Search Results


Type I interferons have opposing effects during the emergence and recovery phases of colitis.

2014 European journal of immunology;44(9):2749, 2760, 2749-60.
PMID:  24975266

Rauch Isabella, Hainzl Eva, Rosebrock Felix, Heider Susanne, Schwab Clarissa, Berry David, Stoiber Dagmar, Wagner Michael, Schleper Christa, Loy Alexander, Urich Tim, Müller Mathias, Strobl Birgit, Kenner Lukas, Decker Thomas

Listeria monocytogenes induces IFNβ expression through an IFI16-, cGAS- and STING-dependent pathway.

2014 The EMBO journal;33(15):1654, 1666, 1654-66.
PMID:  24970844

Hansen Kathrine, Prabakaran Thaneas, Laustsen Anders, Jørgensen Sofie E, Rahbæk Stine H, Jensen Søren B, Nielsen Rikke, Leber Jess H, Decker Thomas, Horan Kristy A, Jakobsen Martin R, Paludan Søren R

STAT1β is not dominant negative and is capable of contributing to gamma interferon-dependent innate immunity.

2014 Molecular and cellular biology;34(12):2235, 2248, 2235-48.
PMID:  24710278

Semper Christian, Leitner Nicole R, Lassnig Caroline, Parrini Matthias, Mahlakõiv Tanel, Rammerstorfer Michael, Lorenz Karin, Rigler Doris, Müller Simone, Kolbe Thomas, Vogl Claus, Rülicke Thomas, Staeheli Peter, Decker Thomas, Müller Mathias, Strobl Birgit

Longitudinal study of murine microbiota activity and interactions with the host during acute inflammation and recovery.

2014 The ISME journal;8(5):1101, 1114, 1101-14.
PMID:  24401855

Schwab Clarissa, Berry David, Rauch Isabella, Rennisch Ina, Ramesmayer Julia, Hainzl Eva, Heider Susanne, Decker Thomas, Kenner Lukas, Müller Mathias, Strobl Birgit, Wagner Michael, Schleper Christa, Loy Alexander, Urich Tim

Regulation of NO synthesis, local inflammation, and innate immunity to pathogens by BET family proteins.

2014 Molecular and cellular biology;34(3):415, 427, 415-27.
PMID:  24248598

Wienerroither Sebastian, Rauch Isabella, Rosebrock Felix, Jamieson Amanda M, Bradner James, Muhar Matthias, Zuber Johannes, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas

The regulation of inflammation by interferons and their STATs.

2013 JAK-STAT;2(1):e23820.
PMID:  24058799

Rauch Isabella, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas

Route of Infection Determines the Impact of Type I Interferons on Innate Immunity to Listeria monocytogenes.

2013 PloS one;8(6):e65007.
PMID:  23840314

Kernbauer Elisabeth, Maier Verena, Rauch Isabella, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas

Role of tissue protection in lethal respiratory viral-bacterial coinfection.

2013 Science (New York, N.Y.)(6137)
PMID:  23618765

Jamieson Amanda M, Pasman Lesley, Yu Shuang, Gamradt Pia, Homer Robert J, Decker Thomas, Medzhitov Ruslan

Conditional Stat1 ablation reveals the importance of interferon signaling for immunity to Listeria monocytogenes infection.

2012 PLoS pathogens;8(6):e1002763.
PMID:  22719255

Kernbauer Elisabeth, Maier Verena, Stoiber Dagmar, Strobl Birgit, Schneckenleithner Christine, Sexl Veronika, Reichart Ursula, Reizis Boris, Kalinke Ulrich, Jamieson Amanda, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas

Contribution of a TANK-binding kinase 1-interferon (IFN) regulatory factor 7 pathway to IFN-γ-induced gene expression.

2012 Molecular and cellular biology;32(6):1032, 1043, 1032-43.
PMID:  22252317

Farlik Matthias, Rapp Birgit, Marie Isabelle, Levy David E, Jamieson Amanda M, Decker Thomas

LipA, a tyrosine and lipid phosphatase involved in the virulence of Listeria monocytogenes.

2011 Infection and immunity;79(6):2489, 2498, 2489-98.
PMID:  21444667

Kastner Renate, Dussurget Olivier, Archambaud Cristel, Kernbauer Elisabeth, Soulat Didier, Cossart Pascale, Decker Thomas

Conventional dendritic cells mount a type I IFN response against Candida spp. requiring novel phagosomal TLR7-mediated IFN-β signaling.

2011 Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950);186(5):3104, 3112, 3104-12.
PMID:  21282509

Bourgeois Christelle, Majer Olivia, Frohner Ingrid E, Lesiak-Markowicz Iwona, Hildering Kwang-Soo, Glaser Walter, Stockinger Silvia, Decker Thomas, Akira Shizuo, Müller Mathias, Kuchler Karl

Nonconventional initiation complex assembly by STAT and NF-kappaB transcription factors regulates nitric oxide synthase expression.

2010 Immunity;33(1):25, 34, 25-34.
PMID:  20637660

Farlik Matthias, Reutterer Benjamin, Schindler Christian, Greten Florian, Vogl Claus, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas

Dendritic cells require STAT-1 phosphorylated at its transactivating domain for the induction of peptide-specific CTL.

2009 Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950);183(4):2286, 2293, 2286-93.
PMID:  19620292

Pilz Andreas, Kratky Wolfgang, Stockinger Silvia, Simma Olivia, Kalinke Ulrich, Lingnau Karen, von Gabain Alexander, Stoiber Dagmar, Sexl Veronika, Kolbe Thomas, Rülicke Thomas, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas

Characterization of the interferon-producing cell in mice infected with Listeria monocytogenes.

2009 PLoS pathogens;5(3):e1000355.
PMID:  19325882

Stockinger Silvia, Kastner Renate, Kernbauer Elisabeth, Pilz Andreas, Westermayer Sandra, Reutterer Benjamin, Soulat Didier, Stengl Gabriele, Vogl Claus, Frenz Theresa, Waibler Zoe, Taniguchi Tadatsugu, Rülicke Thomas, Kalinke Ulrich, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas

Novel functions of type I interferons revealed by infection studies with Listeria monocytogenes.

2008 Immunobiology;213(9-10):889, 897, 889-97.
PMID:  18926303

Stockinger Silvia, Decker Thomas

The DEAD-box helicase DDX3X is a critical component of the TANK-binding kinase 1-dependent innate immune response.

2008 The EMBO journal;27(15):2135, 2146, 2135-46.
PMID:  18583960

Soulat Didier, Bürckstümmer Tilmann, Westermayer Sandra, Goncalves Adriana, Bauch Angela, Stefanovic Adrijana, Hantschel Oliver, Bennett Keiryn L, Decker Thomas, Superti-Furga Giulio

IFN-beta increases listeriolysin O-induced membrane permeabilization and death of macrophages.

2008 Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950);180(6):4116, 4123, 4116-23.
PMID:  18322222

Zwaferink Heather, Stockinger Silvia, Hazemi Parastoo, Lemmens-Gruber Rosa, Decker Thomas

Stimulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression by beta interferon increases necrotic death of macrophages upon Listeria monocytogenes infection.

2008 Infection and immunity;76(4):1649, 1656, 1649-56.
PMID:  18268032

Zwaferink Heather, Stockinger Silvia, Reipert Siegfried, Decker Thomas

Type I IFN are host modulators of strain-specific Listeria monocytogenes virulence.

2008 Cellular microbiology;10(5):1116, 1129, 1116-29.
PMID:  18182083

Reutterer Benjamin, Stockinger Silvia, Pilz Andreas, Soulat Didier, Kastner Renate, Westermayer Sandra, Rülicke Thomas, Müller Mathias, Decker Thomas

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