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Lost in Translation: Pitfalls in Deciphering Plant Alternative Splicing Transcripts.

2015 The Plant cell;27(8):2083, 2087, 2083-7.
PMID:  26286536

Brown John W S, Simpson Craig G, Marquez Yamile, Gadd Geoffrey M, Barta Andrea, Kalyna Maria

Hold your horSSEs: controlling structure-selective endonucleases MUS81 and Yen1/GEN1.

2015 Frontiers in genetics
PMID:  26284109

Blanco Miguel G, Matos Joao

Building a ninefold symmetrical barrel: structural dissections of centriole assembly.

2015 Open biology;5(8)
PMID:  26269428

Dong Gang

SnRK1-triggered switch of bZIP63 dimerization mediates the low-energy response in plants.

2015 eLife;4
PMID:  26263501

Mair Andrea, Pedrotti Lorenzo, Wurzinger Bernhard, Anrather Dorothea, Simeunovic Andrea, Weiste Christoph, Valerio Concetta, Dietrich Katrin, Kirchler Tobias, Nägele Thomas, Vicente Carbajosa Jesús, Hanson Johannes, Baena-González Elena, Chaban Christina, Weckwerth Wolfram, Dröge-Laser Wolfgang, Teige Markus

Transcription dynamically patterns the meiotic chromosome-axis interface.

2015 eLife;4
PMID:  26258962

Sun Xiaoji, Huang Lingzhi, Markowitz Tovah E, Blitzblau Hannah G, Chen Doris, Klein Franz, Hochwagen Andreas

RNA 5-Methylcytosine Analysis by Bisulfite Sequencing.

2015 Methods in enzymology;560:297, 329, 297-329.
PMID:  26253976

Schaefer Matthias

Binding of the 5'-Triphosphate End of mRNA to the γ-Subunit of Translation Initiation Factor 2 of the Crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus.

2015 Journal of molecular biology;427(19):3086, 3095, 3086-95.
PMID:  26244522

Arkhipova Valentina, Stolboushkina Elena, Kravchenko Olesya, Kljashtorny Vladislav, Gabdulkhakov Azat, Garber Maria, Nikonov Stanislav, Märtens Birgit, Bläsi Udo, Nikonov Oleg

Isotropic incorporation of SPD-5 underlies centrosome assembly in C. elegans.

2015 Current biology : CB;25(15):R648, R649, R648-9.
PMID:  26241136

Laos Triin, Cabral Gabriela, Dammermann Alexander

Analysis of a common cold virus and its subviral particles by gas-phase electrophoretic mobility molecular analysis and native mass spectrometry.

2015 Analytical chemistry;87(17):8709, 8717, 8709-17.
PMID:  26221912

Weiss Victor U, Bereszcazk Jessica Z, Havlik Marlene, Kallinger Peter, Gösler Irene, Kumar Mohit, Blaas Dieter, Marchetti-Deschmann Martina, Heck Albert J R, Szymanski Wladyslaw W, Allmaier Günter

Interaction preferences between nucleobase mimetics and amino acids in aqueous solutions.

2015 Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP;17(33):21414, 21422, 21414-22.
PMID:  26219945

Hajnic Matea, Osorio Juan I, Zagrovic Bojan

A practical guide to environmental association analysis in landscape genomics.

2015 Molecular ecology;24(17):4348, 4370, 4348-70.
PMID:  26184487

Rellstab Christian, Gugerli Felix, Eckert Andrew J, Hancock Angela M, Holderegger Rolf

Tristetraprolin Limits Inflammatory Cytokine Production in Tumor-Associated Macrophages in an mRNA Decay-Independent Manner.

2015 Cancer research;75(15):3054, 3064, 3054-64.
PMID:  26183929

Kratochvill Franz, Gratz Nina, Qualls Joseph E, Van De Velde Lee-Ann, Chi Hongbo, Kovarik Pavel, Murray Peter J

Ultrastructural analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans cilia.

2015 Methods in cell biology;129:341, 367, 341-367.
PMID:  26175447

Serwas Daniel, Dammermann Alexander

Cooperative Transcriptional Activation of Antimicrobial Genes by STAT and NF-κB Pathways by Concerted Recruitment of the Mediator Complex.

2015 Cell reports;12(2):300, 312, 300-12.
PMID:  26146080

Wienerroither Sebastian, Shukla Priyank, Farlik Matthias, Majoros Andrea, Stych Bernadette, Vogl Claus, Cheon HyeonJoo, Stark George R, Strobl Birgit, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas

Uridylation of RNA Hairpins by Tailor Confines the Emergence of MicroRNAs in Drosophila.

2015 Molecular cell(2)
PMID:  26145176

Reimão-Pinto Madalena M, Ignatova Valentina, Burkard Thomas R, Hung Jui-Hung, Manzenreither Raphael A, Sowemimo Ivica, Herzog Veronika A, Reichholf Brian, Fariña-Lopez Sara, Ameres Stefan L

Selective Suppression of the Splicing-Mediated MicroRNA Pathway by the Terminal Uridyltransferase Tailor.

2015 Molecular cell(2)
PMID:  26145174

Bortolamiol-Becet Diane, Hu Fuqu, Jee David, Wen Jiayu, Okamura Katsutomo, Lin Ching-Jung, Ameres Stefan L, Lai Eric C

Approaching the Golden Fleece a Molecule at a Time: Biophysical Insights into Argonaute-Instructed Nucleic Acid Interactions.

2015 Molecular cell(1)
PMID:  26140366

Herzog Veronika A, Ameres Stefan L

Seedling Germination: Seedlings Follow Sunshine and Fresh Air.

2015 Current biology : CB;25(13):R565, R566, R565-6.
PMID:  26126283

Potuschak Thomas, Bachmair Andreas

The ciliary transition zone functions in cell adhesion but is dispensable for axoneme assembly in C. elegans.

2015 The Journal of cell biology;210(1):35, 44, 35-44.
PMID:  26124290

Schouteden Clementine, Serwas Daniel, Palfy Mate, Dammermann Alexander

How cells coordinate waste removal through their major proteolytic pathways.

2015 Nature cell biology;17(7):841, 842, 841-2.
PMID:  26123109

Martens Sascha, Bachmair Andreas

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