Rewiring of Gene Expression in During Diauxic Growth Reveals an Indirect Regulation of the MexGHI-OpmD Efflux Pump by Hfq.
Rozner Marlena, Nukarinen Ella, Wolfinger Michael T, Amman Fabian, Weckwerth Wolfram, Bläsi Udo, Sonnleitner Elisabeth
A high-resolution single-molecule sequencing-based Arabidopsis transcriptome using novel methods of Iso-seq analysis.
Zhang Runxuan, Kuo Richard, Coulter Max, Calixto Cristiane P G, Entizne Juan Carlos, Guo Wenbin, Marquez Yamile, Milne Linda, Riegler Stefan, Matsui Akihiro, Tanaka Maho, Harvey Sarah, Gao Yubang, Wießner-Kroh Theresa, Paniagua Alejandro, Crespi Martin, Denby Katherine, Hur Asa Ben, Huq Enamul, Jantsch Michael, Jarmolowski Artur, Koester Tino, Laubinger Sascha, Li Qingshun Quinn, Gu Lianfeng, Seki Motoaki, Staiger Dorothee, Sunkar Ramanjulu, Szweykowska-Kulinska Zofia, Tu Shih-Long, Wachter Andreas, Waugh Robbie, Xiong Liming, Zhang Xiao-Ning, Conesa Ana, Reddy Anireddy S N, Barta Andrea, Kalyna Maria, Brown John W S
Aurora B activity is promoted by cooperation between discrete localization sites in budding yeast.
Marsoner Theodor, Yedavalli Poornima, Masnovo Chiara, Fink Sarah, Schmitzer Katrin, Campbell Christopher S
The cation exchanger Letm1, circadian rhythms, and NAD(H) levels interconnect in diurnal zebrafish.
Dao Pauline, Hajny Stefan, Mekis Ronald, Orel Lukas, Dinhopl Nora, Tessmar-Raible Kristin, Nowikovsky Karin
Photon-free (s)CMOS camera characterization for artifact reduction in high- and super-resolution microscopy.
Diekmann Robin, Deschamps Joran, Li Yiming, Deguchi Takahiro, Tschanz Aline, Kahnwald Maurice, Matti Ulf, Ries Jonas
The Parkinson's disease protein alpha-synuclein is a modulator of processing bodies and mRNA stability.
Hallacli Erinc, Kayatekin Can, Nazeen Sumaiya, Wang Xiou H, Sheinkopf Zoe, Sathyakumar Shubhangi, Sarkar Souvarish, Jiang Xin, Dong Xianjun, Di Maio Roberto, Wang Wen, Keeney Matthew T, Felsky Daniel, Sandoe Jackson, Vahdatshoar Aazam, Udeshi Namrata D, Mani D R, Carr Steven A, Lindquist Susan, De Jager Philip L, Bartel David P, Myers Chad L, Greenamyre J Timothy, Feany Mel B, Sunyaev Shamil R, Chung Chee Yeun, Khurana Vikram
Analysis of the Arabidopsis coilin mutant reveals a positive role of AtCOILIN in plant immunity.
Abulfaraj Aala A, Alhoraibi Hanna M, Mariappan Kiruthiga, Bigeard Jean, Zhang Huoming, Almeida-Trapp Marilia, Artyukh Olga, Abdulhakim Fatimah, Parween Sabiha, Pflieger Delphine, Blilou Ikram, Hirt Heribert, Rayapuram Naganand
Global fitting for high-accuracy multi-channel single-molecule localization.
Li Yiming, Shi Wei, Liu Sheng, Cavka Ivana, Wu Yu-Le, Matti Ulf, Wu Decheng, Koehler Simone, Ries Jonas
Network Approaches for Charting the Transcriptomic and Epigenetic Landscape of the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease.
Lombardo Salvo Danilo, Wangsaputra Ivan Fernando, Menche Jörg, Stevens Adam
Two light sensors decode moonlight versus sunlight to adjust a plastic circadian/circalunidian clock to moon phase.
Zurl Martin, Poehn Birgit, Rieger Dirk, Krishnan Shruthi, Rokvic Dunja, Veedin Rajan Vinoth Babu, Gerrard Elliot, Schlichting Matthias, Orel Lukas, Ćorić Aida, Lucas Robert J, Wolf Eva, Helfrich-Förster Charlotte, Raible Florian, Tessmar-Raible Kristin
Comprehensive evolutionary analysis and nomenclature of plant G3BPs.
Abulfaraj Aala A, Ohyanagi Hajime, Goto Kosuke, Mineta Katsuhiko, Gojobori Takashi, Hirt Heribert, Rayapuram Naganand
Quantifying heterologous gene expression during ectopic MazF production in Escherichia coli.
Nikolic Nela, Sauert Martina, Albanese Tanino G, Moll Isabella
PP2A antagonizes Rck2-mediated hyperosmotic stress signaling in yeast.
Hollenstein D M, Veis J, Romanov N, Gérecová G, Ogris E, Hartl M, Ammerer G, Reiter W
A modified TurboID approach identifies tissue-specific centriolar components in C. elegans.
Holzer Elisabeth, Rumpf-Kienzl Cornelia, Falk Sebastian, Dammermann Alexander
A Rapid, Highly Sensitive and Open-Access SARS-CoV-2 Detection Assay for Laboratory and Home Testing.
Kellner Max J, Ross James J, Schnabl Jakob, Dekens Marcus P S, Matl Martin, Heinen Robert, Grishkovskaya Irina, Bauer Benedikt, Stadlmann Johannes, Menéndez-Arias Luis, Straw Andrew D, Fritsche-Polanz Robert, Traugott Marianna, Seitz Tamara, Zoufaly Alexander, Födinger Manuela, Wenisch Christoph, Zuber Johannes, Pauli Andrea, Brennecke Julius
Interrogation of cancer gene dependencies reveals paralog interactions of autosome and sex chromosome-encoded genes.
Köferle Anna, Schlattl Andreas, Hörmann Alexandra, Thatikonda Venu, Popa Alexandra, Spreitzer Fiona, Ravichandran Madhwesh C, Supper Verena, Oberndorfer Sarah, Puchner Teresa, Wieshofer Corinna, Corcokovic Maja, Reiser Christoph, Wöhrle Simon, Popow Johannes, Pearson Mark, Martinez Javier, Weitzer Stefan, Mair Barbara, Neumüller Ralph A
Visualizing Nuclear Pore Complex Assembly In Situ in Human Cells at Nanometer Resolution by Correlating Live Imaging with Electron Microscopy.
Bragulat-Teixidor Helena, Hossain M Julius, Otsuka Shotaro
Transcriptome, metabolome and suppressor analysis reveal an essential role for the ubiquitin-proteasome system in seedling chloroplast development.
Talloji Prabhavathi, Nehlin Lilian, Hüttel Bruno, Winter Nikola, Černý Martin, Dufková Hana, Hamali Bulut, Hanczaryk Katarzyna, Novák Jan, Hermanns Monika, Drexler Nicole, Eifler Karolin, Schlaich Nikolaus, Brzobohatý Břetislav, Bachmair Andreas
Activation of the essential kinase PDK1 by phosphoinositide-driven trans-autophosphorylation.
Levina Aleksandra, Fleming Kaelin D, Burke John E, Leonard Thomas A
Long-range structural preformation in yes-associated protein precedes encounter complex formation with TEAD.
Feichtinger Michael, Beier Andreas, Migotti Mario, Schmid Matthias, Bokhovchuk Fedir, Chène Patrick, Konrat Robert