beta-Catenin and TGFbeta signalling cooperate to maintain a mesenchymal phenotype after FosER-induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition.
Eger Andreas, Stockinger Andreas, Park John, Langkopf Elke, Mikula Mario, Gotzmann Josef, Mikulits Wolfgang, Beug Hartmut, Foisner Roland
Phosphorylation of the Stat1 transactivation domain is required for full-fledged IFN-gamma-dependent innate immunity.
Varinou Louisa, Ramsauer Katrin, Karaghiosoff Marina, Kolbe Thomas, Pfeffer Klaus, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas
Interaction of the RNA chaperone Hfq with mRNAs: direct and indirect roles of Hfq in iron metabolism of Escherichia coli.
Vecerek Branislav, Moll Isabella, Afonyushkin Taras, Kaberdin Vladimir, Bläsi Udo
Structural correspondence between the alpha-helix and the random-flight chain resolves how unfolded proteins can have native-like properties.
Zagrovic Bojan, Pande Vijay S
The minus end in sight.
Dammermann Alexander, Desai Arshad, Oegema Karen
Solvent viscosity dependence of the folding rate of a small protein: distributed computing study.
Zagrovic Bojan, Pande Vijay
Atomistic protein folding simulations on the submillisecond time scale using worldwide distributed computing.
Pande Vijay S, Baker Ian, Chapman Jarrod, Elmer Sidney P, Khaliq Siraj, Larson Stefan M, Rhee Young Min, Shirts Michael R, Snow Christopher D, Sorin Eric J, Zagrovic Bojan
The Trp cage: folding kinetics and unfolded state topology via molecular dynamics simulations.
Snow Christopher D, Zagrovic Bojan, Pande Vijay S
Simulation of folding of a small alpha-helical protein in atomistic detail using worldwide-distributed computing.
Zagrovic Bojan, Snow Christopher D, Shirts Michael R, Pande Vijay S
Assembly of centrosomal proteins and microtubule organization depends on PCM-1.
Dammermann Alexander, Merdes Andreas
Native-like mean structure in the unfolded ensemble of small proteins.
Zagrovic Bojan, Snow Christopher D, Khaliq Siraj, Shirts Michael R, Pande Vijay S
Beta-hairpin folding simulations in atomistic detail using an implicit solvent model.
Zagrovic B, Sorin E J, Pande V
For the latest information, tune to channel KcsA.
Zagrovic B, Aldrich R
Effect of deletion of the major brain G-protein alpha subunit (alpha(o)) on coordination of G-protein subunits and on adenylyl cyclase activity.
Mende U, Zagrovic B, Cohen A, Li Y, Valenzuela D, Fishman M C, Neer E J