Wolfgang J, Gordon David A

Chromosome segregation: disarming the protector.

2013 Current biology : CB;23(6):R236, R239, R236-9.
PMID:  23518053

Sanyal Swastika, Kovacikova Ines, Gregan Juraj

Matefin/SUN-1 phosphorylation is part of a surveillance mechanism to coordinate chromosome synapsis and recombination with meiotic progression and chromosome movement.

2013 PLoS genetics(3)
PMID:  23505384

Woglar Alexander, Daryabeigi Anahita, Adamo Adele, Habacher Cornelia, Machacek Thomas, La Volpe Adriana, Jantsch Verena

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