Search Results


The Limits to Parapatric Speciation II: Strengthening a Preexisting Genetic Barrier to Gene Flow in Parapatry.

2018 Genetics;209(1):241, 254, 241-254.
PMID:  29496748

Blanckaert Alexandre, Hermisson Joachim

Puf3 participates in ribosomal biogenesis in malaria parasites.

2018 Journal of cell science;131(6)
PMID:  29487181

Liang Xiaoying, Hart Kevin J, Dong Gang, Siddiqui Faiza A, Sebastian Aswathy, Li Xiaolian, Albert Istvan, Miao Jun, Lindner Scott E, Cui Liwang

Cell-type specific sequencing of microRNAs from complex animal tissues.

2018 Nature methods(4)
PMID:  29481550

Alberti Chiara, Manzenreither Raphael A, Sowemimo Ivica, Burkard Thomas R, Wang Jingkui, Mahofsky Katharina, Ameres Stefan L, Cochella Luisa

Autoregulation of mazEF expression underlies growth heterogeneity in bacterial populations.

2018 Nucleic acids research;46(6):2918, 2931, 2918-2931.
PMID:  29432616

Nikolic Nela, Bergmiller Tobias, Vandervelde Alexandra, Albanese Tanino G, Gelens Lendert, Moll Isabella

Sorting out "non-canonical" autophagy.

2018 The EMBO journal;37(4)
PMID:  29431607

Fracchiolla Dorotea, Martens Sascha

Structural prediction of protein models using distance restraints derived from cross-linking mass spectrometry data.

2018 Nature protocols;13(3):478, 494, 478-494.
PMID:  29419816

Orbán-Németh Zsuzsanna, Beveridge Rebecca, Hollenstein David M, Rampler Evelyn, Stranzl Thomas, Hudecz Otto, Doblmann Johannes, Schlögelhofer Peter, Mechtler Karl

UFD-2 is an adaptor-assisted E3 ligase targeting unfolded proteins.

2018 Nature communications;9(1):484.
PMID:  29396393

Hellerschmied Doris, Roessler Max, Lehner Anita, Gazda Linn, Stejskal Karel, Imre Richard, Mechtler Karl, Dammermann Alexander, Clausen Tim

H, C, N resonance assignment of human YAP 50-171 fragment.

2018 Biomolecular NMR assignments;12(1):179, 182, 179-182.
PMID:  29372459

Feichtinger Michael, Sára Tomáš, Platzer Gerald, Mateos Borja, Bokhovchuk Fedir, Chène Patrick, Konrat Robert

Nucleoplasmic lamins define growth-regulating functions of lamina-associated polypeptide 2α in progeria cells.

2018 Journal of cell science;131(3)
PMID:  29361532

Vidak Sandra, Georgiou Konstantina, Fichtinger Petra, Naetar Nana, Dechat Thomas, Foisner Roland

FANCD2 Promotes Meiotic Crossover Formation.

2018 The Plant cell;30(2):415, 428, 415-428.
PMID:  29352063

Kurzbauer Marie-Therese, Pradillo Mónica, Kerzendorfer Claudia, Sims Jason, Ladurner Rene, Oliver Cecilia, Janisiw Michael Peter, Mosiolek Magdalena, Schweizer Dieter, Copenhaver Gregory P, Schlögelhofer Peter

p62 filaments capture and present ubiquitinated cargos for autophagy.

2018 The EMBO journal;37(5)
PMID:  29343546

Zaffagnini Gabriele, Savova Adriana, Danieli Alberto, Romanov Julia, Tremel Shirley, Ebner Michael, Peterbauer Thomas, Sztacho Martin, Trapannone Riccardo, Tarafder Abul K, Sachse Carsten, Martens Sascha

Postmitotic nuclear pore assembly proceeds by radial dilation of small membrane openings.

2018 Nature structural & molecular biology(1)
PMID:  29323269

Otsuka Shotaro, Steyer Anna M, Schorb Martin, Hériché Jean-Karim, Hossain M Julius, Sethi Suruchi, Kueblbeck Moritz, Schwab Yannick, Beck Martin, Ellenberg Jan

Ca-dependent demethylation of phosphatase PP2Ac promotes glucose deprivation-induced cell death independently of inhibiting glycolysis.

2018 Science signaling;11(512)
PMID:  29317521

Lee Ha Yin, Itahana Yoko, Schuechner Stefan, Fukuda Masahiro, Je H Shawn, Ogris Egon, Virshup David M, Itahana Koji

Specificity of research antibodies: "trust is good, validation is better".

2018 Human pathology;72:199, 201, 199-201.
PMID:  29247663

Ogris Egon, Sontag Estelle, Wadzinski Brian, Narla Goutham

Madeiran Arabidopsis thaliana Reveals Ancient Long-Range Colonization and Clarifies Demography in Eurasia.

2018 Molecular biology and evolution;35(3):564, 574, 564-574.
PMID:  29216397

Fulgione Andrea, Koornneef Maarten, Roux Fabrice, Hermisson Joachim, Hancock Angela M

SUMO chain formation relies on the amino-terminal region of SUMO-conjugating enzyme and has dedicated substrates in plants.

2018 The Biochemical journal;475(1):61, 74, 61-74.
PMID:  29133528

Tomanov Konstantin, Nehlin Lilian, Ziba Ionida, Bachmair Andreas

Mechanisms of nuclear pore complex assembly - two different ways of building one molecular machine.

2018 FEBS letters(4)
PMID:  29119545

Otsuka Shotaro, Ellenberg Jan

HDAC1 and HDAC3 underlie dynamic H3K9 acetylation during embryonic neurogenesis and in schizophrenia-like animals.

2018 Journal of cellular physiology;233(1):530, 548, 530-548.
PMID:  28300292

Večeřa Josef, Bártová Eva, Krejčí Jana, Legartová Soňa, Komůrková Denisa, Rudá-Kučerová Jana, Štark Tibor, Dražanová Eva, Kašpárek Tomáš, Šulcová Alexandra, Dekker Frank J, Szymanski Wiktor, Seiser Christian, Weitzer Georg, Mechoulam Raphael, Micale Vincenzo, Kozubek Stanislav

PARP inhibition causes premature loss of cohesion in cancer cells.

2017 Oncotarget;8(61):103931, 103951, 103931-103951.
PMID:  29262611

Kukolj Eva, Kaufmann Tanja, Dick Amalie E, Zeillinger Robert, Gerlich Daniel W, Slade Dea

A switch in nucleotide affinity governs activation of the Src and Tec family kinases.

2017 Scientific reports;7(1):17405.
PMID:  29234112

von Raußendorf Freia, de Ruiter Anita, Leonard Thomas A

publications per page. (1099 total)