Stem cell progeny liaisons in regeneration.
Ellis Stephanie J, Fuchs Elaine
Multiple strategies of plant colonization by beneficial endophytic Enterobacter sp. SA187.
Synek Lukas, Rawat Anamika, L'Haridon Floriane, Weisskopf Laure, Saad Maged M, Hirt Heribert
Reconstitution defines the roles of p62, NBR1 and TAX1BP1 in ubiquitin condensate formation and autophagy initiation.
Turco Eleonora, Savova Adriana, Gere Flora, Ferrari Luca, Romanov Julia, Schuschnig Martina, Martens Sascha
Systematic Tuning of Rhodamine Spirocyclization for Super-resolution Microscopy.
Lardon Nicolas, Wang Lu, Tschanz Aline, Hoess Philipp, Tran Mai, D'Este Elisa, Ries Jonas, Johnsson Kai
Conservation and divergence of meiotic DNA double strand break forming mechanisms in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Vrielynck Nathalie, Schneider Katja, Rodriguez Marion, Sims Jason, Chambon Aurélie, Hurel Aurélie, De Muyt Arnaud, Ronceret Arnaud, Krsicka Ondrej, Mézard Christine, Schlögelhofer Peter, Grelon Mathilde
Sensitivity and specificity of the antigen-based anterior nasal self-testing programme for detecting SARS-CoV-2 infection in schools, Austria, March 2021.
Willeit Peter, Bernar Benoît, Zurl Christoph, Al-Rawi Mariam, Berghold Andrea, Bernhard David, Borena Wegene, Doppler Christian, Kerbl Reinhold, Köhler Alwin, Krause Robert, Lamprecht Bernd, Pröll Johannes, Schmidt Hannes, Steinmetz Ivo, Stelzl Evelyn, Stoiber Heribert, von Laer Dorothee, Zuber Johannes, Müller Thomas, Strenger Volker, Wagner Michael
Specific and Global RNA Regulators in .
Pusic Petra, Sonnleitner Elisabeth, Bläsi Udo
Culture-Free Detection of Antibiotic Resistance Markers from Native Patient Samples by Hybridization Capture Sequencing.
Ferreira Ines, Lepuschitz Sarah, Beisken Stephan, Fiume Giuseppe, Mrazek Katharina, Frank Bernhard J H, Huber Silke, Knoll Miriam A, von Haeseler Arndt, Materna Arne, Hofstaetter Jochen G, Posch Andreas E, Weinberger Johannes
Predictive Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing by Next-Generation Sequencing for Periprosthetic Joint Infections: Potential and Limitations.
Lüftinger Lukas, Ferreira Ines, Frank Bernhard J H, Beisken Stephan, Weinberger Johannes, von Haeseler Arndt, Rattei Thomas, Hofstaetter Jochen G, Posch Andreas E, Materna Arne
The early interferon catches the SARS-CoV-2.
Decker Thomas
Structural basis of PETISCO complex assembly during piRNA biogenesis in .
Perez-Borrajero Cecilia, Podvalnaya Nadezda, Holleis Kay, Lichtenberger Raffael, Karaulanov Emil, Simon Bernd, Basquin Jérôme, Hennig Janosch, Ketting René F, Falk Sebastian
Reprogrammed lipid metabolism protects inner nuclear membrane against unsaturated fat.
Romanauska Anete, Köhler Alwin
Prevalence of RT-qPCR-detected SARS-CoV-2 infection at schools: First results from the Austrian School-SARS-CoV-2 prospective cohort study.
Willeit Peter, Krause Robert, Lamprecht Bernd, Berghold Andrea, Hanson Buck, Stelzl Evelyn, Stoiber Heribert, Zuber Johannes, Heinen Robert, Köhler Alwin, Bernhard David, Borena Wegene, Doppler Christian, von Laer Dorothee, Schmidt Hannes, Pröll Johannes, Steinmetz Ivo, Wagner Michael
Structure of autoinhibited Akt1 reveals mechanism of PIP-mediated activation.
Truebestein Linda, Hornegger Harald, Anrather Dorothea, Hartl Markus, Fleming Kaelin D, Stariha Jordan T B, Pardon Els, Steyaert Jan, Burke John E, Leonard Thomas A
Characterization of cephalic and non-cephalic sensory cell types provides insight into joint photo- and mechanoreceptor evolution.
Revilla-I-Domingo Roger, Rajan Vinoth Babu Veedin, Waldherr Monika, Prohaczka Günther, Musset Hugo, Orel Lukas, Gerrard Elliot, Smolka Moritz, Stockinger Alexander, Farlik Matthias, Lucas Robert J, Raible Florian, Tessmar-Raible Kristin
Structural and functional studies of the first tripartite protein complex at the Trypanosoma brucei flagellar pocket collar.
Isch Charlotte, Majneri Paul, Landrein Nicolas, Pivovarova Yulia, Lesigang Johannes, Lauruol Florian, Robinson Derrick R, Dong Gang, Bonhivers Mélanie
Defining substrate selection by rhinoviral 2A proteinase through its crystal structure with the inhibitor zVAM.fmk.
Deutschmann-Olek Karin M, Yue Wyatt W, Bezerra Gustavo A, Skern Tim
Listeria monocytogenes infection rewires host metabolism with regulatory input from type I interferons.
Demiroz Duygu, Platanitis Ekaterini, Bryant Michael, Fischer Philipp, Prchal-Murphy Michaela, Lercher Alexander, Lassnig Caroline, Baccarini Manuela, Müller Mathias, Bergthaler Andreas, Sexl Veronika, Dolezal Marlies, Decker Thomas
FLNC-Associated Myofibrillar Myopathy: New Clinical, Functional, and Proteomic Data.
Kley Rudolf Andre, Leber Yvonne, Schrank Bertold, Zhuge Heidi, Orfanos Zacharias, Kostan Julius, Onipe Adekunle, Sellung Dominik, Güttsches Anne Katrin, Eggers Britta, Jacobsen Frank, Kress Wolfram, Marcus Katrin, Djinovic-Carugo Kristina, van der Ven Peter F M, Fürst Dieter O, Vorgerd Matthias
Morphological profiling of human T and NK lymphocytes by high-content cell imaging.
German Yolla, Vulliard Loan, Kamnev Anton, Pfajfer Laurène, Huemer Jakob, Mautner Anna-Katharina, Rubio Aude, Kalinichenko Artem, Boztug Kaan, Ferrand Audrey, Menche Jörg, Dupré Loïc