The recombinases DMC1 and RAD51 are functionally and spatially separated during meiosis in Arabidopsis.
Kurzbauer Marie-Therese, Uanschou Clemens, Chen Doris, Schlögelhofer Peter
Retinoblastoma protein goes green: the role of RBR in Arabidopsis meiosis.
Kurzbauer Marie-Therese, Schlögelhofer Peter
Have a break: determinants of meiotic DNA double strand break (DSB) formation and processing in plants.
Edlinger Bernd, Schlögelhofer Peter
The Arabidopsis thaliana MND1 homologue plays a key role in meiotic homologous pairing, synapsis and recombination.
Kerzendorfer Claudia, Vignard Julien, Pedrosa-Harand Andrea, Siwiec Tanja, Akimcheva Svetlana, Jolivet Sylvie, Sablowski Robert, Armstrong Susan, Schweizer Dieter, Mercier Rapheal, Schlögelhofer Peter