X-ray refinement significantly underestimates the level of microscopic heterogeneity in biomolecular crystals.
Kuzmanic Antonija, Pannu Navraj S, Zagrovic Bojan
Of RNA-binding proteins and their targets: interaction determines expression.
Zagrovic Bojan
Nitric oxide sensing in plants is mediated by proteolytic control of group VII ERF transcription factors.
Gibbs Daniel J, Md Isa Nurulhikma, Movahedi Mahsa, Lozano-Juste Jorge, Mendiondo Guillermina M, Berckhan Sophie, Marín-de la Rosa Nora, Vicente Conde Jorge, Sousa Correia Cristina, Pearce Simon P, Bassel George W, Hamali Bulut, Talloji Prabhavathi, Tomé Daniel F A, Coego Alberto, Beynon Jim, Alabadí David, Bachmair Andreas, León José, Gray Julie E, Theodoulou Frederica L, Holdsworth Michael J
Genetic exploration of the exit from self-renewal using haploid embryonic stem cells.
Leeb Martin, Dietmann Sabine, Paramor Maike, Niwa Hitoshi, Smith Austin
Longitudinal study of murine microbiota activity and interactions with the host during acute inflammation and recovery.
Schwab Clarissa, Berry David, Rauch Isabella, Rennisch Ina, Ramesmayer Julia, Hainzl Eva, Heider Susanne, Decker Thomas, Kenner Lukas, Müller Mathias, Strobl Birgit, Wagner Michael, Schleper Christa, Loy Alexander, Urich Tim
Lamina-associated polypeptide (LAP)2α and nucleoplasmic lamins in adult stem cell regulation and disease.
Gesson Kevin, Vidak Sandra, Foisner Roland
Structure of the TbBILBO1 protein N-terminal domain from Trypanosoma brucei reveals an essential requirement for a conserved surface patch.
Vidilaseris Keni, Morriswood Brooke, Kontaxis Georg, Dong Gang
Evolutionary rescue in structured populations.
Uecker Hildegard, Otto Sarah P, Hermisson Joachim
TRIMmunity: the roles of the TRIM E3-ubiquitin ligase family in innate antiviral immunity.
Rajsbaum Ricardo, García-Sastre Adolfo, Versteeg Gijs A
Strategies for purifying variants of human rhinovirus 14 2C protein.
Sára Tomáš, Konrat Robert, Skern Tim
17β-Estradiol induces supernumerary primordial germ cells in embryos of the polychaete Platynereis dumerilii.
Lidke Anika K, Bannister Stephanie, Löwer Andreas M, Apel David M, Podleschny Martina, Kollmann Martin, Ackermann Christian F, García-Alonso Javier, Raible Florian, Rebscher Nicole
Regulation of NO synthesis, local inflammation, and innate immunity to pathogens by BET family proteins.
Wienerroither Sebastian, Rauch Isabella, Rosebrock Felix, Jamieson Amanda M, Bradner James, Muhar Matthias, Zuber Johannes, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas
Backbone and partial side chain assignment of the microtubule binding domain of the MAP1B light chain.
Orbán-Németh Zsuzsanna, Henen Morkos A, Geist Leonhard, Żerko Szymon, Saxena Saurabh, Stanek Jan, Koźmiński Wiktor, Propst Friedrich, Konrat Robert
Probing Local Backbone Geometries in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins by Cross-Correlated NMR Relaxation.
Stanek Jan, Saxena Saurabh, Geist Leonhard, Konrat Robert, Koźmiński Wiktor
VUT-MK142 : a new cardiomyogenic small molecule promoting the differentiation of pre-cardiac mesoderm into cardiomyocytes.
Koley Moumita, Mike Agnes K, Heher Philipp, Koenig Xaver, Schön Michael, Schnürch Michael, Hilber Karlheinz, Weitzer Georg, Mihovilovic Marko D
The SAS-5 N-terminal domain is a tetramer, with implications for centriole assembly in C. elegans.
Shimanovskaya Ekaterina, Qiao Renping, Lesigang Johannes, Dong Gang
Smc5/6-Mms21 prevents and eliminates inappropriate recombination intermediates in meiosis.
Xaver Martin, Huang Lingzhi, Chen Doris, Klein Franz
Sufficient amounts of functional HOP2/MND1 complex promote interhomolog DNA repair but are dispensable for intersister DNA repair during meiosis in Arabidopsis.
Uanschou Clemens, Ronceret Arnaud, Von Harder Mona, De Muyt Arnaud, Vezon Daniel, Pereira Lucie, Chelysheva Liudmila, Kobayashi Wataru, Kurumizaka Hitoshi, Schlögelhofer Peter, Grelon Mathilde
Analogue encoding of physicochemical properties of proteins in their cognate messenger RNAs.
Polyansky Anton A, Hlevnjak Mario, Zagrovic Bojan
Three modes of adaptive speciation in spatially structured populations.
Rettelbach Agnes, Kopp Michael, Dieckmann Ulf, Hermisson Joachim