Search Results


Atomistic mechanism of the constitutive activation of PDGFRA via its transmembrane domain.

2019 Biochimica et biophysica acta. General subjects;1863(1):82, 95, 82-95.
PMID:  30253204

Polyansky Anton A, Bocharov Eduard V, Velghe Amélie I, Kuznetsov Andrey S, Bocharova Olga V, Urban Anatoly S, Arseniev Alexander S, Zagrovic Bojan, Demoulin Jean-Baptiste, Efremov Roman G

RNA-protein interactions in an unstructured context.

2018 FEBS letters;592(17):2901, 2916, 2901-2916.
PMID:  29851074

Zagrovic Bojan, Bartonek Lukas, Polyansky Anton A

Self-Consistent Framework Connecting Experimental Proxies of Protein Dynamics with Configurational Entropy.

2018 Journal of chemical theory and computation;14(7):3796, 3810, 3796-3810.
PMID:  29799751

Fleck Markus, Polyansky Anton A, Zagrovic Bojan

Dependence of Binding Free Energies between RNA Nucleobases and Protein Side Chains on Local Dielectric Properties.

2017 Journal of chemical theory and computation;13(9):4504, 4513, 4504-4513.
PMID:  28768101

de Ruiter Anita, Polyansky Anton A, Zagrovic Bojan

mRNA/protein sequence complementarity and its determinants: The impact of affinity scales.

2017 PLoS computational biology;13(7):e1005648.
PMID:  28750009

Bartonek Lukas, Zagrovic Bojan

Fuento: functional enrichment for bioinformatics.

2017 Bioinformatics (Oxford, England);33(16):2604, 2606, 2604-2606.
PMID:  28379299

Weichselbaum David, Zagrovic Bojan, Polyansky Anton A

Mechanism of cargo-directed Atg8 conjugation during selective autophagy.

2016 eLife;5
PMID:  27879200

Fracchiolla Dorotea, Sawa-Makarska Justyna, Zens Bettina, Ruiter Anita de, Zaffagnini Gabriele, Brezovich Andrea, Romanov Julia, Runggatscher Kathrin, Kraft Claudine, Zagrovic Bojan, Martens Sascha

Structural mechanism for the recognition and ubiquitination of a single nucleosome residue by Rad6-Bre1.

2016 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;113(38):10553, 10558, 10553-8.
PMID:  27601672

Gallego Laura D, Ghodgaonkar Steger Medini, Polyansky Anton A, Schubert Tobias, Zagrovic Bojan, Zheng Ning, Clausen Tim, Herzog Franz, Köhler Alwin

A code within a code: how codons influence mRNA stability.

2016 The EMBO journal;35(19):2064, 2065, 2064-2065.
PMID:  27562506

Martinez Javier, Zagrovic Bojan

Inosine Nucleobase Acts as Guanine in Interactions with Protein Side Chains.

2016 Journal of the American Chemical Society;138(17):5519, 5522, 5519-22.
PMID:  27093234

Hajnic Matea, Ruiter Anita de, Polyansky Anton A, Zagrovic Bojan

Effect of Oxidative Damage on the Stability and Dimerization of Superoxide Dismutase 1.

2016 Biophysical journal;110(7):1499, 1509, 1499-1509.
PMID:  27074676

Petrov Drazen, Daura Xavier, Zagrovic Bojan

PARENT: A Parallel Software Suite for the Calculation of Configurational Entropy in Biomolecular Systems.

2016 Journal of chemical theory and computation;12(4):2055, 2065, 2055-65.
PMID:  26989950

Fleck Markus, Polyansky Anton A, Zagrovic Bojan

Interaction preferences between nucleobase mimetics and amino acids in aqueous solutions.

2015 Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP;17(33):21414, 21422, 21414-22.
PMID:  26219945

Hajnic Matea, Osorio Juan I, Zagrovic Bojan

Malleable nature of mRNA-protein compositional complementarity and its functional significance.

2015 Nucleic acids research;43(6):3012, 3021, 3012-21.
PMID:  25753660

Hlevnjak Mario, Zagrovic Bojan

Absolute binding-free energies between standard RNA/DNA nucleobases and amino-acid sidechain analogs in different environments.

2015 Nucleic acids research;43(2):708, 718, 708-18.
PMID:  25550435

de Ruiter Anita, Zagrovic Bojan

On the Contribution of Protein Spatial Organization to the Physicochemical Interconnection between Proteins and Their Cognate mRNAs.

2014 Life (Basel, Switzerland);4(4):788, 799, 788-99.
PMID:  25423140

Beier Andreas, Zagrovic Bojan, Polyansky Anton A

Computational analysis of amino acids and their sidechain analogs in crowded solutions of RNA nucleobases with implications for the mRNA-protein complementarity hypothesis.

2014 Nucleic acids research;42(21):12984, 12994, 12984-94.
PMID:  25361976

Hajnic Matea, Osorio Juan Iregui, Zagrovic Bojan

Are current atomistic force fields accurate enough to study proteins in crowded environments?

2014 PLoS computational biology;10(5):e1003638.
PMID:  24854339

Petrov Drazen, Zagrovic Bojan

Life is translation.

2014 RNA biology;11(3):210, 212, 210-2.
PMID:  24572678

Zagrovic Bojan

Dependence of protein crystal stability on residue charge states and ion content of crystal solvent.

2014 Biophysical journal;106(3):677, 686, 677-86.
PMID:  24507608

Kuzmanic Antonija, Zagrovic Bojan

publications per page. (82 total)