Distinct branches of the N-end rule pathway modulate the plant immune response.
Vicente Jorge, Mendiondo Guillermina M, Pauwels Jarne, Pastor Victoria, Izquierdo Yovanny, Naumann Christin, Movahedi Mahsa, Rooney Daniel, Gibbs Daniel J, Smart Katherine, Bachmair Andreas, Gray Julie E, Dissmeyer Nico, Castresana Carmen, Ray Rumiana V, Gevaert Kris, Holdsworth Michael J
F multiple-quantum coherence NMR spectroscopy for probing protein-ligand interactions.
Zawadzka-Kazimierczuk Anna, Somlyay Mate, Kaehlig Hanspeter, Iakobson George, Beier Petr, Konrat Robert
The unfolded protein response and endoplasmic reticulum protein targeting machineries converge on the stress sensor IRE1.
Acosta-Alvear Diego, Karagöz G Elif, Fröhlich Florian, Li Han, Walther Tobias C, Walter Peter
The C-Terminal Transactivation Domain of STAT1 Has a Gene-Specific Role in Transactivation and Cofactor Recruitment.
Parrini Matthias, Meissl Katrin, Ola Mojoyinola Joanna, Lederer Therese, Puga Ana, Wienerroither Sebastian, Kovarik Pavel, Decker Thomas, Müller Mathias, Strobl Birgit
A division of labor in mTORC1 signaling and autophagy.
Martens Sascha
Regulatory Networks Involving STATs, IRFs, and NFκB in Inflammation.
Platanitis Ekaterini, Decker Thomas
The RNA helicase DDX3X is an essential mediator of innate antimicrobial immunity.
Szappanos Daniel, Tschismarov Roland, Perlot Thomas, Westermayer Sandra, Fischer Katrin, Platanitis Ekaterini, Kallinger Fabian, Novatchkova Maria, Lassnig Caroline, Müller Mathias, Sexl Veronika, Bennett Keiryn L, Foong-Sobis Michelle, Penninger Josef M, Decker Thomas
Harnessing Metabolic Regulation to Increase Hfq-Dependent Antibiotic Susceptibility in .
Pusic Petra, Sonnleitner Elisabeth, Krennmayr Beatrice, Heitzinger Dorothea A, Wolfinger Michael T, Resch Armin, Bläsi Udo
Genetic interactions between specific chromosome copy number alterations dictate complex aneuploidy patterns.
Ravichandran Madhwesh C, Fink Sarah, Clarke Matthew N, Hofer Franziska Christina, Campbell Christopher S
Mutations in MAST1 Cause Mega-Corpus-Callosum Syndrome with Cerebellar Hypoplasia and Cortical Malformations.
Tripathy Ratna, Leca Ines, van Dijk Tessa, Weiss Janneke, van Bon Bregje W, Sergaki Maria Christina, Gstrein Thomas, Breuss Martin, Tian Guoling, Bahi-Buisson Nadia, Paciorkowski Alexander R, Pagnamenta Alistair T, Wenninger-Weinzierl Andrea, Martinez-Reza Maria Fernanda, Landler Lukas, Lise Stefano, Taylor Jenny C, Terrone Gaetano, Vitiello Giuseppina, Del Giudice Ennio, Brunetti-Pierri Nicola, D'Amico Alessandra, Reymond Alexandre, Voisin Norine, Bernstein Jonathan A, Farrelly Ellyn, Kini Usha, Leonard Thomas A, Valence Stéphanie, Burglen Lydie, Armstrong Linlea, Hiatt Susan M, Cooper Gregory M, Aldinger Kimberly A, Dobyns William B, Mirzaa Ghayda, Pierson Tyler Mark, Baas Frank, Chelly Jamel, Cowan Nicholas J, Keays David Anthony
Negative Control of RpoS Synthesis by the sRNA ReaL in .
Thi Bach Nguyen Hue, Romero A David, Amman Fabian, Sorger-Domenigg Theresa, Tata Muralidhar, Sonnleitner Elisabeth, Bläsi Udo
Activating mutations in MEK1 enhance homodimerization and promote tumorigenesis.
Yuan Jimin, Ng Wan Hwa, Tian Zizi, Yap Jiajun, Baccarini Manuela, Chen Zhongzhou, Hu Jiancheng
Parents in science.
Perry Emily, Tessmar-Raible Kristin, Raible Florian
Treatment of a metabolic liver disease by in vivo genome base editing in adult mice.
Villiger Lukas, Grisch-Chan Hiu Man, Lindsay Helen, Ringnalda Femke, Pogliano Chiara B, Allegri Gabriella, Fingerhut Ralph, Häberle Johannes, Matos Joao, Robinson Mark D, Thöny Beat, Schwank Gerald
p62-mediated phase separation at the intersection of the ubiquitin-proteasome system and autophagy.
Danieli Alberto, Martens Sascha
Simultaneous dual-channel imaging to quantify interdependent protein recruitment to laser-induced DNA damage sites.
Garbrecht Joachim, Hornegger Harald, Herbert Sebastien, Kaufmann Tanja, Gotzmann Josef, Elsayad Kareem, Slade Dea
Structure of a Novel Dimeric SET Domain Methyltransferase that Regulates Cell Motility.
Pivovarova Yulia, Liu Jun, Lesigang Johannes, Koldyka Oliver, Rauschmeier Rene, Hu Ke, Dong Gang
Establishment of Transgenesis in the Demosponge .
Revilla-I-Domingo Roger, Schmidt Clara, Zifko Clara, Raible Florian
Revised nomenclature and functional overview of the ULP gene family of plant deSUMOylating proteases.
Castro Pedro Humberto, Bachmair Andreas, Bejarano Eduardo R, Coupland George, Lois L Maria, Sadanandom Ari, van den Burg Harrold A, Vierstra Richard D, Azevedo Herlander