Search Results


Adaptive gene introgression after secondary contact.

2015 Journal of mathematical biology;70(7):1523, 1580, 1523-80.
PMID:  24992884

Uecker Hildegard, Setter Derek, Hermisson Joachim

Keeping it local: evidence for positive selection in Swedish Arabidopsis thaliana.

2014 Molecular biology and evolution;31(11):3026, 3039, 3026-39.
PMID:  25158800

Huber Christian D, Nordborg Magnus, Hermisson Joachim, Hellmann Ines

Evolutionary rescue in structured populations.

2014 The American naturalist;183(1):E17, E35, E17-35.
PMID:  24334746

Uecker Hildegard, Otto Sarah P, Hermisson Joachim

Three modes of adaptive speciation in spatially structured populations.

2013 The American naturalist;182(6):E215, E234, E215-34.
PMID:  24231546

Rettelbach Agnes, Kopp Michael, Dieckmann Ulf, Hermisson Joachim

Evolution of functional specialization and division of labor.

2012 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(6)
PMID:  22308336

Rueffler Claus, Hermisson Joachim, Wagner Günter P

Can reinforcement complete speciation?

2012 Evolution; international journal of organic evolution(1)
PMID:  22220877

Bank Claudia, Hermisson Joachim, Kirkpatrick Mark

On the fixation process of a beneficial mutation in a variable environment.

2011 Genetics;188(4):915, 930, 915-30.
PMID:  21652524

Uecker Hildegard, Hermisson Joachim

The genetic basis of phenotypic adaptation II: the distribution of adaptive substitutions in the moving optimum model.

2009 Genetics;183(4):1453, 1476, 1453-76.
PMID:  19805820

Kopp Michael, Hermisson Joachim

Pleiotropic scaling and QTL data.

2008 Nature;456(7222):E3, E4, E3; discussion E4.
PMID:  19052568

Hermisson Joachim, McGregor Alistair P

publications per page. (29 total)