The Rhinovirus subviral a-particle exposes 3'-terminal sequences of its genomic RNA.
Harutyunyan Shushan, Kowalski Heinrich, Blaas Dieter
Ménage à trois: post-transcriptional control of the key enzyme for cell envelope synthesis by a base-pairing small RNA, an RNase adaptor protein, and a small RNA mimic.
Göpel Yvonne, Khan Muna A, Görke Boris
NMR contributions to structural dynamics studies of intrinsically disordered proteins.
Konrat Robert
TALENs mediate efficient and heritable mutation of endogenous genes in the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii.
Bannister Stephanie, Antonova Olga, Polo Alessandra, Lohs Claudia, Hallay Natalia, Valinciute Agne, Raible Florian, Tessmar-Raible Kristin
Salt-induced subcellular kinase relocation and seedling susceptibility caused by overexpression of Medicago SIMKK in Arabidopsis.
Ovečka Miroslav, Takáč Tomáš, Komis George, Vadovič Pavol, Bekešová Slávka, Doskočilová Anna, Šamajová Veronika, Luptovčiak Ivan, Samajová Olga, Schweighofer Alois, Meskiene Irute, Jonak Claudia, Křenek Pavel, Lichtscheidl Irene, Škultéty L'udovít, Hirt Heribert, Šamaj Jozef
The endocytic activity of the flagellar pocket in Trypanosoma brucei is regulated by an adjacent phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase.
Demmel Lars, Schmidt Katy, Lucast Louise, Havlicek Katharina, Zankel Armin, Koestler Tina, Reithofer Viktoria, de Camilli Pietro, Warren Graham
Dual control of Yen1 nuclease activity and cellular localization by Cdk and Cdc14 prevents genome instability.
Blanco Miguel G, Matos Joao, West Stephen C
Sec16 determines the size and functioning of the Golgi in the protist parasite, Trypanosoma brucei.
Sealey-Cardona Marco, Schmidt Katy, Demmel Lars, Hirschmugl Tatjana, Gesell Tanja, Dong Gang, Warren Graham
Compensatory adaptations of structural dynamics in an intrinsically disordered protein complex.
Kurzbach Dennis, Schwarz Thomas C, Platzer Gerald, Höfler Simone, Hinderberger Dariush, Konrat Robert
Hsp90-Tau complex reveals molecular basis for specificity in chaperone action.
Karagöz G Elif, Duarte Afonso M S, Akoury Elias, Ippel Hans, Biernat Jacek, Morán Luengo Tania, Radli Martina, Didenko Tatiana, Nordhues Bryce A, Veprintsev Dmitry B, Dickey Chad A, Mandelkow Eckhard, Zweckstetter Markus, Boelens Rolf, Madl Tobias, Rüdiger Stefan G D
Signaling by the extracellular matrix protein Reelin promotes granulosa cell proliferation in the chicken follicle.
Eresheim Christine, Leeb Christian, Buchegger Patricia, Nimpf Johannes
The Cryptochrome/Photolyase Family in aquatic organisms.
Oliveri Paola, Fortunato Antonio E, Petrone Libero, Ishikawa-Fujiwara Tomoko, Kobayashi Yuri, Todo Takeshi, Antonova Olga, Arboleda Enrique, Zantke Juliane, Tessmar-Raible Kristin, Falciatore Angela
Lamina-associated polypeptide (LAP)2α and other LEM proteins in cancer biology.
Brachner Andreas, Foisner Roland
SNP2GO: functional analysis of genome-wide association studies.
Szkiba David, Kapun Martin, von Haeseler Arndt, Gallach Miguel
Ubiquitin Lys 63 chains - second-most abundant, but poorly understood in plants.
Tomanov Konstantin, Luschnig Christian, Bachmair Andreas
Imaging of endogenous messenger RNA splice variants in living cells reveals nuclear retention of transcripts inaccessible to nonsense-mediated decay in Arabidopsis.
Göhring Janett, Jacak Jaroslaw, Barta Andrea
Phosphotransferase protein EIIANtr interacts with SpoT, a key enzyme of the stringent response, in Ralstonia eutropha H16.
Karstens Katja, Zschiedrich Christopher P, Bowien Botho, Stülke Jörg, Görke Boris
Dependence of protein crystal stability on residue charge states and ion content of crystal solvent.
Kuzmanic Antonija, Zagrovic Bojan
X-ray refinement significantly underestimates the level of microscopic heterogeneity in biomolecular crystals.
Kuzmanic Antonija, Pannu Navraj S, Zagrovic Bojan