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Pharmacophore mapping via cross-relaxation during adiabatic fast passage.

2010 Journal of the American Chemical Society;132(5):1480, 1481, 1480-1.
PMID:  20078057

Auer Renate, Kloiber Karin, Vavrinska Andrea, Geist Leonhard, Coudevylle Nicolas, Konrat Robert

Mutations in Caenorhabditis elegans him-19 show meiotic defects that worsen with age.

2010 Molecular biology of the cell;21(6):885, 896, 885-96.
PMID:  20071466

Tang Lois, Machacek Thomas, Mamnun Yasmine M, Penkner Alexandra, Gloggnitzer Jiradet, Wegrostek Christina, Konrat Robert, Jantsch Michael F, Loidl Josef, Jantsch Verena

Measurement of signs of chemical shift differences between ground and excited protein states: a comparison between H(S/M)QC and R1rho methods.

2010 Journal of biomolecular NMR;46(3):205, 216, 205-16.
PMID:  20033258

Auer Renate, Hansen D Flemming, Neudecker Philipp, Korzhnev Dmitry M, Muhandiram D Ranjith, Konrat Robert, Kay Lewis E

5-Fluoro pyrimidines: labels to probe DNA and RNA secondary structures by 1D 19F NMR spectroscopy.

2009 Nucleic acids research;37(22):7728, 7740, 7728-40.
PMID:  19843610

Puffer Barbara, Kreutz Christoph, Rieder Ulrike, Ebert Marc-Olivier, Konrat Robert, Micura Ronald

The protein meta-structure: a novel concept for chemical and molecular biology.

2009 Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS;66(22):3625, 3639, 3625-39.
PMID:  19690801

Konrat Robert

Measuring the signs of 1H(alpha) chemical shift differences between ground and excited protein states by off-resonance spin-lock R(1rho) NMR spectroscopy.

2009 Journal of the American Chemical Society;131(31):10832, 10833, 10832-3.
PMID:  19606858

Auer Renate, Neudecker Philipp, Muhandiram D Ranjith, Lundström Patrik, Hansen D Flemming, Konrat Robert, Kay Lewis E

Autocorrelation analysis of NOESY data provides residue compactness for folded and unfolded proteins.

2009 Journal of the American Chemical Society;131(17):6038, 6039, 6038-9.
PMID:  19364097

Schedlbauer Andreas, Coudevylle Nicolas, Auer Renate, Kloiber Karin, Tollinger Martin, Konrat Robert

Direct observation of the dynamic process underlying allosteric signal transmission.

2009 Journal of the American Chemical Society;131(8):3063, 3068, 3063-8.
PMID:  19203263

Brüschweiler Sven, Schanda Paul, Kloiber Karin, Brutscher Bernhard, Kontaxis Georg, Konrat Robert, Tollinger Martin

Backbone assignment of osteopontin, a cytokine and cell attachment protein implicated in tumorigenesis.

2008 Biomolecular NMR assignments;2(1):29, 31, 29-31.
PMID:  19636917

Schedlbauer Andreas, Ozdowy Przemyslaw, Kontaxis Georg, Hartl Markus, Bister Klaus, Konrat Robert

Direct methods and residue type specific isotope labeling in NMR structure determination and model-driven sequential assignment.

2008 Journal of biomolecular NMR;42(2):111, 127, 111-27.
PMID:  18762865

Schedlbauer Andreas, Auer Renate, Ledolter Karin, Tollinger Martin, Kloiber Karin, Lichtenecker Roman, Ruedisser Simon, Hommel Ulrich, Schmid Walther, Konrat Robert, Kontaxis Georg

RNA chaperones, RNA annealers and RNA helicases.

2007 RNA biology;4(3):118, 130, 118-30.
PMID:  18347437

Rajkowitsch Lukas, Chen Doris, Stampfl Sabine, Semrad Katharina, Waldsich Christina, Mayer Oliver, Jantsch Michael F, Konrat Robert, Bläsi Udo, Schroeder Renée

Investigating the substrate specificity and oligomerisation of the leader protease of foot and mouth disease virus using NMR.

2007 Journal of molecular biology;373(4):1071, 1087, 1071-87.
PMID:  17897674

Cencic Regina, Mayer Christina, Juliano Maria A, Juliano Luiz, Konrat Robert, Kontaxis Georg, Skern Tim

Generation and relaxation of high rank coherences in AX3 systems in a selectively methionine labelled SH2 domain.

2007 Journal of biomolecular NMR;38(2):125, 131, 125-31.
PMID:  17487551

Kloiber Karin, Fischer Michael, Ledolter Karin, Nagl Michael, Schmid Walther, Konrat Robert

Protein-protein interaction site mapping using NMR-detected mutational scanning.

2007 Journal of biomolecular NMR;38(2):133, 137, 133-7.
PMID:  17447011

Baminger Bettina, Ludwiczek Martin L, Kontaxis Georg, Knapp Stefan, Konrat Robert

RNA chaperone activity and RNA-binding properties of the E. coli protein StpA.

2007 Nucleic acids research;35(4):1257, 1269, 1257-69.
PMID:  17267410

Mayer Oliver, Rajkowitsch Lukas, Lorenz Christina, Konrat Robert, Schroeder Renée

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