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Life is translation.

2014 RNA biology;11(3):210, 212, 210-2.
PMID:  24572678

Zagrovic Bojan

The Cryptochrome/Photolyase Family in aquatic organisms.

2014 Marine genomics;14:23, 37, 23-37.
PMID:  24568948

Oliveri Paola, Fortunato Antonio E, Petrone Libero, Ishikawa-Fujiwara Tomoko, Kobayashi Yuri, Todo Takeshi, Antonova Olga, Arboleda Enrique, Zantke Juliane, Tessmar-Raible Kristin, Falciatore Angela

Lamina-associated polypeptide (LAP)2α and other LEM proteins in cancer biology.

2014 Advances in experimental medicine and biology;773:143, 163, 143-63.
PMID:  24563347

Brachner Andreas, Foisner Roland

SNP2GO: functional analysis of genome-wide association studies.

2014 Genetics;197(1):285, 289, 285-9.
PMID:  24561481

Szkiba David, Kapun Martin, von Haeseler Arndt, Gallach Miguel

Ubiquitin Lys 63 chains - second-most abundant, but poorly understood in plants.

2014 Frontiers in plant science;5:15.
PMID:  24550925

Tomanov Konstantin, Luschnig Christian, Bachmair Andreas

Imaging of endogenous messenger RNA splice variants in living cells reveals nuclear retention of transcripts inaccessible to nonsense-mediated decay in Arabidopsis.

2014 The Plant cell;26(2):754, 764, 754-64.
PMID:  24532591

Göhring Janett, Jacak Jaroslaw, Barta Andrea

Phosphotransferase protein EIIANtr interacts with SpoT, a key enzyme of the stringent response, in Ralstonia eutropha H16.

2014 Microbiology (Reading, England);160(Pt 4):711, 722, 711-722.
PMID:  24515609

Karstens Katja, Zschiedrich Christopher P, Bowien Botho, Stülke Jörg, Görke Boris

Dependence of protein crystal stability on residue charge states and ion content of crystal solvent.

2014 Biophysical journal;106(3):677, 686, 677-86.
PMID:  24507608

Kuzmanic Antonija, Zagrovic Bojan

X-ray refinement significantly underestimates the level of microscopic heterogeneity in biomolecular crystals.

2014 Nature communications;5:3220.
PMID:  24504120

Kuzmanic Antonija, Pannu Navraj S, Zagrovic Bojan

Of RNA-binding proteins and their targets: interaction determines expression.

2014 Genome biology(1)
PMID:  24468021

Zagrovic Bojan

Nitric oxide sensing in plants is mediated by proteolytic control of group VII ERF transcription factors.

2014 Molecular cell;53(3):369, 379, 369-79.
PMID:  24462115

Gibbs Daniel J, Md Isa Nurulhikma, Movahedi Mahsa, Lozano-Juste Jorge, Mendiondo Guillermina M, Berckhan Sophie, Marín-de la Rosa Nora, Vicente Conde Jorge, Sousa Correia Cristina, Pearce Simon P, Bassel George W, Hamali Bulut, Talloji Prabhavathi, Tomé Daniel F A, Coego Alberto, Beynon Jim, Alabadí David, Bachmair Andreas, León José, Gray Julie E, Theodoulou Frederica L, Holdsworth Michael J

Genetic exploration of the exit from self-renewal using haploid embryonic stem cells.

2014 Cell stem cell(3)
PMID:  24412312

Leeb Martin, Dietmann Sabine, Paramor Maike, Niwa Hitoshi, Smith Austin

Longitudinal study of murine microbiota activity and interactions with the host during acute inflammation and recovery.

2014 The ISME journal;8(5):1101, 1114, 1101-14.
PMID:  24401855

Schwab Clarissa, Berry David, Rauch Isabella, Rennisch Ina, Ramesmayer Julia, Hainzl Eva, Heider Susanne, Decker Thomas, Kenner Lukas, Müller Mathias, Strobl Birgit, Wagner Michael, Schleper Christa, Loy Alexander, Urich Tim

Lamina-associated polypeptide (LAP)2α and nucleoplasmic lamins in adult stem cell regulation and disease.

2014 Seminars in cell & developmental biology;29(100):116, 124, 116-24.
PMID:  24374133

Gesson Kevin, Vidak Sandra, Foisner Roland

Structure of the TbBILBO1 protein N-terminal domain from Trypanosoma brucei reveals an essential requirement for a conserved surface patch.

2014 The Journal of biological chemistry;289(6):3724, 3735, 3724-35.
PMID:  24362019

Vidilaseris Keni, Morriswood Brooke, Kontaxis Georg, Dong Gang

Characterization and structure of the vaccinia virus NF-κB antagonist A46.

2014 The Journal of biological chemistry;289(6):3749, 3762, 3749-62.
PMID:  24356965

Fedosyuk Sofiya, Grishkovskaya Irina, de Almeida Ribeiro Euripedes, Skern Tim

Evolutionary rescue in structured populations.

2014 The American naturalist;183(1):E17, E35, E17-35.
PMID:  24334746

Uecker Hildegard, Otto Sarah P, Hermisson Joachim

TRIMmunity: the roles of the TRIM E3-ubiquitin ligase family in innate antiviral immunity.

2014 Journal of molecular biology;426(6):1265, 1284, 1265-84.
PMID:  24333484

Rajsbaum Ricardo, García-Sastre Adolfo, Versteeg Gijs A

Phosphorylation of Arabidopsis transketolase at Ser428 provides a potential paradigm for the metabolic control of chloroplast carbon metabolism.

2014 The Biochemical journal;458(2):313, 322, 313-22.
PMID:  24328790

Rocha Agostinho G, Mehlmer Norbert, Stael Simon, Mair Andrea, Parvin Nargis, Chigri Fatima, Teige Markus, Vothknecht Ute C

Strategies for purifying variants of human rhinovirus 14 2C protein.

2014 Protein expression and purification;95:28, 37, 28-37.
PMID:  24316192

Sára Tomáš, Konrat Robert, Skern Tim

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