Search Results


Assembly mechanism of Trypanosoma brucei BILBO1, a multidomain cytoskeletal protein.

2014 The Journal of biological chemistry;289(34):23870, 23881, 23870-81.
PMID:  25031322

Vidilaseris Keni, Shimanovskaya Ekaterina, Esson Heather J, Morriswood Brooke, Dong Gang

Structure of the C. elegans ZYG-1 cryptic polo box suggests a conserved mechanism for centriolar docking of Plk4 kinases.

2014 Structure (London, England : 1993);22(8):1090, 1104, 1090-1104.
PMID:  24980795

Shimanovskaya Ekaterina, Viscardi Valeria, Lesigang Johannes, Lettman Molly M, Qiao Renping, Svergun Dmitri I, Round Adam, Oegema Karen, Dong Gang

Expression, purification and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the N-terminal domain of Trypanosoma brucei BILBO1.

2014 Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology communications;70(Pt 5):628, 631, 628-31.
PMID:  24817725

Vidilaseris Keni, Dong Gang

Sec16 determines the size and functioning of the Golgi in the protist parasite, Trypanosoma brucei.

2014 Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark);15(6):613, 629, 613-29.
PMID:  24612401

Sealey-Cardona Marco, Schmidt Katy, Demmel Lars, Hirschmugl Tatjana, Gesell Tanja, Dong Gang, Warren Graham

Structure of the TbBILBO1 protein N-terminal domain from Trypanosoma brucei reveals an essential requirement for a conserved surface patch.

2014 The Journal of biological chemistry;289(6):3724, 3735, 3724-35.
PMID:  24362019

Vidilaseris Keni, Morriswood Brooke, Kontaxis Georg, Dong Gang

The SAS-5 N-terminal domain is a tetramer, with implications for centriole assembly in C. elegans.

2013 Worm;2(3):e25214.
PMID:  24778935

Shimanovskaya Ekaterina, Qiao Renping, Lesigang Johannes, Dong Gang

SAS-6 coiled-coil structure and interaction with SAS-5 suggest a regulatory mechanism in C. elegans centriole assembly.

2012 The EMBO journal;31(22):4334, 4347, 4334-47.
PMID:  23064147

Qiao Renping, Cabral Gabriela, Lettman Molly M, Dammermann Alexander, Dong Gang

Morphology of the trypanosome bilobe, a novel cytoskeletal structure.

2012 Eukaryotic cell;11(6):761, 772, 761-72.
PMID:  22327007

Esson Heather J, Morriswood Brooke, Yavuz Sevil, Vidilaseris Keni, Dong Gang, Warren Graham

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