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MINFLUX nanoscopy delivers 3D multicolor nanometer resolution in cells.

2020 Nature methods(2)
PMID:  31932776

Gwosch Klaus C, Pape Jasmin K, Balzarotti Francisco, Hoess Philipp, Ellenberg Jan, Ries Jonas, Hell Stefan W

Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of the trypanosome flagellar protein BILBO1 reveals a ubiquitin fold with a long structured loop for protein binding.

2020 The Journal of biological chemistry;295(6):1489, 1499, 1489-1499.
PMID:  31882537

Vidilaseris Keni, Landrein Nicolas, Pivovarova Yulia, Lesigang Johannes, Aeksiri Niran, Robinson Derrick R, Bonhivers Melanie, Dong Gang

2019: Archives of Virology celebrates its eightieth birthday with a scientific symposium.

2020 Archives of virology;165(1):1, 3, 1-3.
PMID:  31848706

Skern Tim

Corazonin signaling integrates energy homeostasis and lunar phase to regulate aspects of growth and sexual maturation in .

2020 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;117(2):1097, 1106, 1097-1106.
PMID:  31843923

Andreatta Gabriele, Broyart Caroline, Borghgraef Charline, Vadiwala Karim, Kozin Vitaly, Polo Alessandra, Bileck Andrea, Beets Isabel, Schoofs Liliane, Gerner Christopher, Raible Florian

Molecular Mechanisms of Selective Autophagy.

2020 Journal of molecular biology;432(1):1, 2, 1-2.
PMID:  31839401

Martens Sascha, Behrends Christian

Rhythms of behavior: are the times changin'?

2020 Current opinion in neurobiology;60:55, 66, 55-66.
PMID:  31812940

Häfker N Sören, Tessmar-Raible Kristin

CATION-CHLORIDE CO-TRANSPORTER 1 (CCC1) Mediates Plant Resistance against .

2020 Plant physiology;182(2):1052, 1065, 1052-1065.
PMID:  31806735

Han Baoda, Jiang Yunhe, Cui Guoxin, Mi Jianing, Roelfsema M Rob G, Mouille Grégory, Sechet Julien, Al-Babili Salim, Aranda Manuel, Hirt Heribert

Crystal structure of the translation recovery factor Trf from Sulfolobus solfataricus.

2020 FEBS open bio;10(2):221, 228, 221-228.
PMID:  31804766

Kaiser Marco, Wurm Jan Philip, Märtens Birgit, Bläsi Udo, Pogoryelov Denys, Wöhnert Jens

The Ambivalent Role of Proline Residues in an Intrinsically Disordered Protein: From Disorder Promoters to Compaction Facilitators.

2020 Journal of molecular biology;432(9):3093, 3111, 3093-3111.
PMID:  31794728

Mateos Borja, Conrad-Billroth Clara, Schiavina Marco, Beier Andreas, Kontaxis Georg, Konrat Robert, Felli Isabella C, Pierattelli Roberta

A single amino acid switch converts the Sleeping Beauty transposase into an efficient unidirectional excisionase with utility in stem cell reprogramming.

2020 Nucleic acids research(1)
PMID:  31777924

Kesselring Lisa, Miskey Csaba, Zuliani Cecilia, Querques Irma, Kapitonov Vladimir, Laukó Andrea, Fehér Anita, Palazzo Antonio, Diem Tanja, Lustig Janna, Sebe Attila, Wang Yongming, Dinnyés András, Izsvák Zsuzsanna, Barabas Orsolya, Ivics Zoltán

Purification and Reconstitution of the S. cerevisiae TRAMP and Ski Complexes for Biochemical and Structural Studies.

2020 Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.);2062:491, 513, 491-513.
PMID:  31768992

Keidel Achim, Conti Elena, Falk Sebastian

Determining mRNA Stability by Metabolic RNA Labeling and Chemical Nucleoside Conversion.

2020 Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
PMID:  31768977

Herzog Veronika A, Fasching Nina, Ameres Stefan L

Fork Cleavage-Religation Cycle and Active Transcription Mediate Replication Restart after Fork Stalling at Co-transcriptional R-Loops.

2020 Molecular cell(3)
PMID:  31759821

Chappidi Nagaraja, Nascakova Zuzana, Boleslavska Barbora, Zellweger Ralph, Isik Esin, Andrs Martin, Menon Shruti, Dobrovolna Jana, Balbo Pogliano Chiara, Matos Joao, Porro Antonio, Lopes Massimo, Janscak Pavel

NMR Characterization of Surface Receptor Protein Interactions in Live Cells Using Methylcellulose Hydrogels.

2020 Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English);59(10):3886, 3890, 3886-3890.
PMID:  31721390

Mateos Borja, Sealey-Cardona Marco, Balazs Katja, Konrat Judith, Staffler Guenther, Konrat Robert

The evolution of partial reproductive isolation as an adaptive optimum.

2020 Evolution; international journal of organic evolution;74(1):4, 14, 4-14.
PMID:  31721186

Servedio Maria R, Hermisson Joachim

Whole-Mount Immuno-FISH on Arabidopsis Meiocytes (WhoMI-FISH).

2020 Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.);2061:59, 66, 59-66.
PMID:  31583653

Sims Jason, Chouaref Jihed, Schlögelhofer Peter

Targeted Analysis of Chromatin Events (TACE).

2020 Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.);2061:47, 58, 47-58.
PMID:  31583652

Sims Jason, Chen Changbin, Schlögelhofer Peter, Kurzbauer Marie-Therese

The Arabidopsis Cdk1/Cdk2 homolog CDKA;1 controls chromosome axis assembly during plant meiosis.

2020 The EMBO journal;39(3):e101625.
PMID:  31556459

Yang Chao, Sofroni Kostika, Wijnker Erik, Hamamura Yuki, Carstens Lena, Harashima Hirofumi, Stolze Sara Christina, Vezon Daniel, Chelysheva Liudmila, Orban-Nemeth Zsuzsanna, Pochon Gaëtan, Nakagami Hirofumi, Schlögelhofer Peter, Grelon Mathilde, Schnittger Arp

F NMR Spectroscopy Tagging and Paramagnetic Relaxation Enhancement-Based Conformation Analysis of Intrinsically Disordered Protein Complexes.

2020 Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology;21(5):696, 701, 696-701.
PMID:  31529763

Somlyay Máté, Ledolter Karin, Kitzler Manuel, Sandford Graham, Cobb Steven L, Konrat Robert

Recruitment and Activation of the ULK1/Atg1 Kinase Complex in Selective Autophagy.

2020 Journal of molecular biology;432(1):123, 134, 123-134.
PMID:  31351898

Turco Eleonora, Fracchiolla Dorotea, Martens Sascha

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