Search Results


The recombinases DMC1 and RAD51 are functionally and spatially separated during meiosis in Arabidopsis.

2012 The Plant cell;24(5):2058, 2070, 2058-70.
PMID:  22589466

Kurzbauer Marie-Therese, Uanschou Clemens, Chen Doris, Schlögelhofer Peter

Retinoblastoma protein goes green: the role of RBR in Arabidopsis meiosis.

2011 The EMBO journal;30(4):631, 633, 631-3.
PMID:  21326173

Kurzbauer Marie-Therese, Schlögelhofer Peter

Have a break: determinants of meiotic DNA double strand break (DSB) formation and processing in plants.

2011 Journal of experimental botany;62(5):1545, 1563, 1545-63.
PMID:  21220780

Edlinger Bernd, Schlögelhofer Peter

The Arabidopsis thaliana MND1 homologue plays a key role in meiotic homologous pairing, synapsis and recombination.

2006 Journal of cell science;119(Pt 12):2486, 2496, 2486-96.
PMID:  16763194

Kerzendorfer Claudia, Vignard Julien, Pedrosa-Harand Andrea, Siwiec Tanja, Akimcheva Svetlana, Jolivet Sylvie, Sablowski Robert, Armstrong Susan, Schweizer Dieter, Mercier Rapheal, Schlögelhofer Peter

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