Search Results


Joint analysis of days to flowering reveals independent temperate adaptations in maize.

2021 Heredity;126(6):929, 941, 929-941.
PMID:  33888874

Swarts Kelly, Bauer Eva, Glaubitz Jeffrey C, Ho Tiffany, Johnson Lynn, Li Yongxiang, Li Yu, Miller Zachary, Romay Cinta, Schön Chris-Carolin, Wang Tianyu, Zhang Zhiwu, Buckler Edward S, Bradbury Peter

A ribonuclease III involved in virulence of Mucorales fungi has evolved to cut exclusively single-stranded RNA.

2021 Nucleic acids research;49(9):5294, 5307, 5294-5307.
PMID:  33877360

Cánovas-Márquez José Tomás, Falk Sebastian, Nicolás Francisco E, Padmanabhan Subramanian, Zapata-Pérez Rubén, Sánchez-Ferrer Álvaro, Navarro Eusebio, Garre Victoriano

Hyperphosphorylation of Human Osteopontin and Its Impact on Structural Dynamics and Molecular Recognition.

2021 Biochemistry;60(17):1347, 1355, 1347-1355.
PMID:  33876640

Mateos Borja, Holzinger Julian, Conrad-Billroth Clara, Platzer Gerald, Żerko Szymon, Sealey-Cardona Marco, Anrather Dorothea, Koźmiński Wiktor, Konrat Robert

Green Hydrothermal Synthesis of Fluorescent 2,3-Diarylquinoxalines and Large-Scale Computational Comparison to Existing Alternatives.

2021 ChemSusChem;14(8):1780.
PMID:  33855809

Amaya-García Fabián, Caldera Michael, Koren Anna, Kubicek Stefan, Menche Jörg, Unterlass Miriam M

Stomatal regulation: Role of HS-induced persulfidation in ABA signaling.

2021 Molecular plant;14(6):858, 860, 858-860.
PMID:  33845207

Siodmak Anna, Hirt Heribert

Molecular basis of F-actin regulation and sarcomere assembly via myotilin.

2021 PLoS biology(4)
PMID:  33844684

Kostan Julius, Pavšič Miha, Puž Vid, Schwarz Thomas C, Drepper Friedel, Molt Sibylle, Graewert Melissa Ann, Schreiner Claudia, Sajko Sara, van der Ven Peter F M, Onipe Adekunle, Svergun Dmitri I, Warscheid Bettina, Konrat Robert, Fürst Dieter O, Lenarčič Brigita, Djinović-Carugo Kristina

30 years of Virology Division News in Archives of Virology.

2021 Archives of virology;166(6):1529, 1531, 1529-1531.
PMID:  33835259

Skern Tim, Sabanadzovic Sead

Negative Regulation of the Innate Immune Response through Proteasomal Degradation and Deubiquitination.

2021 Viruses;13(4)
PMID:  33808506

Budroni Valentina, Versteeg Gijs A

Cellular Control of Protein Turnover via the Modification of the Amino Terminus.

2021 International journal of molecular sciences;22(7)
PMID:  33805528

Winter Nikola, Novatchkova Maria, Bachmair Andreas

An acentriolar centrosome at the C. elegans ciliary base.

2021 Current biology : CB;31(11):2418, 2428.e8, 2418-2428.e8.
PMID:  33798427

Garbrecht Joachim, Laos Triin, Holzer Elisabeth, Dillinger Margarita, Dammermann Alexander

Cosolute modulation of protein oligomerization reactions in the homeostatic timescale.

2021 Biophysical journal;120(10):2067, 2077, 2067-2077.
PMID:  33794151

Mateos Borja, Bernardo-Seisdedos Ganeko, Dietrich Valentin, Zalba Nicanor, Ortega Gabriel, Peccati Francesca, Jiménez-Osés Gonzalo, Konrat Robert, Tollinger Martin, Millet Oscar

The AP-1 transcription factors c-Jun and JunB are essential for CD8α conventional dendritic cell identity.

2021 Cell death and differentiation;28(8):2404, 2420, 2404-2420.
PMID:  33758366

Novoszel Philipp, Drobits Barbara, Holcmann Martin, Fernandes Cristiano De Sa, Tschismarov Roland, Derdak Sophia, Decker Thomas, Wagner Erwin F, Sibilia Maria

Membrane Interactions of α-Synuclein Revealed by Multiscale Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Markov State Models, and NMR.

2021 The journal of physical chemistry. B;125(11):2929, 2941, 2929-2941.
PMID:  33719460

Amos Sarah-Beth T A, Schwarz Thomas C, Shi Jiye, Cossins Benjamin P, Baker Terry S, Taylor Richard J, Konrat Robert, Sansom Mark S P

Signatures of antagonistic pleiotropy in a bacterial flagellin epitope.

2021 Cell host & microbe;29(4):620, 634.e9, 620-634.e9.
PMID:  33713601

Parys Katarzyna, Colaianni Nicholas R, Lee Ho-Seok, Hohmann Ulrich, Edelbacher Natalie, Trgovcevic Alen, Blahovska Zuzana, Lee Duhwa, Mechtler Alexander, Muhari-Portik Zsuzsanna, Madalinski Mathias, Schandry Niklas, Rodríguez-Arévalo Isaac, Becker Claude, Sonnleitner Elisabeth, Korte Arthur, Bläsi Udo, Geldner Niko, Hothorn Michael, Jones Corbin D, Dangl Jeffery L, Belkhadir Youssef

The dimeric Golgi protein Gorab binds to Sas6 as a monomer to mediate centriole duplication.

2021 eLife;10
PMID:  33704067

Fatalska Agnieszka, Stepinac Emma, Richter Magdalena, Kovacs Levente, Pietras Zbigniew, Puchinger Martin, Dong Gang, Dadlez Michal, Glover David M

Cooperative genetic networks drive embryonic stem cell transition from naïve to formative pluripotency.

2021 The EMBO journal;40(8):e105776.
PMID:  33687089

Lackner Andreas, Sehlke Robert, Garmhausen Marius, Giuseppe Stirparo Giuliano, Huth Michelle, Titz-Teixeira Fabian, van der Lelij Petra, Ramesmayer Julia, Thomas Henry F, Ralser Meryem, Santini Laura, Galimberti Elena, Sarov Mihail, Stewart A Francis, Smith Austin, Beyer Andreas, Leeb Martin

Complete Genome Sequence of Cellulomonas sp. JZ18, a Root Endophytic Bacterium Isolated from the Perennial Desert Tussock-Grass Panicum turgidum.

2021 Current microbiology;78(4):1135, 1141, 1135-1141.
PMID:  33683416

Eida Abdul Aziz, Bougouffa Salim, Alam Intikhab, Hirt Heribert, Saad Maged M

Local genetic context shapes the function of a gene regulatory network.

2021 eLife;10
PMID:  33683203

Nagy-Staron Anna, Tomasek Kathrin, Caruso Carter Caroline, Sonnleitner Elisabeth, Kavčič Bor, Paixão Tiago, Guet Calin C

Green Hydrothermal Synthesis of Fluorescent 2,3-Diarylquinoxalines and Large-Scale Computational Comparison to Existing Alternatives.

2021 ChemSusChem;14(8):1853, 1863, 1853-1863.
PMID:  33662183

Amaya-García Fabián, Caldera Michael, Koren Anna, Kubicek Stefan, Menche Jörg, Unterlass Miriam M

ATM controls meiotic DNA double-strand break formation and recombination and affects synaptonemal complex organization in plants.

2021 The Plant cell;33(5):1633, 1656, 1633-1656.
PMID:  33659989

Kurzbauer Marie-Therese, Janisiw Michael Peter, Paulin Luis F, Prusén Mota Ignacio, Tomanov Konstantin, Krsicka Ondrej, Haeseler Arndt von, Schubert Veit, Schlögelhofer Peter

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