Search Results


AtRTD - a comprehensive reference transcript dataset resource for accurate quantification of transcript-specific expression in Arabidopsis thaliana.

2015 The New phytologist;208(1):96, 101, 96-101.
PMID:  26111100

Zhang Runxuan, Calixto Cristiane P G, Tzioutziou Nikoleta A, James Allan B, Simpson Craig G, Guo Wenbin, Marquez Yamile, Kalyna Maria, Patro Rob, Eyras Eduardo, Barta Andrea, Nimmo Hugh G, Brown John W S

Parallel trait adaptation across opposing thermal environments in experimental Drosophila melanogaster populations.

2015 Evolution; international journal of organic evolution;69(7):1745, 1759, 1745-59.
PMID:  26080903

Tobler Ray, Hermisson Joachim, Schlötterer Christian

The Arabidopsis mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 is associated with γ-tubulin on microtubules, phosphorylates EB1c and maintains spindle orientation under nitrosative stress.

2015 The New phytologist;207(4):1061, 1074, 1061-74.
PMID:  26061286

Kohoutová Lucie, Kourová Hana, Nagy Szilvia K, Volc Jindřich, Halada Petr, Mészáros Tamás, Meskiene Irute, Bögre László, Binarová Pavla

Catch Me if You Can: Adaptation from Standing Genetic Variation to a Moving Phenotypic Optimum.

2015 Genetics;200(4):1255, 1274, 1255-74.
PMID:  26038348

Matuszewski Sebastian, Hermisson Joachim, Kopp Michael

Identification of Novel Proteins Co-Purifying with Cockayne Syndrome Group B (CSB) Reveals Potential Roles for CSB in RNA Metabolism and Chromatin Dynamics.

2015 PloS one;10(6):e0128558.
PMID:  26030138

Nicolai Serena, Filippi Silvia, Caputo Manuela, Cipak Lubos, Gregan Juraj, Ammerer Gustav, Frontini Mattia, Willems Daniela, Prantera Giorgio, Balajee Adayabalam S, Proietti-De-Santis Luca

Alike but Different: RAF Paralogs and Their Signaling Outputs.

2015 Cell;161(5):967, 970, 967-970.
PMID:  26000477

Desideri Enrico, Cavallo Anna Lina, Baccarini Manuela

Casein Kinase 1 and Phosphorylation of Cohesin Subunit Rec11 (SA3) Promote Meiotic Recombination through Linear Element Formation.

2015 PLoS genetics;11(5):e1005225.
PMID:  25993311

Phadnis Naina, Cipak Lubos, Polakova Silvia, Hyppa Randy W, Cipakova Ingrid, Anrather Dorothea, Karvaiova Lucia, Mechtler Karl, Smith Gerald R, Gregan Juraj

Laser-induced acoustic desorption of natural and functionalized biochromophores.

2015 Analytical chemistry;87(11):5614, 5619, 5614-9.
PMID:  25946522

Sezer Uğur, Wörner Lisa, Horak Johannes, Felix Lukas, Tüxen Jens, Götz Christoph, Vaziri Alipasha, Mayor Marcel, Arndt Markus

Nuclear pore basket proteins are tethered to the nuclear envelope and can regulate membrane curvature.

2015 Developmental cell;33(3):285, 298, 285-98.
PMID:  25942622

Mészáros Noémi, Cibulka Jakub, Mendiburo Maria Jose, Romanauska Anete, Schneider Maren, Köhler Alwin

Unmasking alternative splicing inside protein-coding exons defines exitrons and their role in proteome plasticity.

2015 Genome research;25(7):995, 1007, 995-1007.
PMID:  25934563

Marquez Yamile, Höpfler Markus, Ayatollahi Zahra, Barta Andrea, Kalyna Maria

Noncanonical Effects of IRF9 in Intestinal Inflammation: More than Type I and Type III Interferons.

2015 Molecular and cellular biology;35(13):2332, 2343, 2332-43.
PMID:  25918247

Rauch Isabella, Rosebrock Felix, Hainzl Eva, Heider Susanne, Majoros Andrea, Wienerroither Sebastian, Strobl Birgit, Stockinger Silvia, Kenner Lukas, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas

General and MicroRNA-Mediated mRNA Degradation Occurs on Ribosome Complexes in Drosophila Cells.

2015 Molecular and cellular biology;35(13):2309, 2320, 2309-20.
PMID:  25918245

Antic Sanja, Wolfinger Michael T, Skucha Anna, Hosiner Stefanie, Dorner Silke

Acanthocytosis and the c.680 A>G Mutation in the PANK2 Gene: A Study Enrolling a Cohort of PKAN Patients from the Dominican Republic.

2015 PloS one;10(4):e0125861.
PMID:  25915509

Schiessl-Weyer Jasmin, Roa Pedro, Laccone Franco, Kluge Britta, Tichy Alexander, De Almeida Ribeiro Euripedes, Prohaska Rainer, Stoeter Peter, Siegl Claudia, Salzer Ulrich

The Heptameric SmAP1 and SmAP2 Proteins of the Crenarchaeon Sulfolobus Solfataricus Bind to Common and Distinct RNA Targets.

2015 Life (Basel, Switzerland);5(2):1264, 1281, 1264-81.
PMID:  25905548

Märtens Birgit, Bezerra Gustavo Arruda, Kreuter Mathias Josef, Grishkovskaya Irina, Manica Andrea, Arkhipova Valentina, Djinovic-Carugo Kristina, Bläsi Udo

The coordinated action of the MVB pathway and autophagy ensures cell survival during starvation.

2015 eLife;4:e07736.
PMID:  25902403

Müller Martin, Schmidt Oliver, Angelova Mihaela, Faserl Klaus, Weys Sabine, Kremser Leopold, Pfaffenwimmer Thaddäus, Dalik Thomas, Kraft Claudine, Trajanoski Zlatko, Lindner Herbert, Teis David

Split diversity in constrained conservation prioritization using integer linear programming.

2015 Methods in ecology and evolution;6(1):83, 91, 83-91.
PMID:  25893087

Chernomor Olga, Minh Bui Quang, Forest Félix, Klaere Steffen, Ingram Travis, Henzinger Monika, von Haeseler Arndt

Decreased expression of endogenous feline leukemia virus in cat lymphomas: a case control study.

2015 BMC veterinary research;11:90.
PMID:  25879730

Krunic Milica, Ertl Reinhard, Hagen Benedikt, Sedlazeck Fritz J, Hofmann-Lehmann Regina, von Haeseler Arndt, Klein Dieter

BILBO1 is a scaffold protein of the flagellar pocket collar in the pathogen Trypanosoma brucei.

2015 PLoS pathogens;11(3):e1004654.
PMID:  25822645

Florimond Célia, Sahin Annelise, Vidilaseris Keni, Dong Gang, Landrein Nicolas, Dacheux Denis, Albisetti Anna, Byard Edward H, Bonhivers Mélanie, Robinson Derrick R

H3K4 monomethylation dictates nucleosome dynamics and chromatin remodeling at stress-responsive genes.

2015 Nucleic acids research;43(10):4937, 4949, 4937-49.
PMID:  25813039

Nadal-Ribelles Mariona, Mas Glòria, Millán-Zambrano Gonzalo, Solé Carme, Ammerer Gustav, Chávez Sebastián, Posas Francesc, de Nadal Eulàlia

Optimizing and extending light-sculpting microscopy for fast functional imaging in neuroscience.

2015 Biomedical optics express;6(2):353, 368, 353-68.
PMID:  25780729

Rupprecht Peter, Prevedel Robert, Groessl Florian, Haubensak Wulf E, Vaziri Alipasha

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