Search Results


The protein meta-structure: a novel concept for chemical and molecular biology.

2009 Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS;66(22):3625, 3639, 3625-39.
PMID:  19690801

Konrat Robert

The hydrolethalus syndrome protein HYLS-1 links core centriole structure to cilia formation.

2009 Genes & development(17)
PMID:  19656802

Dammermann Alexander, Pemble Hayley, Mitchell Brian J, McLeod Ian, Yates John R, Kintner Chris, Desai Arshad B, Oegema Karen

Raf-1 addiction in Ras-induced skin carcinogenesis.

2009 Cancer cell;16(2):149, 160, 149-60.
PMID:  19647225

Ehrenreiter Karin, Kern Florian, Velamoor Vanishree, Meissl Katrin, Galabova-Kovacs Gergana, Sibilia Maria, Baccarini Manuela

Targeted inactivation of a developmentally regulated neural plectin isoform (plectin 1c) in mice leads to reduced motor nerve conduction velocity.

2009 The Journal of biological chemistry;284(39):26502, 26509, 26502-9.
PMID:  19625254

Fuchs Peter, Zörer Michael, Reipert Siegfried, Rezniczek Günther A, Propst Friedrich, Walko Gernot, Fischer Irmgard, Bauer Jan, Leschnik Michael W, Lüscher Bernhard, Thalhammer Johann G, Lassmann Hans, Wiche Gerhard

Dendritic cells require STAT-1 phosphorylated at its transactivating domain for the induction of peptide-specific CTL.

2009 Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950);183(4):2286, 2293, 2286-93.
PMID:  19620292

Pilz Andreas, Kratky Wolfgang, Stockinger Silvia, Simma Olivia, Kalinke Ulrich, Lingnau Karen, von Gabain Alexander, Stoiber Dagmar, Sexl Veronika, Kolbe Thomas, Rülicke Thomas, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas

Measuring the signs of 1H(alpha) chemical shift differences between ground and excited protein states by off-resonance spin-lock R(1rho) NMR spectroscopy.

2009 Journal of the American Chemical Society;131(31):10832, 10833, 10832-3.
PMID:  19606858

Auer Renate, Neudecker Philipp, Muhandiram D Ranjith, Lundström Patrik, Hansen D Flemming, Konrat Robert, Kay Lewis E

Tristetraprolin is required for full anti-inflammatory response of murine macrophages to IL-10.

2009 Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950);183(2):1197, 1206, 1197-206.
PMID:  19542371

Schaljo Barbara, Kratochvill Franz, Gratz Nina, Sadzak Iwona, Sauer Ines, Hammer Michael, Vogl Claus, Strobl Birgit, Müller Mathias, Blackshear Perry J, Poli Valeria, Lang Roland, Murray Peter J, Kovarik Pavel

Structural study of X-ray induced activation of carbonic anhydrase.

2009 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;106(26):10609, 10613, 10609-13.
PMID:  19520834

Sjöblom Björn, Polentarutti Maurizio, Djinovic-Carugo Kristina

In the eye of the beholder: Inhomogeneous distribution of high-resolution shapes within the random-walk ensemble.

2009 The Journal of chemical physics(21)
PMID:  19508095

Müller Christian L, Sbalzarini Ivo F, van Gunsteren Wilfred F, Zagrović Bojan, Hünenberger Philippe H

The impact of non-coding RNAs: workshop on new functions of regulatory RNAs in pro- & eukaryotes.

2009 EMBO reports;10(6):563, 567, 563-7.
PMID:  19465893

Boots Jennifer L, Moll Isabella

Lamin complexes in the nuclear interior control progenitor cell proliferation and tissue homeostasis.

2009 Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.);8(10):1488, 1493, 1488-93.
PMID:  19377295

Naetar Nana, Foisner Roland

Autocorrelation analysis of NOESY data provides residue compactness for folded and unfolded proteins.

2009 Journal of the American Chemical Society;131(17):6038, 6039, 6038-9.
PMID:  19364097

Schedlbauer Andreas, Coudevylle Nicolas, Auer Renate, Kloiber Karin, Tollinger Martin, Konrat Robert

Characterization of the interferon-producing cell in mice infected with Listeria monocytogenes.

2009 PLoS pathogens;5(3):e1000355.
PMID:  19325882

Stockinger Silvia, Kastner Renate, Kernbauer Elisabeth, Pilz Andreas, Westermayer Sandra, Reutterer Benjamin, Soulat Didier, Stengl Gabriele, Vogl Claus, Frenz Theresa, Waibler Zoe, Taniguchi Tadatsugu, Rülicke Thomas, Kalinke Ulrich, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas

A Mek1-Mek2 heterodimer determines the strength and duration of the Erk signal.

2009 Nature structural & molecular biology;16(3):294, 303, 294-303.
PMID:  19219045

Catalanotti Federica, Reyes Gloria, Jesenberger Veronika, Galabova-Kovacs Gergana, de Matos Simoes Ricardo, Carugo Oliviero, Baccarini Manuela

Direct observation of the dynamic process underlying allosteric signal transmission.

2009 Journal of the American Chemical Society;131(8):3063, 3068, 3063-8.
PMID:  19203263

Brüschweiler Sven, Schanda Paul, Kloiber Karin, Brutscher Bernhard, Kontaxis Georg, Konrat Robert, Tollinger Martin

An unexpected type of ribosomes induced by kasugamycin: a look into ancestral times of protein synthesis?

2009 Molecular cell;33(2):227, 236, 227-36.
PMID:  19187763

Kaberdina Anna Chao, Szaflarski Witold, Nierhaus Knud H, Moll Isabella

Systematic analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans reveals that the spindle checkpoint is composed of two largely independent branches.

2009 Molecular biology of the cell(4)
PMID:  19109417

Essex Anthony, Dammermann Alexander, Lewellyn Lindsay, Oegema Karen, Desai Arshad

Backbone assignment of osteopontin, a cytokine and cell attachment protein implicated in tumorigenesis.

2008 Biomolecular NMR assignments;2(1):29, 31, 29-31.
PMID:  19636917

Schedlbauer Andreas, Ozdowy Przemyslaw, Kontaxis Georg, Hartl Markus, Bister Klaus, Konrat Robert

Pleiotropic scaling and QTL data.

2008 Nature;456(7222):E3, E4, E3; discussion E4.
PMID:  19052568

Hermisson Joachim, McGregor Alistair P

Dbf4-dependent CDC7 kinase links DNA replication to the segregation of homologous chromosomes in meiosis I.

2008 Cell(4)
PMID:  19013276

Matos Joao, Lipp Jesse J, Bogdanova Aliona, Guillot Sylvine, Okaz Elwy, Junqueira Magno, Shevchenko Andrej, Zachariae Wolfgang

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