Nucleoplasmic lamins define growth-regulating functions of lamina-associated polypeptide 2α in progeria cells.
Vidak Sandra, Georgiou Konstantina, Fichtinger Petra, Naetar Nana, Dechat Thomas, Foisner Roland
FANCD2 Promotes Meiotic Crossover Formation.
Kurzbauer Marie-Therese, Pradillo Mónica, Kerzendorfer Claudia, Sims Jason, Ladurner Rene, Oliver Cecilia, Janisiw Michael Peter, Mosiolek Magdalena, Schweizer Dieter, Copenhaver Gregory P, Schlögelhofer Peter
p62 filaments capture and present ubiquitinated cargos for autophagy.
Zaffagnini Gabriele, Savova Adriana, Danieli Alberto, Romanov Julia, Tremel Shirley, Ebner Michael, Peterbauer Thomas, Sztacho Martin, Trapannone Riccardo, Tarafder Abul K, Sachse Carsten, Martens Sascha
Postmitotic nuclear pore assembly proceeds by radial dilation of small membrane openings.
Otsuka Shotaro, Steyer Anna M, Schorb Martin, Hériché Jean-Karim, Hossain M Julius, Sethi Suruchi, Kueblbeck Moritz, Schwab Yannick, Beck Martin, Ellenberg Jan
Ca-dependent demethylation of phosphatase PP2Ac promotes glucose deprivation-induced cell death independently of inhibiting glycolysis.
Lee Ha Yin, Itahana Yoko, Schuechner Stefan, Fukuda Masahiro, Je H Shawn, Ogris Egon, Virshup David M, Itahana Koji
Specificity of research antibodies: "trust is good, validation is better".
Ogris Egon, Sontag Estelle, Wadzinski Brian, Narla Goutham
Interplay between the catabolite repression control protein Crc, Hfq and RNA in Hfq-dependent translational regulation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Sonnleitner Elisabeth, Wulf Alexander, Campagne Sébastien, Pei Xue-Yuan, Wolfinger Michael T, Forlani Giada, Prindl Konstantin, Abdou Laetitia, Resch Armin, Allain Frederic H-T, Luisi Ben F, Urlaub Henning, Bläsi Udo
Madeiran Arabidopsis thaliana Reveals Ancient Long-Range Colonization and Clarifies Demography in Eurasia.
Fulgione Andrea, Koornneef Maarten, Roux Fabrice, Hermisson Joachim, Hancock Angela M
Complex Models of Sequence Evolution Require Accurate Estimators as Exemplified with the Invariable Site Plus Gamma Model.
Nguyen Lam-Tung, von Haeseler Arndt, Minh Bui Quang
SUMO chain formation relies on the amino-terminal region of SUMO-conjugating enzyme and has dedicated substrates in plants.
Tomanov Konstantin, Nehlin Lilian, Ziba Ionida, Bachmair Andreas
Mechanisms of nuclear pore complex assembly - two different ways of building one molecular machine.
Otsuka Shotaro, Ellenberg Jan
UFBoot2: Improving the Ultrafast Bootstrap Approximation.
Hoang Diep Thi, Chernomor Olga, von Haeseler Arndt, Minh Bui Quang, Vinh Le Sy
HDAC1 and HDAC3 underlie dynamic H3K9 acetylation during embryonic neurogenesis and in schizophrenia-like animals.
Večeřa Josef, Bártová Eva, Krejčí Jana, Legartová Soňa, Komůrková Denisa, Rudá-Kučerová Jana, Štark Tibor, Dražanová Eva, Kašpárek Tomáš, Šulcová Alexandra, Dekker Frank J, Szymanski Wiktor, Seiser Christian, Weitzer Georg, Mechoulam Raphael, Micale Vincenzo, Kozubek Stanislav
PARP inhibition causes premature loss of cohesion in cancer cells.
Kukolj Eva, Kaufmann Tanja, Dick Amalie E, Zeillinger Robert, Gerlich Daniel W, Slade Dea
A switch in nucleotide affinity governs activation of the Src and Tec family kinases.
von Raußendorf Freia, de Ruiter Anita, Leonard Thomas A
The Anaerobically Induced sRNA PaiI Affects Denitrification in PA14.
Tata Muralidhar, Amman Fabian, Pawar Vinay, Wolfinger Michael T, Weiss Siegfried, Häussler Susanne, Bläsi Udo
Natural killer cell-intrinsic type I IFN signaling controls Klebsiella pneumoniae growth during lung infection.
Ivin Masa, Dumigan Amy, de Vasconcelos Filipe N, Ebner Florian, Borroni Martina, Kavirayani Anoop, Przybyszewska Kornelia N, Ingram Rebecca J, Lienenklaus Stefan, Kalinke Ulrich, Stoiber Dagmar, Bengoechea Jose A, Kovarik Pavel
Interaction between the flagellar pocket collar and the hook complex via a novel microtubule-binding protein in Trypanosoma brucei.
Albisetti Anna, Florimond Célia, Landrein Nicolas, Vidilaseris Keni, Eggenspieler Marie, Lesigang Johannes, Dong Gang, Robinson Derrick Roy, Bonhivers Mélanie
Functional analyses of the CIF1-CIF2 complex in trypanosomes identify the structural motifs required for cytokinesis.
Hu Huiqing, Majneri Paul, Li Dielan, Kurasawa Yasuhiro, An Tai, Dong Gang, Li Ziyin
A Genetic Tool to Track Protein Aggregates and Control Prion Inheritance.
Newby Gregory A, Kiriakov Szilvia, Hallacli Erinc, Kayatekin Can, Tsvetkov Peter, Mancuso Christopher P, Bonner J Maeve, Hesse William R, Chakrabortee Sohini, Manogaran Anita L, Liebman Susan W, Lindquist Susan, Khalil Ahmad S