AREsite: a database for the comprehensive investigation of AU-rich elements.
Gruber Andreas R, Fallmann Jörg, Kratochvill Franz, Kovarik Pavel, Hofacker Ivo L
Multiple novel functions of lamina associated polypeptide 2α in striated muscle.
Gotic Ivana, Foisner Roland
Lamina-independent lamins in the nuclear interior serve important functions.
Dechat T, Gesson K, Foisner R
Leptotene/zygotene chromosome movement via the SUN/KASH protein bridge in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Baudrimont Antoine, Penkner Alexandra, Woglar Alexander, Machacek Thomas, Wegrostek Christina, Gloggnitzer Jiradet, Fridkin Alexandra, Klein Franz, Gruenbaum Yosef, Pasierbek Pawel, Jantsch Verena
Crucial function of histone deacetylase 1 for differentiation of teratomas in mice and humans.
Lagger Sabine, Meunier Dominique, Mikula Mario, Brunmeir Reinhard, Schlederer Michaela, Artaker Matthias, Pusch Oliver, Egger Gerda, Hagelkruys Astrid, Mikulits Wolfgang, Weitzer Georg, Muellner Ernst W, Susani Martin, Kenner Lukas, Seiser Christian
A phosphorylation switch regulates the transcriptional activation of cell cycle regulator p21 by histone deacetylase inhibitors.
Simboeck Elisabeth, Sawicka Anna, Zupkovitz Gordin, Senese Silvia, Winter Stefan, Dequiedt Franck, Ogris Egon, Di Croce Luciano, Chiocca Susanna, Seiser Christian
Structural portrait of filamin interaction mechanisms.
Djinovic-Carugo Kristina, Carugo Oliviero
The v-myc-induced Q83 lipocalin is a siderocalin.
Coudevylle Nicolas, Geist Leonhard, Hötzinger Matthias, Hartl Markus, Kontaxis Georg, Bister Klaus, Konrat Robert
Deciphering signaling pathways in vivo: the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK cascade.
Galabova-Kovacs Gergana, Baccarini Manuela
Intrinsically disordered regions may lower the hydration free energy in proteins: a case study of nudix hydrolase in the bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans.
Awile Omar, Krisko Anita, Sbalzarini Ivo F, Zagrovic Bojan
Nonconventional initiation complex assembly by STAT and NF-kappaB transcription factors regulates nitric oxide synthase expression.
Farlik Matthias, Reutterer Benjamin, Schindler Christian, Greten Florian, Vogl Claus, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas
Mechanism of Holliday junction resolution by the human GEN1 protein.
Rass Ulrich, Compton Sarah A, Matos Joao, Singleton Martin R, Ip Stephen C Y, Blanco Miguel G, Griffith Jack D, West Stephen C
Partner exchange: protein-protein interactions in the Raf pathway.
Wimmer Reiner, Baccarini Manuela
A murine ESC-like state facilitates transgenesis and homologous recombination in human pluripotent stem cells.
Buecker Christa, Chen Hsu-Hsin, Polo Jose Maria, Daheron Laurence, Bu Lei, Barakat Tahsin Stefan, Okwieka Patricia, Porter Andrew, Gribnau Joost, Hochedlinger Konrad, Geijsen Niels
Hydrophilicity matching - a potential prerequisite for the formation of protein-protein complexes in the cell.
Hlevnjak Mario, Zitkovic Gordan, Zagrovic Bojan
Target RNA-directed trimming and tailing of small silencing RNAs.
Ameres Stefan L, Horwich Michael D, Hung Jui-Hung, Xu Jia, Ghildiyal Megha, Weng Zhiping, Zamore Phillip D
Monoclonal antibodies specific for disease-associated point-mutants: lamin A/C R453W and R482W.
Roblek Marko, Schüchner Stefan, Huber Veronika, Ollram Katrin, Vlcek-Vesely Sylvia, Foisner Roland, Wehnert Manfed, Ogris Egon
Structural basis for assembly and activation of the heterotetrameric SAGA histone H2B deubiquitinase module.
Köhler Alwin, Zimmerman Erik, Schneider Maren, Hurt Ed, Zheng Ning
The meandering of disordered proteins in conformational space.
Konrat Robert
Riding in silence: a little snowboarding, a lot of small RNAs.
Ameres Stefan L, Fukunaga Ryuya